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ok, looks like i'm the bad guy of this post so let me try and clarify a few things. unfortunately this is probably gonna require me getting more personal than i really want to. first of all, if anyone understands depression it is I. In addition i consider myself to be an extremely compassionate and empathetic person. i probably should have elaborated on what i said in the first place.

In my opinion suicide is an unintentionally selfish act. this does not mean that suicidal people are selfish. and this also doesn't mean that the only factor involved in one committing suicide is a desire to be selfish in the most perverted of all ways. assuming that we are speaking of only those people who commit suicide b/c they are depressed, and exclude those who are martyrs, cultists (i.e., Jim Jones followers), etc., we must evaluate what exactly is going on in the case of depression. in my opinion, and in my experiences, the depressed person is self absorbed. not in the sense that they only care about themselves or not because they are narcissistic, but b/c they lose sight of everything that is around them, of the big picture. regardless of the origin of the depression, the thoughts themselves that follow turn inward. the outside world ceases to exist, and all that matters is how bad everything is and how painful all those feelings are inside. and at that moment when the decision is made the pain just becomes too unbearable and nothing else and noone else matters. and that to me, like it or not, is selfishness. that final act of desperation fails to take into account all those around you and, to an extent the world itself, which will no longer benefit from your presence.

By no means am i saying that the suicidal person is to be ignored or discredited, or that their feelings are unwarranted, or that they should not be supplied with our love and our help. but in every situation i can think of, save perhaps the martyr, the individual is not thinking of anyone but themselves at the time of the act. someone, without chewing my head off, please explain to me how they possibly could be? and as a side note, depression is a hell of a lot more complex than just being self absorbed. obviously external factors play a major role in increasing and decreasing the degree of depression, and chemical imbalances (i.e., the brain doesn't produce enough serotonin) allow these emotions and feelings to get out of hand in the first place.

i don't know.... i'm expecting some degree of refutation and hopefully some good dialogue might follow. depression is, and i hate to use this term, a fascinating topic. and no doubt, suicide is tragic. in almost every case, you know the person was hurting inside. and you'd have to be completely calous to not feel some empathay. my condolences to those of you who have lost loved ones and friends to suicide.



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Oh yeah, I know someone else. I couldn't believe this when I heard it, then I found out I I knew the person.

About 4 years or so ago, this lady who lived around the block from me but moved about a year before did the most horrible thing I've ever heard. She was one of my aunts best friends, my aunt was her daughter's (Jessica) god child, my next door neighbor was Jessica's best friend. Her house was on fire and when the firefighters went into the house they found her, her husband, and I think she had two other children stabbed to death. Her other daughter Jessica was the only one who survived. Apparently the lady stabbed her husband in his sleep then stabbed her three children. Jessica was able to get out of the house, went to the next door neighbors and told them "Mommy's having a bad dream and hurting daddy." Jessica's OK now, I'm not sure how she is now. I can't imagine going through something like that.

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Suicide can be That Dark Demon in your closet that know one really wants to talk About, when i read this post, my heart kinda sunk to the floor,

3 years ago, a very good friend of mine slit his wrist in his bath tub, and it has been such a roller coaster Ever since,

2 months ago, a friend of mine took a bunch of pills and slept,

and 5 years ago, i new some club kid" from the older days who jumped out of his new apt building in Denver, after leaving NY.

its a sad thing,

and depression is so Hard,

i deal with it everyday,

i didnt work for 2 years, i sat in my apt and my parenbs paid my rent, cause i was so Disgusted with my life,

it sucks,

but its get better, with time




"kill a kandy kid"

4 FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!

"do u need some help wit your dick?"


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My friend's father committed suicide in his backyard after he lost his job. Another friend drove out to the desert and shot himself a year after we all graduated from high school ... no one knows why exactly.

A classmate in 9th grade was shot and killed by her boyfriend.


Work like you don't need the money,

Love like you have never been hurt,

Dance like nobody is watching.

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My best's friend mother jumped out of the window when she was 4 years old. We've never talked about it though... Fortunately for her she's got caring father so somebody could take care of her and her older brother...


AIM amallkavila

I've told myself so many times before

But this time I think I mean it for sure

We have reached a full stop

Nothing's going to save us from the big drop.. "DM"


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once, a long time ago in high school, i lost a close friend of mine named sean. he was a good kid, rebellious, but still a good kid. he lead a rough life, but i guess that was the path he chose.. everyone loved him, reguardless. when he was with his gf lauren, no one worried about him anymore, cause he seemed happy during that time frame.

but all good things come to an end...

this one stuck-up bitch who was friends with lauren started feeding her lies, telling her sean was low-class, & telling her she could do better. lauren, being the dumb-blonde that she was, took her friend's advice & dumped him.

distraught, sean went home & hung himself in his bathroom.

i dont wanna throw all the blame at lauren for doing what she did, cause you cant condemn someone for being a retard. but i do blame her friend for her interference, her inconsiderate remarks about my boy, & her total manipulation of a fragile situation as it was. incase anyone's wondering, that bitch grew up to be kelis,--- that r&b singer. i despise that cunt. & payback's a bitch!


"pacifists share morally bankrupt beliefs"

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Originally posted by SPHERIC:

I've always told myself that if things seemed so bad that I saw no other way out but to kill myself, things could only get better! cwm4.gif

Keep your head up!!!!!!!!!!!

Yep, i've been at rock bottom and had that thought too. I kept thinking that if thougts like that were running through my heand then there was nowhere to go but up!!! I too, know someone who committed suicide. I still can't believe he's gone!!! Such a tradgedy, the guy was only 22 - had his whole life ahead of him...........


jumpdei.gif Boink like a snow bunny!!!


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I think almost all of us are depress/upset in one way or another (re. various things in our life) but at varying degrees. Suicide comes about when someone is at the edge of their pain tolerance; when they can't bare life as it exist anymore. I agree that it is a selfish act, but I don't think we can criticize people for being selfish here. I don't think we can call them cowards because they are doing something to ease their pain. As for the people you leave behind, I think it's just irresponsible if kids aren't unprovided for. In the end, all the people in the world can care tremendously for you, but you have to care the most about yourself. You can't and shouldn't live your life for other people. A friend reminded me that the other day ...

Off subject, but what do you guys think of support groups? Has anyone had any experience with them?


Work like you don't need the money,

Love like you have never been hurt,

Dance like nobody is watching.

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Originally posted by mel-o-d:

Off subject, but what do you guys think of support groups? Has anyone had any experience with them?

Had some experience awhile back. For depression, honestly it didn't work well for me. I spent too much time worrying about the pain other people in the group were going through than tending to my own. But that was just me. I DO think its effective for some people.

However, I found a sexual assault support group VERY helpful, primarily because it helped me realize that I wasn't alone in many of the feelings I had. The group leader also wouldn't allow us to forget our own trauma and only focus on other peoples.

I guess ultimately, the group is only as good as the group leader.


PS Gads I'm so glad that part of my life is over. Yikes.


"When the soul wishes to experience something, she throws an image of the experience out before her, and enters into her own image." -Eckhart

"Solitude gives birth to the original in us, beauty unfamiliar and perilous - to poetry." - Thomas Mann

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