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Guys, all this bashing the last few days is getting really sickening.

And I'm concerned.

I'm friendly with a lot of you who are continuing this thread. What if I ever do something that pisses you off? Will you publically see that I feel no bigger than a wad of chewing gum on the ground?

Okay, you don't like the guy. WE GET IT. HE GETS IT.

Enough is enough. What are you trying to accomplish now?



"When the soul wishes to experience something, she throws an image of the experience out before her, and enters into her own image." -Eckhart

"Solitude gives birth to the original in us, beauty unfamiliar and perilous - to poetry." - Thomas Mann

[This message has been edited by ooana (edited 01-11-2001).]

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Ooana, i couldn't have said it better myself. There is a line that got crossed, between voicing facts and opinions, somewhere into just simple abuse.

The saddest part of it is, when this happened, those accusing lost their claimed moral high ground. Self-defeating. In all of the community, all of the PLUR, all of the "only for the music" espoused so often, it seems human nature takes even the best of us and turns us into that which we despise. cwm36.gif


"Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking together in the same direction." - Antoine de Saint-Exupery

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Actually, I couldn't have said it better than that, Ichi, and I didn't.

I really hope folks settle down a bit and remember what they believe. And I do think everyone believes what they preach, we just forget from time to time.



"When the soul wishes to experience something, she throws an image of the experience out before her, and enters into her own image." -Eckhart

"Solitude gives birth to the original in us, beauty unfamiliar and perilous - to poetry." - Thomas Mann

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I will have to agree. The facts are out, the fights have come out. Characters have been explained. I think its time to move on.

Lets all go back to life normal and to quote a movie "Please disperse, there is nothing for you to see here!"



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Honestly OOana is right......like always.....

God i hate that( the girl is never wrong)

Enuff is enuff. Everyone gets the point.

Lets just drop it.

alright Ive said my peace.

Have a good weekend everyone.



And Everything Will Flow....Flow....Flow....


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AAAAA body tryz to be the big dawg with the shortest fuse.To get respect from everybody elsez fear. I'm just talkin' about in general, yaaaaaa know. PEople don't learn their lesson until until they get their front teeth knoked not. So i guess the point iz, u gotz to grow up sooner or later, so why stay a fuken punk. I'm not sayin I'm perfect, but I'd rather let beef come to me than to start it. So if u go through life looking for a problem. U already got 1.

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A few comments...

I have to agree with this thread that Ooana started. Recently, I've been seeing a lot of posts that are personal attacks on each other. To be honest with you I've been trying to avoid them so I don't know the full story and all the people involved. I'm not posting now to choose sides or cause more drama. I just want voice my opinion on how I feel about this.

We all come to disagreements from time to time...its how we handle these disagreements that sets us apart. This is a public board where people voice their opinions. You might not like what a person has to say so you're free to argue his/her opinion. Personal attacks however are exactly that...PERSONAL! They should be kept PERSONAL and not on a PUBLIC board. I don't care if the things you say are true or false, not everybody needs to know your business. You are no longer contributing your opinions on this board but using it to publicly humiliate someone. We all make mistakes from time to time...and we all have our own faults. None of us need them inked in black and white for everyone to read. cwm36.gif





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Originally posted by mysteriousss:

Totally agree.. with Ooana and Mario..

i also agree with their comments, this is a public board about clubs, sex, music, etc. I dont see a forum for PERSONAL attacks. Everybody has beef with someone in their lives or someone they met here, it could be something they dont like about him/her, or something that they said, etc, but thats between u guys,not between everyone on the board.

I dont need to know whos an asshole,a nice guy, who is a liar, a cheater, etc, thats for me to make that judgment on by myself. I dont like that he said she said shit...


aim: amafrk1


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Yeah....I agree....

I mean this board is a great place to promote and explore the electronica/clubbing scene...we should value this resource and not abuse it.....piss Dave off and he might take it away....




"There is no way to happiness. Happiness is the way."

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