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what's your worst DRUG SEARCH story?

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personally, i never get stopped to get checked for drugs at any of the clubs, but my buddy got booted out of twilo on friday for being spotted trying to buy (luckily he was able to slither his way back inside). but i've seen some people get pulled aside from the lines, and it looks like a complete police search! cwm14.gif

for those who have gotten searched at clubs, how thorough do they check your person, and what's your worst story? cwm36.gif


-dusk til dawn-


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Originally posted by vamptrix76:


If your a girl they feel you up and pat your crotch-it's awful...they also threw away my friends pack of gum-Strange right!

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A couple of years ago I was walking down w.27th street to go to the Tunnel. I stopped on the corner of 27th and 10th avenue to wait for the light to turn so I could cross the street. As I waited on the corner I proceeded to take a piece of gum outta my pocket, unwrap it, and put it in my mouth. The next thing I knew, I was spread eagle up against the wall and had two undercover cops all over me, and in the mean time they told my 4 friends to keep on walking. After they patted me down, they turned me around, made me take all of my clothes off (except my underware) and proceeded to ask me all kinds of crazy questions for like five minutes.(believe me when I tell you, it was the longest five minutes of my life) They had their guns out and were shining two bright flashlights in my face the whole time...Meanwhile, everyone driving by in their cars and those going to the Tunnel and Twilo that night witnessed the whole thing! They finally let me go, but they took 60 bucks from me outta the hundred that I had! Fuckin' pigs! I hate NYPD! That whole night in the Tunnel people kept coming up to me and asking "what happened?" It turns out that I had one of the craziest nights ever that night; I met a ton of people and was given a lot of free shit!!!!

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I was travelling to South America for the holidays and after giving me shit for an hour at the check-in counter, the little slut turns to me, cracks a grin and says "You've been randomly selected for a security check." Random, my ASS. Anyway, no body search here, but they fucking messed up my luggage and all this about 15 minutes before the gate closed. Anyway, I wasn't able to get on the flight because the dumb motherfuckers oversold the flight by 30 !!!!! cwm23.gif

So they put me on a flight for the next day and again I go to the check-in counter, and, yes you guessed rught, "You've been randomly selected for a securtiy check."

I went off "Fuck you, do you know what the odds are that I would be RANDOMLY selected yesterday, would NOT be able to fly, be on todays flight AND be RANDOMLY selected AGAIN?" "I could win the lottery twice in a day with that kinda odds, so stop fucking calling it random and admit that there's a MOTHERFUCKING FLAGGING SYSTEM on airline computers, especially directed towards middle easterners who, they believe have a tendency to do harm on aircrafts."

The lady told me that I couldn't get on the flight with that kinda attitude, so I told her to go fuck herself. She, in turn, called in her supervisor, who turned out to be such an incompetent bitch that I caught her bullshit, threatened to sue her personally if my luggage would not arrive at my destination safely and told her to get the fuck out of my face.

Fortunately I got my luggage in one piece in Rio AND I'll be getting a compensation ticket for their fuck-ups topped and I already got the apology from their managing director.

But I'm still pissed off. Fuck incompetent airline workers.


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Speaking of being violted at Soundfactory. A few months ago I made the mistake of hiding 5 pills in my bra. Not knowing this is the first place I was gonna be GROPED when I got in there, I thought I was screwed when the security girl felt them. She said "Take those out". I said, "uh...sure". She looked at them and said "is this all you have", I said, "THat's IT". I thought she was gonna give them back to me but she just said "ok" and let me walk right up the stairs to pay! cwm24.gif

Talk about close call!

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I'm coming back from canada.

The airport customs dog sniffs my friend (he had some weed on him) but the cop stops me.

I had nothing so I just cooperated fully and spent an hour and a half being serched.

Finally I said "look, can the dog ever be wrong?" and the good guy out of the good cop/bad cop said that if you been "around" weed, that he might have picked it up, So I told the truth and said yeah my roomates smoked this weekend. Finally they just let me go.

MAn I was freaked, felt like every camera in the place was watching me, not to mention I had an 11 hour delay.

That was the worst!


aim: djmikedr


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this sun at the rave in queens this woman literally stuck her hands INSIDE my bra and like rubbed my tits! noooo exaggeration - ive been searched a billion times and no one makes a big deal, ppl are always very cool and respectful but this woman was totally out of line, and this is coming from someone who laughs EVERYTHING off -- this was totally ridiculous, she goes "i feel plastic in there I hear it crackling" i just stared at her and finally she let me go.

damn...i guess its gotta happen 2 everyone smile.gif

i know ppl who have gone in with 50 jars sewn into their pants or in soles of their platforms - some got caught and had all their shit taken ugh!



xoxo "Drugs may be the wrong path...but at least its a scenic route!" xoxo


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I was up at school earlier this year, we were going up to a club in providence, we get into the parking lot, my friend is handing pills out to us, when this car of like four thuggish looking guys slowly drive up and ask us if we have any more pills...my other friend says "sorry man, we are all out, i wish i did." Which is pretty much the worst thing to say. They hop out of the car, with flashlights, flashing badges. I forgot to mention that we had already began rolling from earlier pills, which made this much worse!!! My friend with the pills through the bag down on the ground when the cop was looking right at him!! They searched all of us, luckily, we had nothing more than what we came with. However, the through us up against the car, patted us down, the whole deal. They checked us, checked the car, and i was rolling my ass off. Finally, they made my friend step on the leftover pills and they left, saying "today is your lucky day." Scary as hell though when you are fucked up!!


Fatboy Slim is Fucking in Heaven!

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Originally posted by cgm:

Does anyone know what they do with all those drugs after they confiscate them? My guess is they probably give them to someone who works there to sell inside!

well...we have all heard the rumors about how the bouncers confiscate the drugs and give them to their "house dealers". so when i met an ex-doorman from exit recently, i felt like i had to find out the truth...well, this guy told me exactly what i had heard, that the bouncers confiscate the drugs and they are resold through "house dealers". he also told me that the bouncers don't leave without an extra $500-$600 a night from that....


i know what i want, but it took me a long time to figure it out

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i cant think of any really but i got one thats kind of funny..........i was living over this girls house for a while and one night she went out and i went to out too.... she locked the door, so no one would come in, but at her window was a piece of carboard and me and my friend the next day broke into the house and, scavanger hunted for some weed that was laying around the house....we foud half of blunt chlling in the bathroom and other weed and stems all around the house

we ended up smoking 5 hits of bongs, 5 joints and about 6 blunts dat day


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Originally posted by cgm:

If your a girl they feel you up and pat your crotch-it's awful...B]

i never knew they got that personal with the women cwm13.gif . actually, that's the only place on a guy that they don't touch; at least not on me--thank god! cwm24.gif


-dusk til dawn-


"You take the blue pill: Capsule-02.gif

The story ends, you wake up in your bed, and believe whatever you want to believe.

You take the red pill: Capsule-03.gif

You stay in wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes..."


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and oh by the way..it happened at exit!! And to answer your question they do resell the drugs in the club once they take them from you..thats if it is a bouncer that cathes you and they usually will kick you out or make you give then your drugs plus your money to get back in (and if you are a little smaller then them they might throw you around a little if you're a guy) but if it is the NYPD that catches you, be prepared to get locked up with no questions asked..and be careful cause these days the NYPD walks around with plan clothes and some with no shirts on (just like anyother juicehead) and you NEVER know who they are. As you can see thats what happened to me!! .... frown.gif

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I got caught at the JFK security checkpoint with some coke and crystal. But the guard was cool, so she gave it back to me and let me go. But my friends and I were shitting bricks until our plane actually took off.


David Christopher


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Originally posted by chrissybumps:

and oh by the way..it happened at exit!! And to answer your question they do resell the drugs in the club once they take them from you..thats if it is a bouncer that cathes you and they usually will kick you out or make you give then your drugs plus your money to get back in (and if you are a little smaller then them they might throw you around a little if you're a guy) but if it is the NYPD that catches you, be prepared to get locked up with no questions asked..and be careful cause these days the NYPD walks around with plan clothes and some with no shirts on (just like anyother juicehead) and you NEVER know who they are. As you can see thats what happened to me!! .... frown.gif

sorry to hear that and by the way my friend not at Exit not this passed new years but the year b4...had gotten caught there. they took his shit and since he got caught early int eh nite he didn't have much money so they just took the watch i bought him for christmas...pretty shitty ass hole bouncers/security wanna be undercover cops that are just the bouncers buddies...That's why i hardly go there these days..

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exit-- they made me lift my skirt up too show them i wasn't hiding drugs underneath my skirt? wtf? cwm13.gif it was b/c i was asian, damnit! wink.gif

SF-- K'ed up (like everyone else in that place), and security comes over and flashes his flashlight about 2 inches from my face. i can't focus my eyes, so he keeps it shining in my face for a good 2 min. i didn't know if i was to smile or cry or shit bricks. whatever. wink.gif

brassmonkey2000-- security puts her hand inside of my bra and the band of my undies. wtf?

the other day i got a ticket for smoking a J! god i was shitting bricks but damn.. it was nice being blazed during the entire process. smile.gif



*turn it around baby*


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looks like kitty19 gets the MVP award for this string! cwm7.gif


-dusk til dawn-


"You take the blue pill: Capsule-02.gif

The story ends, you wake up in your bed, and believe whatever you want to believe.

You take the red pill: Capsule-03.gif

You stay in wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes..."


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