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Beauty = respect ???

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Why do guys give each other "props" if they are seen with pretty girls ?

GUYS- if you have a beautiful girl as a trophy do you get more respected among men ?

So then would you put up with a beautiful bitch you didn't like just so that you can look good in front of your male buddies ?

I've seen guys do this to show off in front of other men.

Although it may sound flattering- it's degrading.

It's like having a dog on a leash so all your boys can gawk at your "pet".

Not Knocking anything- just something I've noticed from hanging out with fuckin pigs.

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i think in most cases , or mine at least ... guys go for "hot chicks " because that what they like ... i like / am attracted to good looking girls .. .. and i'm sick of girls being liek oh you guys this and you guys that ... u go for guys u think are hot too .. and when some girl walks by holding some hot guys hand .. u notice and u may even be liek oh that guy is fucking hot .. or even as far as what is that hot guy doing withthat bitch or whatevre ...



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YEah girls do it too. But we don't give each others props and high fives over it !

Girls keep their thoughts to themselves..it seems. But guys -will run over and give each other high fives ! !

NO Matter how hot a guy was- if I don't like him - I'll never show him off in front of my friends !

BUt men - seem to bring along as many pretty things as they can so they can "SHOW OFF".


w/ his hot stripper/pets on a leash ? - ( perfect example )

Girls don't purposely show off theirhot boyfriends because other girls will notice anyways.

MEN have to put on a goddamn parade .

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Both sides do it.

Its the way the world works.

How about steppin out of a new car, and getting mad props, I didnt buy a nice car for that reason, but I cant say I dont enjoy that fringe benefit.

As for girls, I find the "grade B" girls tend to have more of a personality than the infuckincredible ones.


aim: djmikedr


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Originally posted by apotheosis:

Both sides do it.

Its the way the world works.

How about steppin out of a new car, and getting mad props, I didnt buy a nice car for that reason, but I cant say I dont enjoy that fringe benefit.

As for girls, I find the "grade B" girls tend to have more of a personality than the infuckincredible ones.

That's some pretty shallow science you're dishing out.

What the fuck is a grade 'B' girl?

People like you are the problem. You think you're being sensitive and 'real' - but you're just shallow.

The part I like best is the way you manage to brag about your car while comparing women to property. nice.

get a grip - that is not they way the world works. It's a hard lesson a lot people eventually learn - shit like that doesn't go on between real people. You're just one more guy living some charicature you saw in a movie.

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Originally posted by spoonyd:

What the fuck is a grade 'B' girl?

u're just one more guy living some charicature you saw in a movie.

LOL ! LOL ! That's classic !

I think I love you !!! LOL !

OMG ! THat's soo funny !! That was beautiful !! Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha !

[This message has been edited by dolcemimi (edited 01-08-2001).]

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I think that I must live in some other bizarro realm. I have never been in or thought about the situation you are discussing here. I am very proud of the way I look but am not a supermodel. I have never been with someone simply for the way he looks and vice versa. All of my friends are the same. Looks are completely secondary to me. That's not to say that I haven't gone out with some very attractive men.

But to be or have a 'trophy' is an incredible waste of time and energy. As many of my girlfriends will agree, women want more than sex and looks in a relationship (and many men agree as well). If you don't have an emotional, sharing relationship- it's just unfulfilling, on all levels.

So in my opinion, I honestly feel sorry for anyone who is giving or looking for a high five because of the way their boy/girlfriend looks.

Just my two cents.



I've got plans, lots of 'em.

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I don't know what the fuck you people are talking about..........

Personally I've always viewed whomever I'm with as a reflection of myself. So if the girl's slamming. I walk taller and am at a great ease....... because of being proud of her----being proud at myself for her finding me attractive-----being proud of finding someone of a like mind/temperment........

Also your friends will give you props for that shit...... because they like to see you happy. It's nice to see either a female buddy or a guy buddy with someone slammin...... because that makes me happy for them as well.

Let's be blunt/honest here. None of us goes around looking for ugly dudes/chicks to date or what have you.

That trophy shit is a matter of YOUR perspective....

This is a nice thread........ I wanna hear some other opinions.........



<I'm a Fire-starter>

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Can ya feel it?!? Now back up and give me some dancin' room!!>

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Beauty = Respect ???

It defenetely does... At least for bouncers and club staff here in SoBe... And the car metaphor; Literally same deal... Looks like in order to get some respect and being treated like a clubber and not just some idiot paying admission and getting ripped off at the bar, u have to either come in With a Banging "grade A" babe, or get off an $80K car...

On a personal level, I agree with apotheosis' statement. Both sides do it, and that is the way the world works... C'est la vie!! until u get ur chance to show off... maybe then it won't seem so unfair!! hahaha


Peace, Love & Twilo for Everyone!!!


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you describe a world I have no aspirations for.

Why clamour for the respect of others if in the process I have to lose respect for myself.

I know I seem to be making some sweeping statements here, but this is a topic I think about a lot. It's hard to miss in this city. People living well beyond their means to project some false image of success in an effort to gain the respect of their peers.

I've never felt that was any way for me to find happiness. Maybe it's those last remnants of highschool geek in me playing the "Just wait, I'll show them all" game. Slowly letting time and the Peter principle take care of the people I despise. I ask myself if I'm jealous of these people... the beauty, the wealth... but when I consider what their lives are like, and what mine is like... I would never trade. I'm damn happy right now.

This all may seem a little off topic, but I think it's at the root of the question.

What do you REALLY value?

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SpoonyD: Listen little boy, you want to analyze shit, start learning to read and think.

We live in a materialistic society that judges you by the materialistic possessions you have.

Grade A/B: I tend to notice that model-looking girls don’t seem to have much of a personality, why? Because males might be more attracted more by looks, therefore an incredibly hot girl doesn’t need much personality to get all the attention whereas a “grade B” girl learns how to have a very outgoing personality to get the attention she desires.

We all do this. We compensate in other ways to get what we want.

Just because I accept this doesn’t mean I believe in it or do it.

You seem to have a problem of assigning blame to others for everything, Grow up, you’re a little child. You have a problem with me and it makes me really laugh.

And who the fuck was bragging about their car? Not me. That’s your insecurity coming out. Again, grow up.

Dolcemimi: you seem to be following him, I don’t know you, but seriously re read what he’s saying. Back2basics as well.

I have NEVER in my life viewed anyone or anything as a trophy. All I said was people treat me and others that way. This seems to be how the world works.


aim: djmikedr


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But it seems to me that you are pre-judging people soley based on their apearance.. and i know it's easy to do... but that's wrong, isn't it?

People are much deaper than their apearance.

And we all know that we live in a materialistic society but we don't have to play the game.

Sorry that's just the way it seems to me.

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Hey ! As long as you know that GIRLS and CARS are not the same thing -

you're fine with me !

Another thing ...You say you're respected if you have material possesions... NOT TRUE.

Ex) Once upon a time there was a crack dealer who drove a BMW and had new clothes and had thick pile of $$$ -does that mean he's respectable ?

NOT . He's still a low life street dealer.

There's different types of $$$.

1) There's the bust - your -ass , get your hands dirty low class dollar bills.

2)Then there's the - M1, M2 ,M3 ...purefine LIQUID.

[This message has been edited by dolcemimi (edited 01-08-2001).]

[This message has been edited by dolcemimi (edited 01-08-2001).]

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personally, i tend to shy away from the stereotypical "hot" guy....muscular, money, hot car...that shit does NOTHING for me. but that's just me. it just seems so fake and phoney, and 9 times out of 10, these are the men that will end up broke, fat, and driving a chevy vega when all is said and done. no, material items will only get you so far. the love of my life was the dorkiest guy to me when i first met him....now i see him as the coolest, hottest man alive. my ex saw pictures of him and ripped me a new asshole for dating him, but you know what?? he was HOT to me and that's what counts. People that need a "trophy piece" are shallow individuals that are insecure within themselves......they have their own issues to work out, as does my ex bf.....


jumpdei.gif Boink like a snow bunny!!!


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Originally posted by apotheosis:

We live in a materialistic society that judges you by the materialistic possessions you have.

Obviously you know nothing about power and prestige. You can be incredibly powerful in a circle of peeps and get all the respect and own nothing...

Just because I accept this doesn’t mean I believe in it or do it.

You accepting this means you believe in it. To believe means you accept as true or real. Look up the dictionary ol' chap...

B2B and spoonyd did not like your tag and definition of a B girl... and quite frankly neither do I.


I had a dream... a wet dream... looks like God is pissing on me again...


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Originally posted by spoonyd:

you describe a world I have no aspirations for.

Why clamour for the respect of others if in the process I have to lose respect for myself.

I know I seem to be making some sweeping statements here, but this is a topic I think about a lot. It's hard to miss in this city. People living well beyond their means to project some false image of success in an effort to gain the respect of their peers.

I've never felt that was any way for me to find happiness. Maybe it's those last remnants of highschool geek in me playing the "Just wait, I'll show them all" game. Slowly letting time and the Peter principle take care of the people I despise. I ask myself if I'm jealous of these people... the beauty, the wealth... but when I consider what their lives are like, and what mine is like... I would never trade. I'm damn happy right now.

This all may seem a little off topic, but I think it's at the root of the question.

What do you REALLY value?

I think everyone gets what ur saying here: when it comes down to what's really important, alomost everyone knows beauty, wealth, or social stature don't mean shit!! And the people who haven't figured this out TRULY live empty, lonely, meaningless lives. BUT, BUT, BUT...on the same hand, beauty is an art form, a subjective art form in which an individual is able to express what they are thinking and feeling. Hence, what I find beautiful, you don't, and vice versa. My point is this - just because a guy/girl has a beautiful person on their arm, doesn't mean they are shallow, trying to gain respect, impress others, etc. Part of being human is being drawn to what is beautiful to you, and there's nothing wrong with that. And seriously...considering you have the wisdom and strength of character to *know* better then to judge a person solely on appearance, why do you care sooooooo much about this type of ignorance in others? I'm really wondering y this lights such a fire under your ass.


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Originally posted by jewel44317:

why do you care sooooooo much about this type of ignorance in others?

Ignorance leads to prejudice... prejudice leads to the dark side. Capiche?


I had a dream... a wet dream... looks like God is pissing on me again...


[This message has been edited by ezdreamer (edited 01-08-2001).]

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Originally posted by jewel44317:

I'm really wondering y this lights such a fire under your ass.

Like I said... I really do think it's that little bit of highschool geek left in me. The years of being an outcast in lower school. Being teased, made fun of, beat up. I've got a lot of resentment for people that had certain parts of their lives made particularly easy simply because of their social status, money, or good looks. I shouldn't resent them but I do.

I take some solace knowing that I've gotten where I am through hard work and I've already pretty much left behind all of the people I used to hate. But all those years has burned that class distinction into my brain and I can't escape the resentment.

I'll say one thing though, I am willing to give credit where it is due. There are beautiful people living gifted lives who really do deserve it. They're beautiful, smart, intelligent, kind, successful, and all the power to them. My problem really is the people who see this and think they can be that way too if they just surround themselves with shiny things... without ever realising that there's way more to it.

Apotheosis is strikingly naive to say something like "an incredibly hot girl doesn’t need much personality to get all the attention ". Like somehow all girls need to fulfill their lives is the attention of men. That's pathetic, and reflects the kind of attitude I despise.

Life is not about the acquisition of shiny things.

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