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DT is the best dj ever reply if you agree

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Tsettos can suck my dick.. that's all he is good for.

(soory i know i don't usually post like this but this is stupid)

Don't mention him in the same breath as Mr Tenaglia. It's just not the same, if you carn't see that then there is no need for anybody to listen to you There are different Leagues of DJ.. you Have Superstar DJ's, DJ's and you have League division 1 and a few other lesser divisions.

Tsetto is League 1, he is a pro. He makes his living from Djing and he does travel.. not that much, but he does.

Danny Tenaglia, is a Superstar DJ.. ANY club feels lucky to have this man there.. because he will fill it.. remember the big bucks are in Europe and Canada (and NY). He can play where he want's WHEN he want's in Europe.

He is known as the DJ's, DJ. Tesetto,is on the bottom of flyers... in Europe.

I would like to dedicate this post to ILL HOUSE YOU... thank you... goodnight.


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

I can STILL resist ANYTHING but temptation.


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i'm no expert but it's kind've like comparing apples with oranges, isn't it?? personally i'll take danny over denny but that's just my choice....i really don't see how you can compare the two???


jumpdei.gif Boink like a snow bunny!!!


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I'll have to agree with everyone on this subject....Tsettos doesn't even belong in the same category as Tenaglia. And he definetly doesn't even deserve to carry his record crates or stand in the same booth as Tenaglia!....Temptsboy...The only advice I have for you is to keep your silly ass going to Tempts because if you venture over to Vinyl or Twilo, you'll only be taking up space for someone that really appreciates and knows what real music is! Tempts is a joke! and so is Denny!....All Denny does is push play/stop on his preprogrammed cd sets all night and then on top of it plays around with the record to make it look like he's actually doing something! C'mon....no respect! That shit he plays isn't music, it's noise! And not to change the subject, but why do you think Denny spends his sunday mornings parked under Juniors booth (practically with a notepad)listening to every move he makes???? It's because he bites his style along with everyone elses...Get your shit together before you make stupid posts like that!!! Go listen to Tenaglia or Junior play one night and then go listen to Denny...he tires so hard, but the music and the skills just aren't there!

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Guest worldboy

sweating denny?????? wasnt it you who said you wanted to kick my ass cuz i ripped him a new asshole???? anyway i know your tough but have fun at joeys and if you here that new song above the clouds can you get me a copy i heard its dennys newest shit!!!!

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Originally posted by j303j:

people like you give us jersey people a bad name. and please do me a favor if you ever wanna make fun of me again please learn how to spell before you do it cause you are making yourself look like a bigger ass then you already are!!!! now stfu idiot.

No asshole bitches like you give Jersey a bad rap. I'm what Jersey is all about your the trash we should dump in the Hudson with all the other trash.

The only reason Denny gets bashed so much is because he plays some vocals and not just the same beat for an hour,(he mixes up beats as good as the rest)and most of you only hear his sets on ktu witch is tottaly different then his sets at Tempts He has to spin a ceartain way on ktu thats what he gets payed for so call him a sell out all you want. I also think he does a pretty good job for what he's aloud to do on ktu.

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Ohhhh... at first I thought Tempkid was being seriuos, but looking back at the first post I see it MUST be a joke. Any educated clubber knows that Tenaglia/Be Yourself is pretty much the best there is.

But seriously, Tsettos isn't bad, I really dug his residency at EXIT... Totally different music tho, another reason this post must have been in jest.

Blue skies,



Just saying no to drama.


aolim blueskygirl2001

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Guest worldboy

By the way you talk, I can tell that you have a vast knowledge of music, lol. Denny plays vocals really sooo, a lot of djs play vocals but not guido vocals!!!!!! If you wanna hear a real dj go hear jr, cuz since your a big denny fan you should know that he loves jr!!!! Oh wait your too cool to go to twilo right? Dude you have not a clue, go listen to above the cloud/relentless/i turn to you. have fun !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Originally posted by George Glass:

the real DT may not have the crowd at vinyl like the one at tempts, but he does have hte one at Stereo, Space, Home, Nations, um do I need to go on?

Damn, like this guy already ;-)



"When the soul wishes to experience something, she throws an image of the experience out before her, and enters into her own image." -Eckhart

"Solitude gives birth to the original in us, beauty unfamiliar and perilous - to poetry." - Thomas Mann

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Originally posted by tempkid:

Ya the crowd sucks to you because your a scrony skinny or fat ugly fucking dog dick liver lips humanbeing and your jelous.

Hrmm. Was gonna say to you, why don't you come to Vinyl and check it out. Its a really great crowd and a great place. But after that...I'm a bit worried to.

If you leave the attitude at the door, would love to have you join us and say hi.



"When the soul wishes to experience something, she throws an image of the experience out before her, and enters into her own image." -Eckhart

"Solitude gives birth to the original in us, beauty unfamiliar and perilous - to poetry." - Thomas Mann

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I dunno why you guys are huffing and puffing and getting so angry and worked up over opinions.

People have different opinions! NOt everyone is gonna be the same way as everyone else.

Even goes with DJ.

Comparing Tsettos to Tenglia is not even an option. Not that one really sux and the other one is good but because they play different types of music for different types of ppl. Thats why they both have a diff residency and play their own way and whoever wants to follow them or likes their music, goes to hear them in a club!

I must agree with some of you, Tanglia is a world famous DJ and spins deep and dark house. Tsettos is a good DJ too but he spins a lot of fast mainstream music. SOmetimes im in the mood to hear tsettos type of music and sometimes Danny's.

Its all a matter of preference.


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I'm not sure I agree, different types of music may not be compareable as so many people have very politely mentioned, praise those who can make a good point without degenerating to threats and other useless bullshit, but a DJ also involves talent, experience, wisdom, all of which, in my very humble opinion, Danny leaves Denny in the dust, as B2B said, sure, I give Denny props, he's a pro, good for him. But compare him to DT, Digweed and Deep Dish's fav. dj in the world? Please....

PS, I'm coming back to NYC in two weeks!!!! See y'all at Vinyl...

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Originally posted by ooana:

Hrmm. Was gonna say to you, why don't you come to Vinyl and check it out. Its a really great crowd and a great place. But after that...I'm a bit worried to.

If you leave the attitude at the door, would love to have you join us and say hi.


Why bother, he would just take up valuable space in my dancing arena!!! biggrin.gif

- Pete





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