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J. Peters vs J. Vicious - who's better?

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good question.....JP on saturdays is like peanut butter with jelly..you can't beat him..jp controls the whole club and the vibe...which is usually to party your ass off...i think if JP left the factory on saturdays then JV would be a good replacment..i could not see anybody else doing it..JV on Fridays i think will tear the roof off...but they have to give him the whole night like JP has on Saturday nights..i think JV is going to be there once a month...i hope it's every friday...but what is going to happen with the other DJ's Lov and Lodi..not like i care...anyway to answer your question the edge goes to JP..but i can't complain with JV..he rocks too..i heard both DJ's live many many times..and they both tear shit up.....

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both of them tear shit up and i agree if the factory wants to become the premire nightclub in NYC(not that it isn't already)get rid on those dorks luv and lodi and let jv play every fri all night

i would spend 48 hrs there woo hoo!!!!! cwm29.gifcwm30.gifcwm24.gif





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i have a personal preference for jv, but agree that jp definetly controls factory and no one else could ever rock it like him(the new factory of course)

vicious at the tunnel showed to me his great ability to handle a crowd. he played harder then ever there which was perfect for the club and vibe at tunnel. in the past year i've seen him spin at at least 5 or 6 different venues and each time he catered more to the crowd, thus enabling evreyone to have a good time.

southbeach long island- shitty island club but threw down joints, not to intense for them to handle though.

factory- played harder but vocaley too

roxy- very vocaley and thats exactly what roxy crowds go crazy for

exit- mixed, somewhat like factory but not as hard

zachary's- this was a shock, only time he didn't really cater to the crowd, PLAYED HARD AS BALLS and was great

tunnel- ridiculously hard, even so far as mixing in some borderline hardcore tracks which i thought was perfect for high intensity

the way he adjusted at the tunnel after opening nite and brought his sound to another level made me really respect his versatility. as well, his broad selection is another plus



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[This message has been edited by PFloyd40 (edited 01-16-2001).]

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Johnny Vicious is off the hook, but he's just not on the same level as Jonathan.. I think if JP and JV had a battle, JV would walk away with his head between his legs..

JP is prolly the best technical dj I have ever heard..

JV plays some sick tracks, and I love him, but Jonathan takes the cake..

Jonathan produces better music then Johnny, plays better music, fucks with the music, ect..

Go Jonathan smile.gif



..It Wasn't Me..

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I heard JP playing for the first time this past Saturday and, I have to tell you, he blew me away!!!!! I also heard JV playing in Tunnel but I am thinking it was more like Fake JV, cause that was fucked up <--- I guess he just had a bad day or something, but he definately has a lot of good stuff out. Basically at this point i am a big fan of JP. so my vote goes to JP. smile.gif



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Like Tranza said, they're both

really great talented DJs ...

but JP would definitely "take the cake",

With JV on Fridays now, they should just

keep SF open all weekend ...

Actually what am I talking about?

I'd school both JV & JP at the same time

, with JV matching the beats & JP mixing 'em,


FrankiePep a.k.a EletricJesus a.k.a DataPimp


" cAn sOmEoNe PlEaSe HeLp Me, I'vE sEeM tO hAvE LoSt SoMeThInG ... MY MIND "

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Originally posted by theorynyc:

Ok...then next question...Peters on his worst day or Draper on his Best?


jp in a hospital bed on life support ready to pull the plug


"People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they never use" -Soren Kierkegaard

"People who know little are usually great talkers, while men who know much say little." -Rousseau

"One must learn to be a sponge if one wants to be loved by hearts that overflow." -Frederich Neitzsche 2-Brandie&Rob-11


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Hmm, seeing as everyone is going for JP,

I would pick JV though.

If you mean who is more technical and precise in mixing and using the turntables...I dunno cuz im not an expert.

I heard JP spin on last saturday for the first time and he was good. I left at around 8 so, like some of you said, i might have not heard him at his best. However even so, in my preference i still would take JV's really hard tunnel style music, just because it gives off soooooo much energy thats its sick!

Rad_ cwm11.gif

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ok to make this comparison ezier to understand, im gona use marshmallows. bear with me. ok jp is ok, he remixed ktu shit, so its got a beat but its missing a soul, so jp is kinda like a lump of marshmallow with cheez whiz in the center. ok? ok, so now we got vicious, a much better dj by musical standards. he spins hard house, yet puts the extra flavor and heart into his music (who can forget his Not Over Yet remix?) ok so jv is like a toasted marshmallow, when you peel off the black skin, the juicy delicious marshmallow cream is sweet n nice like suga n spice. speakin of suga n spice, no one is as nice as danny tenaglia as someone b4 mentioned. tenaglia is heart n soul and rock n roll all in one delish marshmallow smore! mmm want more. ok hope this clears up this controversy, i would go into more confection detail and describe the sweetnes of british sasha, digs, oakey, warren, seaman, howels,lawler as something of Altoids quality, but ill go into that another day, ciao!


- elegance is never out of style -

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Well i love both djs but i would have to pick jv, over jp, I mean jv just rips shit up, makes the music go right into my bloodline and drives me crazy with his hard shit, like the way he used to spin in the tunnel, wow...thats all i had to say.. cwm7.gif


aim: amafrk1


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i would have to say vicious, whenever i heard him spin he would always play joints that would make me go nuts. you know that tingly feeling when you hear a rediculous song. haveing that all night with vicious w/o dropping.

peace out




EMAIL: iannuzzi4@yahoo.com



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JV definately. He makes you get off your but and start dancing no matter where you are. He spins the hardest music, and ALSO I think he does a nice job on bringing in vocals into his set. He doesn't go overboard with them and he doesn't just not play them. Bottom line JV spins hard shit that's what I like, not saying JP doesn't. But JV does the best job at it.


*Did you find your ecstacy?*

E-mail: PrimeKMB2@aol.com

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Originally posted by tranza:

JP is prolly the best technical dj I have ever heard..

WHA?!?! Bro, I think you've been listening to way too much Si Begg cwm31.gif

- Ali


This weeks gigs:

Friday - Paco's titty bar

Saturday - Twilo Closet

PM for guestlist

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Do I even need to answer LOL? I think most of you know what my vote will be.. But I really like JV's stuff too although never heard him live because I refuse to go to Tunnel.. I'll def go check him out one of these Fridays. But JP is still my only true love smile.gif Nobody fucks with the music like Jonathan and nobody can keep me dancing for 13 hours straight smile.gif Ok, I'm already waiting for next Saturday..

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you all have to admit that you love the NyC cheese hard house.. b/c i do too!

and i will be forever indebted to Johnny Vicious for creating songs like,

Ecstasy (take your shirts off)

That's the way love is

and my all time favorite..

Moments (the memories..)

those were the joints that were pumpin out of the tunnel 98-99, and i've got nothin but love for JV. cwm38.gif

but mad props to JP for holding down SF saturdays. i can't say one is better than the other b/c i am yet to check out SF saturday (ah, don't kill me! i'm going next week!).



*turn it around baby*


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Alright, well I'd have to lean towards Vicious myself...but c'mon give Draper some credit...he did remix that incredible version of Sandstorm...no wait that was J.P. ok...wait,wait i got it.."thats the way love is"..no,no that was JV. WAIT!!! what about his remix of above the clou..no that too was J.P. Yeah, Ok Draper does blow.

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Originally posted by theorynyc:

Alright, well I'd have to lean towards Vicious myself...but c'mon give Draper some credit...he did remix that incredible version of Sandstorm...no wait that was J.P. ok...wait,wait i got it.."thats the way love is"..no,no that was JV. WAIT!!! what about his remix of above the clou..no that too was J.P. Yeah, Ok Draper does blow.

i wouldnt' say he blows necessarily, but he's no where near the league of jp. its like jp at rock bottom is still a totally different world way above draper on his best day.



"People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they never use" -Soren Kierkegaard

"People who know little are usually great talkers, while men who know much say little." -Rousseau

"One must learn to be a sponge if one wants to be loved by hearts that overflow." -Frederich Neitzsche 2-Brandie&Rob-11


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ok this is gonna sound really really really dumb, but have you ever noticed in manhattan, you gotta be a pretty fukkin good dj to get a sat spot, besides twilo fridays, and Dt at vinyl.. In the city friday residents are not nearly as respected as sat residents.. Sat residents kinda set the standards. I am personally not a big fan of Johnny V. but i give the guy respect, alot of people like him, i have never heard him live, but i'm sure hes a great dj.. and he was a sat resident in manhattan to..

Johnny V would prob never get the spot at sf resident on a sat even if it was open, he prob gets ALOT of money.. and thats another reason why hes only doing a monthly residence.. Richard is a cheep fuk, but i'm sure in all good time, richard will realise that JV is gonna draw a larger crowd at sf on a friday then Aluv and lodi.

But remember richard is a smart man, i'm sure he realises that alot of the same people would be going to sf on a friday to hear JV as sat to hear JP, and going to one club 2 nites in a row gets annoying.. Hes not gonna make any moves to hurt either or night...

(rumor has it that jp is in contract, with sound factory that he is not allowed to spin anywhere else in ny on friday nites, because this would take away from sf's friday croud)

Im sure if JV was to get a solid friday residence richard would make him sign contract not to spin anywhere in ny on sats (so in turn this would not take away from a jp croud) so I guess it could be a good thing or a bad thing..


Why should ya have to compare whos better..

Either way they do both make sound factory Shake!

just my opinion..







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