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when does the heartache stop?

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Originally posted by shadowchaser:

then ask yourself...how long does it take from heartbreak to hate...

Unfortunately that never really works for me frown.gif

...I just can't get myself to hate ANYBODY - not even the people that hurt me...story of my life...what can I do?!



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Originally posted by flying_high:

Unfortunately that never really works for me frown.gif

...I just can't get myself to hate ANYBODY - not even the people that hurt me...story of my life...what can I do?!

I totally understand. It is hard to hate someone that you cared about!

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Originally posted by sarahb53:

I totally understand. It is hard to hate someone that you cared about!

Exactly...thing with me is - I usually don't really care about a person (which doesn't mean I don't like them...just not my wave length) or I REALLY like them and are friends with them...hate just never occured to me...too much wasted negative feelings.



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Originally posted by flying_high:

Exactly...thing with me is - I usually don't really care about a person (which doesn't mean I don't like them...just not my wave length) or I REALLY like them and are friends with them...hate just never occured to me...too much wasted negative feelings.

Ya right, it is such a waste to bother hating!


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i was with someone for over 5 years before moving to NY. the 1st year i was here, was hard as hell.... i thought about him all the time, we attempted to work it out, blah... blah... than my misery turned to anger and disappointment for giving him so much of my time, etc... now 2 years later, i think of him at times (when a song come on the radio or i am doing something he enjoyed doing, or i listen to one of his C.D.'s i kept) and i laugh my butt off... i have stopped thinking of him in a bad light and also thinking they were wasted years... i now look at him as someone who was important for a long time and helped me mature and grow in soooo many ways!!! Good luck... Time heals all wounds.


Life can only be understood backward, but it must be lived forward.

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Originally posted by cuteboobie:

its so hard...u break up with someone and ur sure that u did the rite thing...but inside ir heart is breaking and all u want to do is cry....what do u do then????

I know you feel bad, and i'm sure you feel worse thinking about the persone on the other end of that break.

Read your SIG, you'll know what to do!!!

Time heals all wounds!!!!!



Hi! How ya doing? where ya been, I had thoughts of you all night long.

Can't describe what you did, but you got me so!

Aolimer: Glowgirl42000

Email: Sugar4@earthlink.net

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definaltey cry and let the pain out, but remeber time heals all wounds, and thats the truth, i didnt beleive it but its the only thing


TWILO'S WACK !!!! Sorry guys it is

"dont be affraid to walk out on anything in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat coming from around the corner" Robert Deniro




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Just keep yourself busy and surrounded by positive ppl who care about you and make you laugh.. Don't be alone coz that will lead to depression. Don't hate him either coz hating is just as strong of an emotion as loving, and you need to get rid of any emotions toward him all together. It'll all get easier with time..

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there really isn't anything that will make easier but TIME ...only TIME can heal heartaches ...one thing that you definitely shouldn't do though (since now you feel that you did the right thing ) is: get back with him/her ...if you do, it'll be for the wrong reasons



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sorry to hear you're hurting. maybe this perspective will help:

breakups are always difficult, but if it wasn't meant to be, then you are better off in the long run to be without that person. that way, you are free (heart and time) to meet the one who is truly for you (and vice versa for the one you just broke up with). if they were meant to be will will/would have already worked out. in any case, you are not wasting your time on a dead end relationship... and ready too meet your true soulmate.

this thought gives me peace (at least now that i am older). i know it still hurts, but like everyone says, the pain will go away cwm12.gif




"Strangers are just friends waiting to happen." - Old Sage Twilo


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Time time time...as it passes, you'll feel better. The inability to sit with the grief can be tremendous, but you'll begin to have more "good days" than "bad days" before you know it. And rely on your buddies to help you! I have been there, so I completely know what you're going through! cwm38.gif

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