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WTF is the deal with girls & coke...?

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I was going to go to a party in Queens tonight...my friend was begging me for two weeks to go with her...so ok I said fine I'll go...

Come today, give her a call...she's not going, she's sick in bed because she did way too much of bad coke...it's happened to her once before and I helped her that time...this time forget it...she still does this shit because of her boyfriend too. She said she'll still do it again even after this because she says its yummy and good...geez...

I don't get it anymore...in the past year coming close to two...I've been friends with and gone out with some girls who do coke all the time...and they say the same thing...because its good and "oh I can handle it, I don't have a problem..." but yet they're destroying themselves with that shit and destroying their relationships with friends and the ones who care about them...They don't see it when you get addicted you dont care about anything or anyone...its only you and coke.

I don't know...I've tried helping and caring but it seems like it doesn't help and get noticed...I give up.

I've grown weary and tired of it...especially in this scene...and with the girls who do it...no point even starting a relationship or a friendship because you've got to contend with...


i think i'm p A r A n O i D and C o M p L i C a T e D . . .

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Shadowchaser, I feel your pain...I know too many guys, hot guys, who throw there money away on coke and say "I can handle it" while they at act like assholes and lose their friends. You dont want to hang out w/ them anymore cause everything the do revolves around coke and their coke buddies are such jerks! Cant take seeing good guys go to shit because of this crap.

As for women, I believe it has to do alot w/ their appearance. The coke make them lose weight and keep it off. Yes, its the sad truth.


There are 2 types of people in this world...those who love you, and those who are jealous.

[This message has been edited by cynstam21 (edited 01-14-2001).]

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well try to get new friends then people . its not hard .. i mean straight friends .. like me im a cool guy i dont do anything and im \very nice person to hang out with ,.. bye


ps. but im sorry to hear that shadow



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i gotta agree with glowball. get yourself out of those relationships. cuz if you keep gettin involved then they might brign you down with them. you may not think it but its possible . they might have coke on them and get busted when you are there, you are just as guilty as they are even though you had nothing to do with it. basically, try to get yourself some better friends so that the only hobbyyou can share is doing coke. good luck!!

peace out,




EMAIL: iannuzzi4@yahoo.com



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Coke is the DEVIL! I know what you are saying because I used to be one of those people that used to do it and had every reason in the book of why I was not harming myself. Truth is it is the most pointless drug in the world and it turns people into shady fuckers when they use it, but the people that are using it do not see it that way and resent others for looking at them that way. Keep people like that out of your life.

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I can't see what's so great about it anyway. People say it gives you a boost of confidence and you feel like a million dollars. Tried it a couple of times and I just can't see the big deal with it. I'm confident enough without it and to go out clubbing and having fun....well, there are definitely much better things out there.

Coke sucks...not for me thanx.



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I kinda have the same opinion as the rest of you. Tried it like 4x, and was waiting for something, only to realize that anxiousness is what you're supposed to feel! Thats it!

Although one time I did 2-3 lines and then had a couple of hits of herb and that felt REALLY GOOD!

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Never understood this drug. It's totally an image thing. Personally I left parties when I saw coke.

Just not my scene.



P eace

L ove

U nity

R espect

"Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today!" -- James Dean

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all of us have different OPINIONS on this topic some of have more experience with it then others..personaly I CAN HANDLE THE AMOUNT OF COKE I DO...!!I LOVE SMOKING BUD..MAYBE THAT EASYS THE DOWN..HOWEVER I WOULD STILL DO AN EIGHT BALL...BEFORE I TOUCHED A JAR OF NASTY KKKKKKKKKK...

cwm23.gif KILL....KILL.......KILL.......

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yeah, coke is an image enhancer to the nth degree. . . almost to a point of narcissism. . . i've known people with shit for self-esteem do a bunch a lines and then strut their stuff for a few hours. . .

and after her nose drained of blood she only had fifty dollars or so to replace my sheets. . . cwm35.gif


women are my favorite drug. . . they're the ones that fuck you up the most!!

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