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In a fight...what is more important

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Originally posted by gambitx73:

To be able to punch hard fast and accurate or be really good at takedown and grappling and choke holds..and armlocks..


'The art of fighting, without fighting'


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

I can STILL resist ANYTHING but temptation.


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I think being crazy is the most important thing.......it's not a test of who's bigger or who's stronger, but real power is gotten from the will to do what the other guy won't - Verbal Kint from Usual Suspects.......I firmly believe that too......I never want to fuck with a crazy bastard who is willing to bash my teeth into the side of a curb until he sees all 32 teeth fall out........these people scare me the most......



"The silent dog is the first to bite..." - me

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In my case, since I don't weigh much (175) you have to punch (jab) and try to keep the man (hopefully it's a man, otherwise disregard) at a distance. If you're outweighed by too much and you wrestle, you're doomed. Bottom line- if the actual brawl is inevitable and going to happen, try to get in the first punch and make sure it's not a pussy punch because that's only going to piss him off more! I know this is a non violent board and I don't advocate fighting one bit!


Too crazy for Boys Town, too much of a boy for Crazy Town.

Where are we again?

AIM: crackorn71

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Grappling is more important practically speaking. In real life situations, punching/kicking wouldn't last very long.

In 99% of all fights, it will become apparent very quickly who will be dominant. The weaker fighter would not stick around to punch/kick like in the movies...he/she would run (if he/she had a brain).

However, *if* the weaker person is trapped, he/she can level the playing field with skill. This is not as good as running, but basic techniques combined w/speed can foil the biggest of attackers.

The 1% of time when fighters are evenly matched...that's what you see in the movies.

Hope that helps,



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well naturally pete is right . . .

but if you *had* to fight smile.gif it's all about the first punch.




"And those who were seen dancing

were thought to be insane by those

who could not hear the music."

"To love someone is something..to be loved by someone is something else..

but to be loved by the one you love is everything.." Rob&Brandie AAF


AIM: loves2cox

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Originally posted by brandie:

well naturally pete is right . . .

but if you *had* to fight smile.gif it's all about the first punch.



Ya see i disagree, i would give the guy the first punch-

a) Because he may never throw it.

B) Because he's bound to lash out with a big swing, once you block it (which is easier than most people think.. it's not about speed but position) you are in the driving seat.

Anyway don't punch a guy in the face, elbow his adam's apple, use your palm on teh underside of his chin... all more effective and you wonl shatter your knuckle.

But i guess a small amount a martial arts does help.


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

I can STILL resist ANYTHING but temptation.


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Originally posted by tyco:

I think being crazy is the most important thing.......it's not a test of who's bigger or who's stronger, but real power is gotten from the will to do what the other guy won't - Verbal Kint from Usual Suspects.......I firmly believe that too......I never want to fuck with a crazy bastard who is willing to bash my teeth into the side of a curb until he sees all 32 teeth fall out........these people scare me the most......


That is a vey good point! Being crazy is like 80-90% of it. The crazier you are, the easier it is to rattle your opponent which will make them less aggressive, and not as motivated to fight. But fighting is bad, try to stay away from it if you can.


Fatboy Slim is Fucking in Heaven!

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In an one on one fight, grappling is much more important. Punching/kicking is for the movies. Haven't you ever watched UFC? Grapplers always win.


"I've been going to this high school for seven and half years...I'm no dummy."


[This message has been edited by mr.sick (edited 01-17-2001).]

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Originally posted by gambitx73:

To be able to punch hard fast and accurate or be really good at takedown and grappling and choke holds..and armlocks..

i've seen it on occasion, but you have to be EXTREMELY skilled at striking in order to defeat a good grappler. but unless you're very good, the grappler would win in most instances. cwm10.gif


-dusk til dawn-


"You take the blue pill: Capsule-02.gif

The story ends, you wake up in your bed, and believe whatever you want to believe.

You take the red pill: Capsule-03.gif

You stay in wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes..."


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Originally posted by tyco:

I think being crazy is the most important thing.......it's not a test of who's bigger or who's stronger, but real power is gotten from the will to do what the other guy won't - Verbal Kint from Usual Suspects.......I firmly believe that too......I never want to fuck with a crazy bastard who is willing to bash my teeth into the side of a curb until he sees all 32 teeth fall out........these people scare me the most......


I couldn't agree more. if the other guy has nothing to lose and you do....you're fucked. when we gonna meet tyco? you and i are on the same wavelength.



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Originally posted by back2basics-:

Ya see i disagree, i would give the guy the first punch-

a) Because he may never throw it.

B) Because he's bound to lash out with a big swing, once you block it (which is easier than most people think.. it's not about speed but position) you are in the driving seat.

Anyway don't punch a guy in the face, elbow his adam's apple, use your palm on teh underside of his chin... all more effective and you wonl shatter your knuckle.

But i guess a small amount a martial arts does help.

true dat...Using words and letting the person have the first punch can be very effective...

Idiot: I'm gonna knock your block off

Me: <standing right there (assuming the stance) Go ahead. I will even give you the first swing. But be warned you better knock me out cold because if you don't I'm gonna rip your tongue out of your mouth then shove it up your ass, then stick it back in your mouth, then I will rip your head off and use it as a bowling ball then take your limp body and throw it onto the subway tracks to let all the rats knaw at it...after that I'm going to your house, drown your dog in the fish tank, then throw the toaster in there...once I'm done with that I'm going to your sisters house and fuck her brains out, then off to your parents.....<All the while you get louder and louder and move closer to him>

This will in fact delay any first punch they may have cause they are now confused...you have also created a commotion that now has everyone in the place watching...if his friends were smart they would pull him away...also closing the distance lessens any sort of forceful blow, only a push can do anything, which also leads to the fact that if he actually pushes you, you have the inertia going to spin right around and catch him off guard. But the key is to get really psychotic on him, cause someone will break it up before a single punch is thrown.

If all else fails, take out your keys, aim for the eyes or adam's apple, kick out his knees, and as he's falling forward, charge him to level him back, kneel on his chest and beat him to a bloody pulp until the police arrive and then claim self-defense.

- Pete





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i'm saying in the event that you *had* to fight, silly boys.

i think that the first swing, if properly placed, will break the person down . . . smile.gif but w/o martial arts training i wouldn't know . . . i'm saying from having seen quite a few fights up close and personal - i'm not saying that if the drunken jackass swings first, he will win, i'm saying that in the event that a fight is *going* to happen, a well-placed first shot seems to put the hardass in their place . . . who knows? biggrin.gif

i do not condone stupid fights because they are nothing more than two guys trying to show that they are more masculine than the other rolleyes.gif i can do without . . .

besides, everyone knows peatrice would never give me the first swing because i'd kick her ass wink.gif right petey?





"And those who were seen dancing

were thought to be insane by those

who could not hear the music."

"To love someone is something..to be loved by someone is something else..

but to be loved by the one you love is everything.." Rob&Brandie AAF


AIM: loves2cox

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You are all wrong about this situation..!!!

See im a born fighter , i grappel i fight to the death ,ill kill you mother fucker.... im straight out the navy baby ..... SP Ware fare you even look at me ill kill your sorry ass if you give me a reason , hmm the funny part is that you can't touch me , government owned baby.. fuck this kick punch . its all about trapping , and when to move and be fast .. i love to fight in the water and on the ground i can really fuck your ass up i mean did anyone of you eve here a human bone crack by your own self ? now you havent .. Everyday i have to live with the people that i hurt ... good for the,m basterds .



E-mail martin_izzo@netzero.net page 1917-243-0215

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Originally posted by edge420:

I couldn't agree more. if the other guy has nothing to lose and you do....you're fucked. when we gonna meet tyco? you and i are on the same wavelength.

No doubt edge......let's see, what's your plans for the weekend? If you're gonna be in the city we should be able to meet up but if not, S&D next week? PM me when you can brotha.....



"The silent dog is the first to bite..." - me

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Try to talk your way out of it. But if you can't, kick the bastard in the balls. If he goes to grab you he is all yours. Most of the time tough guys go for a grab, punch leaving there balls open. After you give him a wack there, his tough guys image is lost real quick. After that you can do what you want. But I would recomend to look out for his five friends behind him. Most of the time if someone is ready to fight it is because he has a crew ready to jump in. But to awnser you oringal question, I would say to punch hard,fast and accurate. I've bounced for 7 years so I've been around to see alot of shit. But a shot to the balls works best and I dont care what you know. cwm42.gif

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