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Beauty = respect ???

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Originally posted by bungee:

WHAT?!?! Explain your point in less than 25 words please.

BTW, Kitty, I'm not Korean. Just strange, your question to Dolcemeni regarding her race.

Well sorry bungee...I'm not quite sure it will be less than 25 words wink.gif I just get tiered of this whole conversation revolving around this whole not/judging people by their looks or way they appear. And I just think there is a lot of hypocritical behaviour around here. People slash out on eachother if someone says that: yes...that's the f***ing way it is (not even agreeing or disagreeing to the fact itself)...and then it get's all in a "how could you say this" and "I would never do this" etc. On the other hand comes exactly the question you raised too. Why asking on anyone's race, picture etc. ...if we are all soooo open and unjudgemental why would we even care where people are from or how they look like. I think it would be a great world if none of us were judgemental and prejudice...unfortunately, however, it's not that easy and all we can do is TRY!!!

As I said before: sorry for needing some more words wink.gif



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Originally posted by shadowchaser:

Oh really...so you already know a person when you first meet them?

I think we all would like to know what you think all of us...god knows what we all think about of you...

Frank, your a scared person. Your a follower, not a leader. You stick to the same rhetoric (sp?) and its proven it self over and over, what do I know about you? I know you stick to EZdreamers side on everything, are you butt buddies too? I have never even once seen something that you too disagree on. Detach yourself man.


aim: djmikedr


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Originally posted by dolcemimi:



- That's EXACTLY what I'm talking about !!!

Uh... hello? Did you just fall off the moon or something? I'm not saying that it's fair, but that's just how it is...

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Originally posted by ezdreamer:

You didn't even know how to use the fucking Vicks... I had to show that to you.

HAHA you are fuckin entertaining bro-

That was a game cause you can even look me straight in the eyes man! Everytime you look away like a little bitch. I even get you a drink as a thank you for coming down last time and you still cant even look me straight in the eyes, at least Frank said thank you. Fuckin respect.

Teach me vicks haha that was good.


aim: djmikedr


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Originally posted by flying_high:

Well sorry bungee...I'm not quite sure it will be less than 25 words wink.gif I just get tiered of this whole conversation revolving around this whole not/judging people by their looks or way they appear. And I just think there is a lot of hypocritical behaviour around here. People slash out on eachother if someone says that: yes...that's the f***ing way it is (not even agreeing or disagreeing to the fact itself)...and then it get's all in a "how could you say this" and "I would never do this" etc. On the other hand comes exactly the question you raised too. Why asking on anyone's race, picture etc. ...if we are all soooo open and unjudgemental why would we even care where people are from or how they look like. I think it would be a great world if none of us were judgemental and prejudice...unfortunately, however, it's not that easy and all we can do is TRY!!!

As I said before: sorry for needing some more words wink.gif

OK, that's a tad clearer. But not by much, don't get a fat head now. Anyhows, it seems the problem is deeper than you, or I, know about. It's between them so I suggest stay out of it.


Sticks and Stones may break my bones..but..words..can't..hurt..meeeee...

so there

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Originally posted by apotheosis:

... are you butt buddies too?

Let me add "homophobic asshole" to the long list of reasons to generally disregard just about everything Apotheosis types.

dude, I hardly even know you, but somehow every time you type something I lose more and more respect for you.

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Originally posted by apotheosis:

Frank, your a scared person. Your a follower, not a leader. You stick to the same rhetoric (sp?) and its proven it self over and over, what do I know about you? I know you stick to EZdreamers side on everything, are you butt buddies too? I have never even once seen something that you too disagree on. Detach yourself man.

Oh I'm scared, bitch please...listen you little shit...i don't follow anyone...and you fucking take advantage of women when they're all drugged up...you're nothing butt full of shit, lies and garbage.

I'm friends with Charlie...see friends stick together...I don't see anyone coming out of the woodwork to defend your pitiful ass.

Fucking roll killer...



got to let it ride, baby...



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Originally posted by myrlin:

Moment you met him? Snap judgement?

Dont attack good people without prevocation.

And like you never got a bad vibe from someone that you just met?

How do we all know this didnt all start with Charlie (EZ) giving me a bad vibe and I picked up on it. Because that is definatley how it felt.

And as a comparsion I met Shadowchaser about the same time, but I didnt feel I got a bad vibe from him.


aim: djmikedr


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Oh My God! In the dark Cathy just read this post for the first time. It makes me sad frown.gif



A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to it's old dimensions.

~*~*~Don't use time or words carelessly, neither can be retrieved.~*~*~

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my ex use to treat me like his barbie doll.. "suggest" what i wear when we would go out.. make sure EVERYONE knew i was his fiance... what a dork. he was insecure with himself. he thought it made his look cool or something...

he should have opened his eyes a little wider and he would have seen what a retard it made him look like...

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You just don't know when to give up do you Apotheosis... it's not enough that Ill House You made a mockery of you... and saw straight through your lies. Okay, let's dance...

When I see you I don't look at you or say anything to you cause I'm being civil.

You on the other hand have grown a reputation of taking advantage of girls when they are drugged up. That's akin to trying to rape a girl in case you didn't know, asshole.

From the moment that I heard about this, that's the moment that I despised your character... that's when I gave you a bad vibe... asswipe. Not before... before I actually thought you might be cool.

Everytime you post some stupid shit like Let's Party Safe... you really mean Let's Party So I Can Fuck You Without You Turning Me Down.

I was but one of the first to realize how much bullshit you laid down and you really don't believe in any of it...

Maybe it's time to get out of your mother's house since you're 28 and start living a real life of your own. Maybe, it's time to, gulp, get a real job, since your djing skills with your cd players are lacking.

Maybe it's time for you to realize that some peeps on this board realize what a fake asshole you are.

Maybe the only reason I haven't said a fucking thing til now is because I was never attacked by you... but you changed all of that today, didn't you...

Not only do you have fucked up preconceived notions, but slowly your character is coming to surface for all to see. Shit, I bet you don't even know you attack peeps... you just expect people to lie down and play to your whims... guess what? I'm not your momma.

You see, I don't know how to be fake... it's a character flaw of mine. Prolly second nature to you.

Where does it all end you might ask... how about you and I don't speak nor look at each other anymore... that's a nice start I would say. Keep out my way, I'll keep out of yours...


I had a dream... a wet dream... looks like God is pissing on me again...


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Originally posted by nikilina:

my ex use to treat me like his barbie doll.. "suggest" what i wear when we would go out.. make sure EVERYONE knew i was his fiance... what a dork. he was insecure with himself. he thought it made his look cool or something...

he should have opened his eyes a little wider and he would have seen what a retard it made him look like...

Hey nikilina! I started reading your post and said "what is she talking about?? This has nothing to do with Frank, Mikey and Charlie." Then I realized "Oh yeah, this thread is SUPPOSED to be about trophy girlfriends!"

'Scuse the sarcasm boys, I just hate to see the fighting 'cause...ummmm...I like all of you.............don't beat me up!!!! cwm6.gif



A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to it's old dimensions.

~*~*~Don't use time or words carelessly, neither can be retrieved.~*~*~

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All right.. ---dusting off hands---

Who wants to fight ME now?

I'm in the mood for some verbal sparring right about now.

Anyone, anyone? Beuller, Beuller?

Any takers?

Pfft......... thought so!!




<I'm a Fire-starter>

<Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee!!> <I got the glow, baby!!

Can ya feel it?!? Now back up and give me some dancin' room!!>

--- When the Artful speaks

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