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Beauty = respect ???

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Originally posted by funkysoulbro:

You are such a fake motherfucker its funny!!! You know you don't really believe what your saying!! I know you know!! I can see right through you. It is so clear that you don't like apotheosis and you are using this post as an excuse to bash him. I would love to see you be this big in front of his face! It is easy to be the tough guy behind a computer screen. I was in a good mood today before i started reading the shit that you've been shoveling. You probably agree with apotheosis, which really pisses you off!!!!

That's just unfair. I have been nothing but honest about how I feel and I haven't been BIG in any respect. Go back and read the on-topic posts. Do you have trouble accepting that some people might actually have morals?

If I were out to bash him I would have done so and thoroughly at that. You didn't see me getting into any mud fights with him did you? So what do you base this on?

I have explained clearly what I took issue with and I stand by it. There's nothing fake about that.

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Originally posted by spoonyd:

That's just unfair. I have been nothing but honest about how I feel and I haven't been BIG in any respect. Go back and read the on-topic posts. Do you have trouble accepting that some people might actually have morals?

If I were out to bash him I would have done so and thoroughly at that. You didn't see me getting into any mud fights with him did you? So what do you base this on?

I have explained clearly what I took issue with and I stand by it. There's nothing fake about that.

Listen, that's fine...If you have a problem with him, that's ok, but don't gang up on the guy. That's all i'm saying. From my point of view, it appears to be a few of you that are just itching to jump down his throat about anything he says, just waiting for him to say anything. That's pretty unfair!!! Especially coming from somebody that claims to be so understanding about things, your still playing the childish game. If this was based only on the thread, all of this bashing wouldn't come out. There is obviously some underlying motivation that you have to badmouth him. Practice what you preach man, that's all i'm saying. If you have a problem with somebody, work it out with them, the right way. Don't ruin a person's name because of an outside issue. You know how things work, somebody says something out of anger, and people start to believe it. That is the fuckin worst. How would you feel if somebody started ganging up on you, jumping down your throat everytime you tried to say something, it would suck right?? So i say, if you really are the type of person you say you are, you get you and your boys together and settle this whole thing with apotheosis in a more constuctive way.


Fatboy Slim is Fucking in Heaven!

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Originally posted by funkysoulbro:

How would you feel if somebody started ganging up on you, jumping down your throat everytime you tried to say something, it would suck right??

I have been in positions where I was the only one defending a position, so what? Big deal...

Personal attacks are a different matter... when you know them personally that's the least favorable course you take in cementing a position.

Nowhere in the beginning was I out to ruin his name. That was the furthest thing from my mind.


I had a dream... a wet dream... looks like God is pissing on me again...


[This message has been edited by ezdreamer (edited 01-10-2001).]

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As much as I agree with spoony, it did look to me like there was something else to it.

lmsadc69, sorry if you thought I cast aspersions on your intelligence... but I think you read too much in to it. Nobody is trying to change the world by him or herself. It just wont happen, the world will only change if there is a shift in opinion one way or the other... that’s what this is about by sharing our opinions, on bulletin boards.. and, in a sense, debating them and reading other people opinions can help to change people’s minds. People reading this may think spoony, Bluangel etc. have brought up some god points... they wont emulate their opinions, but they will base their opinion on what they believe... it's the same with your arguments. Problem is it always gets out of hand on this board.. but even so I think it's constructive. I think it fills a gap in some people social lives as well, because some people come through as not having had this discussion with their circle... and going through these issues. I think it's a shame when people just accept things and don't discuss them and that's why this place is great.

What happened here was a god point turned bad, then everybody getting involved and taking sides.

And as for the sarcasm, I am English.. I make no excuses, and that's just how some of us are.



I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

I can STILL resist ANYTHING but temptation.


[This message has been edited by back2basics- (edited 01-10-2001).]

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We live in a materialistic society that judges you by the materialistic possessions you have.”

I totally agree with this statement, even though some of u may not. It is true society will always judge u on what u have,and also on status,beauty, money, education, family. And we all takes part in this society and this and wel also all judge so dont give me that. Theres not one person in the world that doesnt judge ppl either based on materialistic things, status,money, etc. Everyone here on the board is materialistic in some way , wants name brand clothes, flashy cars, etc and u all feel good when someone compiments u on ur look , or whatever, and we all want acceptance, so beauty does equal respect.

beauty could also mean how u dress, not just as far as face/body, also it can mean what u own.


aim: amafrk1


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OK, I don't want to throw my hat in the ring or anything but I just have to point out one thing.

Did no one bother to notice that Mikey put the words grade B in quotes? In a way that many of us do with our hands when we are using a description that we don't necessarily agree with, but that society has created.

Here's the long and short of it from my point of view. I have no idea what caused the animousity between these guys so I can't say who's right and who is wrong. But, I also feel that this could have been a post about what color the sky is and if Mikey replied "blue", someone would flame him for it. I'm not saying anyone is wrong for being upset with him but, I think that they should be upset with him for whatever happenend that is NOT public knowledge.

Simplified, I don't feel that this has much to do with the post as much as what happened off the board.

I just can't imagine everyone getting that upset over the original post.

I'm sitting the fence on this one!



A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to it's old dimensions.

~*~*~Don't use time or words carelessly, neither can be retrieved.~*~*~

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Oh oh......... my turn to get offended.... hehe

Beauty==========respect? Who's smoking some strong shit out there? LOL

How could I be stupid enough to totally judge someone by their appearance.... LOL that's prolly what fucks a lot of people's minds up............ How I don't judge them on appearance....... granted an appearance thing as a positive may make you more comfortable........ but respect? Shit !! Respect is something that is earned goddamit!!!!!!!!!

You could be my best friend...... but wtf...... let's say if you're an amazing artist/singer/-------that has nothing to do with respect whatsoever........

Beauty&respect....... LOL that's hilarious........

they're two totally separate things....... shit ............ I could say I look fairly decent......... but I don't expect respect of all things based on my appearance........ my personality and how I conduct myself is something totally different altogether...

Respect...... shit I don't respect anyone I don't know and who doesn't earn it.... just cause I'm hanging with you doesn't mean I respect you.......... sheesh........ respect is not equvallent..... cannot be to appearance.

Admiration......... some people admire beautiful people---------that's something different.



<I'm a Fire-starter>

<Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee!!> <I got the glow, baby!!

Can ya feel it?!? Now back up and give me some dancin' room!!>

--- When the Artful speaks

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Originally posted by artful:

...... but respect? Shit !! Respect is something that is earned goddamit!!!!!!!!!

Admiration......... some people admire beautiful people---------that's something different.

heh... there goeth the voice of reason.

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Originally posted by artful:

respect is not equvallent..... cannot be to appearance.

Admiration......... some people admire beautiful people---------that's something different.

Now, why you gotta fuck everything up with some common sense?



I had a dream... a wet dream... looks like God is pissing on me again...


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For the record (this goes out especially to lmsadc69).

it's just some lame asshole decided to take offense to it, to make himself look like a sweet guy in front of all the "ladies" who read his

I am seriously offended at the suggestion that what I've written was only to elicite some sort of warm fuzzy from the ladies.

Why make the assumption that attacking a demeaning attitude toward women would only be done to garner their attention? Where's your head? I also attack Apotheosis for being a homophobic asshole. Does that mean I want all the fags to get lovey dovey with me too?

No. It means I have no patience for people who insist on propagating this kind of bullshit. It's not a part of my value set and if I run the risk of sounding self-righteous, well that's a risk I am willing to take, and willing to defend.

I do not decide to take offense to something just for effect. I'll leave that kind of immaturity up to you.

Brings me to my next point. Let me quote:

[qoute]fuck all of you for making him defend himself

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Originally posted by lmsadc69:

And blueangel, I know that you probably have no problem getting into Twilo at any time, day or night, but as I say, it's because you're "in bed" with the bouncers. Not "in bed" literally, but meaning that you know them, you are friends with them etc., making yourself an exception to the whole scenario I provided. I even accounted for that. But you will be judged by the way you look, what you wear, the way you act, etc... if you don't realize that, well... you're either very lucky or very naive.


I feel like I'm repeating my opinions to you and maybe it's because I'm not explaining myself correctly or clearly. When I say I choose not to accept it, I don't mean that this materialistic world DOES NOT exist. It most definately do exist. I'm saying that I choose not to accept that society.

Like B2B, spoony, and others have all tried to reiterate the fact that BESIDES this materialistic society there is another one, and another one, and another one.

I'm not naive so please don't think so, nor am I shelterd. I'm quite aware of what's out there. I'm just simply stating what I (MYSELF) choose to accept in MY LIFE. So, if I'm going to give MY respect or base my respect outside the material facture then that's me. Get it? Just because this material society is out there doesn't mean that I HAVE to live in that particular circle.

I don't know if I'm stating myself clearly or not. Perhaps this is something that is better expressed face to face whether than words on screen. I find that words on a screen kinda loses it's emotions. . cwm1.gif

Just my $0.02


“Maturity is when you stop doing the things you make excuses for and stop making excuses for the things you need to do." -Unknown angel.gif

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OK, here's my opinion on this whole crap. Blueangel's the type that when you need to be asleep by 10pm, you end up asleep by 1 AM cuz she just won't shut up. There, my valued opinion.


Sticks and Stones may break my bones..but..words..can't..hurt..meeeee...

so there

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Originally posted by sariman:

C'mon man... what do you think your some "master of the universe".

Yes I am Master of Apotheosis' Universe...Any questions...

Apothapussy BDTYM(Bow Down To Your Master)



"Music is my mistress, and she plays second fiddle to no one." Louis Armstrong




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Originally posted by bungee:

OK, here's my opinion on this whole crap. Blueangel's the type that when you need to be asleep by 10pm, you end up asleep by 1 AM cuz she just won't shut up. There, my valued opinion.

I have a lot to say! I'm not denying! Wanna Hear some more? tongue.gif

Here's one for ya! You're a one inch pencil dick who's so insecure that you have to come on to a board and put people down just so you can feel better! Wanna hear another?? peace.gif



“Maturity is when you stop doing the things you make excuses for and stop making excuses for the things you need to do." -Unknown angel.gif

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Originally posted by artful:

Oh oh......... my turn to get offended.... hehe

Beauty==========respect? Who's smoking some strong shit out there? LOL

How could I be stupid enough to totally judge someone by their appearance.... LOL that's prolly what fucks a lot of people's minds up............ How I don't judge them on appearance....... granted an appearance thing as a positive may make you more comfortable........ but respect? Shit !! Respect is something that is earned goddamit!!!!!!!!!

You could be my best friend...... but wtf...... let's say if you're an amazing artist/singer/-------that has nothing to do with respect whatsoever........

Beauty&respect....... LOL that's hilarious........

they're two totally separate things....... shit ............ I could say I look fairly decent......... but I don't expect respect of all things based on my appearance........ my personality and how I conduct myself is something totally different altogether...

Respect...... shit I don't respect anyone I don't know and who doesn't earn it.... just cause I'm hanging with you doesn't mean I respect you.......... sheesh........ respect is not equvallent..... cannot be to appearance.

Admiration......... some people admire beautiful people---------that's something different.

I totally agree with u, yes I have said beauty=respect,but i was generalinzing it on a society basis, i went deeper in my posts about beauty could mean diff things not just how u look , but how u dress, what u own, ur status, education. In society u do get more respect if ur richer, got an education, etc. If a girl didnt finish high school and works at mcdonalds, she wont get the same respect as someone who finished college and is working on wall st, its just the way the society is, it also has to do with looks too, its sad to say but if a person is good looking they will get more attention and sometimes have more advantages.

I am not saying that everyone gives respect to beautiful ppl or whatever, cause I SURE DONT, i dont care how u look, i will not give u less respect or more if ur good looking or not, or what u own, how u dress or whatelse u have, but i would give more respect to ppl who want to do something with their lives, try to make it better by going to school, etc.

Like for instance i will not go out with a guy who doesnt have a job and is mad lazy, doesnt wanna go to school, has no goals. I wont have respect for a person like that, but i will have respect for ppl trying to make their lives better.

Yes respect has to be earned by someone, by the way they act, things they do, etc, but unfortunately in our society it gives ppl respect by not what they have inside, but whats on the outside, which is sad but true.


aim: amafrk1


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Damn, you guys have some good points...it would have been nice if it was minus the animosity and personal dog-fights.

True, we do live in a materialistic society - true we do get judged by our looks, status, money, etc. BUT, why accept it?? I'm sorry - IMO, if you accept it, you agree with it. If you don't agree with it, don't go along with it. Next time, in any situation, if your first reaction is to shy away from a person cuz of looks, or status, or whatever the fuck they're wearing - make it a point to overcome that, and do the opposite. Go upto that person, and strike up a conversation. MAKE yourself blind to anything but their personality.

Again, if you don't believe in it - do not accept it!

This is a very idealistic view, but without such goals to aim for, how do we better ourselves?



"I would believe only in a god who could dance."


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Originally posted by blueangel:

I have a lot to say! I'm not denying! Wanna Hear some more? tongue.gif

Here's one for ya! You're a one inch pencil dick who's so insecure that you have to come on to a board and put people down just so you can feel better! Wanna hear another?? peace.gif


Really? I was told I was a red MAGIC MARKER correcting foolish mistakes.

BTW, you are saying you did not put down Apotheosis? Oh, come on, a put down is a putdown Blueangel. Hypocrisy rears its ugly head once again. Hmmmm.


Sticks and Stones may break my bones..but..words..can't..hurt..meeeee...

so there

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Originally posted by blueangel:


Mikey, I don't understand how you cam to this conclusion but to tell you the truth YOU were the one who looked like an unhappy guy when you first came out to that Italian restaurant. YOU were the one who was bitching about this and that. YOU were the one who almost jumped right down Charlie and Mitchell's throat when they simply implied that they didn't understand the crowd at Exit.

BUTTTTTTTTT, we kept our first impression of you to ourselves and decided to get to know you better! *GASP* Yea, there are actually people out there that does the exact opposite of what you imply. However, I must say that with all the comments you have written in this post . . . I think I've gotten to know you.

Grade B, huh? Well if you're theory is correct and I'm assuming it goes both ways for girls AND guys then you're pretty much fucked, Mikey. Cause you're not Grade A who looks like a model out of GQ, which I guess would make you a Grade B . . . but with a not-so-great personality. Sooooo what then??


A put down is a put down, or is it OK for some people to do it, but others get bashed, LOL, you fucking crack me up. Practice what you preach hypocrate. The more you say, the more you back yourself into a corner.


Sticks and Stones may break my bones..but..words..can't..hurt..meeeee...

so there

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lbha lbhabl alhbla hblahbla WFC/who fucking cares lbha blab lahblabla bhlah blahblah blah blalbh blhalblabhl

anyone know some good websites?


[This message has been edited by alpha (edited 01-11-2001).]

[This message has been edited by alpha (edited 01-11-2001).]

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Originally posted by alpha:

lbha lbhabl alhbla hblahbla WFC/who fucking cares lbha blab lahblabla bhlah blahblah blah blalbh blhalblabhl

anyone know some good websites?

Heh, heh, is that Blueangel? Alpha, I was having curry chicken the other day and I though of you. Flattered?


Sticks and Stones may break my bones..but..words..can't..hurt..meeeee...

so there

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I was planning on staying out of this but I have to ask...Why are you attacking BlueAngel? How has she offended you personally? If not, then I suggest you mind your own business. That is unless you want to debate the topic at hand. That's different a different story...

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I was planning on staying out of this but I have to ask...Why are you attacking BlueAngel? How has she offended you personally? If not, then I suggest you mind your own business. That is unless you want to debate the topic at hand. That's different a different story...

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