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To twilo, or To Vinyl this friday... that is the question.....

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Grr i hate going to clubs alone.. With the exception of Twilo, or Sound factory.. because i always know people there.. but i honestly have no idea how the hell to get there.. from pennstation, and i hateeeee doin that trip by my self.. I think my friend wants to go to hear josh wink.. i dont know :*(





lik.gif <A HREF="/cgi-bin/redir.cgi?url=http://hometown.aol.com/lipzlipzlipz/LIPZ.html" TARGET=_blank&gt;http://hometown.aol.com/lipzlipzlipz/LIPZ.html</A>

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Hey Lips! Josh Wink is pretty good. If you never saw him, I would defineltly go see him. What is your opinion about EXIT and TWILO? Which do you like better. I have never been to twilo, so i was wondering what it is like? Is there any comparison of the two? confused.gif

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Originally posted by clunedoge:

Hey Lips! Josh Wink is pretty good. If you never saw him, I would defineltly go see him. What is your opinion about EXIT and TWILO? Which do you like better. I have never been to twilo, so i was wondering what it is like? Is there any comparison of the two? confused.gif

Ummmm.. I was at exit 2 times on friday nights.. My first time there was to hear my friend Vic spin, and the second time i was there to hear shawn ink spin in the champaign room.. I think exit is an ok place, but i personally like twilo better on a friday night, the people at twilo just seem to me to be more about the music and less about the drugs.. Allthough i would go back to see tony draper sometime soon, i think hes a good dj..






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Originally posted by misskittie:

I *may* be at Vinyl per someone specials requests....she knows who she is..hehe

We will see...Im a Vinyl Virgin...

You are gonna love it.. If i had some money i would be there ALOT more.. I didn't think I would like it, but EVERYONE is soooo nice, and the music is veryyyyyy good... Im glad my friends dragged me there, now if i could only find the god damn place by my self frown.gif

I have no conception of the city what so ever.. i know how to get from point a(pennstation) to points b (sound factory, twilo, and exit)








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Originally posted by misskittie:

I *may* be at Vinyl per someone specials requests....she knows who she is..hehe

We will see...Im a Vinyl Virgin...

*may*??? *may*??? I'll drag you there girl!!!


Ya know where I'll be. Gads I need my Danny fill!!!!!!!!!!



"When the soul wishes to experience something, she throws an image of the experience out before her, and enters into her own image." -Eckhart

"Solitude gives birth to the original in us, beauty unfamiliar and perilous - to poetry." - Thomas Mann

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Originally posted by clunedoge:

Thanks for the suggestion. Oh yeah does anyone know if Twilo gets as packed as Exit? smile.gif

i would safly say twilo is alot smaller then exit, but i have only been there for pvd and s&d... Those nights it has gotten VERY PACKED.. allthough my first and only time at an exit sat, the fire marshals were outside not letting anyone in (razor and guido) last year...






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Originally posted by LikmyLipz:

I have no conception of the city what so ever.. i know how to get from point a(pennstation) to points b (sound factory, twilo, and exit)



You hop in a cab right outta Penn. station and say "Hudson and Hubert". That simple smile.gif

Or you can come w/ me. There'll be a group of us chillin' at my apt. before we head out to Vinyl.

Ooana, I guess I'll be seeing you Friday cwm17.gif

And misskittie, you better show up. I think we've got a little disagreement to settle *stretches thumb* biggrin.gif



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Originally posted by crossy:

Ooana, I guess I'll be seeing you Friday cwm17.gif

And misskittie, you better show up. I think we've got a little disagreement to settle *stretches thumb* biggrin.gif

Guess? Hah! No you WILL be. Only thing that'll keep me away is a case of death.



"When the soul wishes to experience something, she throws an image of the experience out before her, and enters into her own image." -Eckhart

"Solitude gives birth to the original in us, beauty unfamiliar and perilous - to poetry." - Thomas Mann

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Hmmm well Oo..yes I *may* *may* *may*...hehe Im intrigued to see what the big HOOP-la is about this place you all call Vinyl...

And Crossy...u better be doing thumb push ups to prepare...Im tiny and move *fast* hehe cwm12.gif



"The imaginary friends I had as a kid dropped me because their friends thought I didn't exist." - Aaron Machado

AOL = MadamKittE

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(plug coming...)

Before you go to either, come check out my pre-party at Cheetah. It runs from 6 to 10 PM, only costs 5 bucks (if you RSVP), and has lots of extremely dope house and progressive DJs (including ClubPlanet's own Parish). Plus, Cheetah has their open bar from 10 to 11 PM. If yer interested, visit http://www.headrushmusic.com or mail me at david@headrushmusic.com.


David Christopher


Get into Cheetah for only $5! Visit http://www.headrushmusic.com.

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Originally posted by misskittie:

I *may* be at Vinyl per someone specials requests....she knows who she is..hehe

We will see...Im a Vinyl Virgin...

Bimbo, using my terminology (Vinyl Virgin)....Ill be there so I suppose youll have to come. Talk to me later.



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