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***** NEW SEASON OF OZ*********

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Originally posted by twilogoddess:

Why the hell did they kill of Adibisi? He was the man & a great actor.

btw Did anyone else catch Beecher & Hoyt say "Van Dyk"??? I flipped...lol



Madness, Power, Domination!- Way Out West

Yep I noticed that!!!

Anibisi, no idea why he was killed off. But man was it a great episode!

The new inmate looks like he's going to be real intresting. Especially with all the BS O'connolly is feeding him.

Glad to see other Oz fans on the board...SUCH an amazing show!



"When the soul wishes to experience something, she throws an image of the experience out before her, and enters into her own image." -Eckhart

"Solitude gives birth to the original in us, beauty unfamiliar and perilous - to poetry." - Thomas Mann

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Originally posted by ooana:

Yep I noticed that!!!

Anibisi, no idea why he was killed off. But man was it a great episode!

The new inmate looks like he's going to be real intresting. Especially with all the BS O'connolly is feeding him.

Glad to see other Oz fans on the board...SUCH an amazing show!


Adibisi was killed for one reason: so the plot could move along. It kinda got stuck for a while, and that was an easy out for the writers, as well as a lead to all kinds of twists in the storyline (such as the coverup, the reporter with ties to the O'Connollys...I want to see what happens with them now.


"Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking together in the same direction." - Antoine de Saint-Exupery

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Okay I just have one question.

How the heck did that little hat stay on Anibisi's head?! <grins>



"When the soul wishes to experience something, she throws an image of the experience out before her, and enters into her own image." -Eckhart

"Solitude gives birth to the original in us, beauty unfamiliar and perilous - to poetry." - Thomas Mann

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Well....lots. Here's a rundown...don't have time to edit so pardon anything that's unclear. Or, just ask.

TV crew came in to film the life in Ozwald. Tim McMannis and Leo and crew are concerned that the reporter (played by that 80s film actress who's name I can't remember, was in Short Circuit) will uncover the info about Anibisi and the tapes.

Reporter comes in to do a first round of interviews to find the "real story" before the big time Ted Coppelesque new guy comes in to do the real interview.

In the meantime, a new inmate is brought into Ozwald (can't remember his name, I THINK it's Wit or White or something) who O'connoly is starting to manipulate. Guy is a drug addict when he comes in and O'Connoly is giving him his supply in exchange for future favors. Only thing he implies to him is that the drug smuggling in Ozwald has gone to shit since Anibisi died and that what Ozwald needs is someone bigger than life and scary like Anibisi was. The inmate says he wants to be that man. O' Connolly says that he has to do something "big" in order to do that. He then says to the inmate that something big would be "kill someone famous." this immediately makes you think that he's talking about the Ted Coppelesque reporter, but we don't know why yet.

Back to the female reporter. After poking around she starts hearing about Anibisi and the tapes and decides that's where the story is. She calls the big News guy and tells him and brings him in. O'Connolly states to her that he'll tell all. He meets with the guy and first thing he says is "You don't remember me do you?" Turns out the news guy did a story on him and his brother Siro when they were kids. The story made them look really horrible to their family. But O'Connolly won't tell him this.

O'Connolly ends up refusing to reveal all about Anibisi without payback. News guy refuses to pay him off. He then decides he needs to find out how O'Connoly knows him. He decides the best way is to spend a night in a Pod (good for rattings too) with Siro.

Back to the new inmate. O'Connoly starts working on the new inmate's homophobia and tells him that the News Guy is gay and is interested in him. The new inmate freaks and pulls a knife on the News Guy.

He is stopped before any harm is done.

So we know now that O'Connoly has a lot of anger for the News Guy because of what was said in the report years ago.

That night, the News Guy is all set to share a pod with Siro. The cameras start rolling and Siro begins to recognize the News Guy in flashbacks. He then remembers that the story he did on him and his brother really upset his family and "made moma cry." He then gets very upset...says to the News Guy (if you remember his mother died of cancer) "You gave my momma Cancer" and begins to beat him like crazy.

The intercuts through the episode were about how TV and News are manipulated so that we never quite see the truth


There, now back to work. Pardon the lack of editing but I hope it filled you in! Was a good episode.



"When the soul wishes to experience something, she throws an image of the experience out before her, and enters into her own image." -Eckhart

"Solitude gives birth to the original in us, beauty unfamiliar and perilous - to poetry." - Thomas Mann

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I was a bit surprised with the way the new season started off. It was a bit weird. They always introduce a character in the beginning of the seasons (for the past two seasons), then kill him off. In the past season, they introduced that frenchman or Italian, going on a shooting spree then killing himself. Now they introduce the new guy who Oreilly winds up driving crazy, and he is captured by the sort time.

I am interested to see how things will wind up on The Italian front, with Chucky and the rest of his crew. They lost Nappa, so I want to see if anyone else will step up to the plate who is a bit more sharp.

I also want to see what will come of that new spanish gang leader, he's a good actor.

Poet is a pussy, and I can't believe they still have him as a character.

I am also curious about the little quibble between Oreilly and Beecher's boyfriend. That could be an interesting rivalry.

Above all, I want to see what comes of the Schillinger - beecher rivalry.

It should be a good season.

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Originally posted by twilogoddess:


<blushes perfusely> I can only blame it on brain synapsis miss-firing during a very very bad day at work. Sorry!



"When the soul wishes to experience something, she throws an image of the experience out before her, and enters into her own image." -Eckhart

"Solitude gives birth to the original in us, beauty unfamiliar and perilous - to poetry." - Thomas Mann

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Originally posted by squeezemay:

I heard Method Man is gonna have a role on the show this season. I think he'll fit in well with the cast...but c'mon Luke Perry??? cwm24.gif He's playing a televangelist! cwm33.gif

Okay, I hated and hate 90210 as much as the next. Or perhaps more.

But, I need to give some credit to Luke Perry. He's done some decent work lately as an actor. I'm interested to see if he can pull this off. I'm not screaming...yet ;-)



"When the soul wishes to experience something, she throws an image of the experience out before her, and enters into her own image." -Eckhart

"Solitude gives birth to the original in us, beauty unfamiliar and perilous - to poetry." - Thomas Mann

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oz is off the hook. i didn't catch that van dyk thing .... but they all "played in the choir together"


"your traveling to another dimension a dimension not only in sight and sound but of mind a journey into a wondrous land whos boundaries are that of imagination your next stop the twilight zone." athenalust@hotmail.com

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