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? for colonia

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Originally posted by colonia:

i am not ignorant to tell u the truth the usa (even though i love it) is a very ignorant country esp. when it comes to education...

Obviously you need some education yourself... You can't spell worth shit... you can't make a coherent sentence... you can't even diss people right... damn girl... go to school first then come back and start some drama that people can understand...

Which leads me to believe you are either a little kid or a very uneducated ignorant adult.


When you die, will you know you're dead, or will you think it's a dream...


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"Now morpheus i Know u're jewish and u know what I'll make a parade for you right now...let me just throw a penny on the street."

you dumb li'l bitch

i am NOT jewish (not that it matters)

hey, i'll be generous.. here's a quarter, get a life, you stupid fucking cunt

morph_ cwm23.gif

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Hey guys, its obvious that this girl is yanking everyone's chain and thinking that its funny.

This doesn't make it okay of course but...she'll fade away eventually if we stop giving her ammunition.



"When the soul wishes to experience something, she throws an image of the experience out before her, and enters into her own image." -Eckhart

"Solitude gives birth to the original in us, beauty unfamiliar and perilous - to poetry." - Thomas Mann

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Originally posted by colonia:

ok you slapnuts...all sitting and creaming yr pants while typing essays for colonia'z sake...

first cathy yo-yo or whatever your name is....DAMN RIGH IT DOESNT MATTER WHAT YOUR NAME Is ....so how much are you getting paid for all these people being on your side?

...Millions rolleyes.gif

Seriously though, do you really expect to write shit like that and have no one get pissed off?? That's like drinking a bottle of vodka and saying "I didn't know it would get me drunk".

You're a racist, period. There's nothing more to say about that except that, no, we don't need people like you here.

As far as education in America, well, I'm not even going to get into a "my country is better pissing match" with you. I know what I know and your opinion doesn't matter very much.

Keeping that in mind, you are not really worth my time. Most of the time I do stay away from drama and I will now. (I think cwm32.gif )



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i have many european friends and they are all so cool and openminded. it's so sad that colonia is such a pitiful representation of europeans. for example, many europeans go to twilo and i find them so friendly. true europeans know that love is the answer, not hate...

in that spirit - GO FUCK YOURSELF, BIATCH (colonia that is)!!! cwm23.gif




"Strangers are just friends waiting to happen." - Old Sage Twilo


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All the schools in Europe are teaching about the USA and the language cause they know thats where the money is.And if you want to get anywhere in life you have to deal with us sooner or later.Some of the kids here dont care to learn about Europe because they have no intention on going there.They'll make their fame and fortune in the good ole USA!America is a country of immigrants so if every foreigner were to go back to their country there would be no one left here.And how boring would the states be if everyone were the same??!!

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Oh COLONIA, I think I've met the woman of my dreams in you!! WIll you marry me?? Of course, I'm Indian, but I can paint myself white, and dye my hair blonde, and get blue contacts, and...and...EVEN STOP EATING CURRY!!

Hmmmm....well...fuck that last statement..I aint going to stop eating curry for no neo-Nazi biatch. Ooopss..sorry..guess you gonna have to survive without me smile.gif!



"I would believe only in a god who could dance."


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Originally posted by ohrichy:


All the schools in Europe are teaching about the USA and the language cause they know thats where the money is.And if you want to get anywhere in life you have to deal with us sooner or later.Some of the kids here dont care to learn about Europe because they have no intention on going there.They'll make their fame and fortune in the good ole USA!America is a country of immigrants so if every foreigner were to go back to their country there would be no one left here.And how boring would the states be if everyone were the same??!!

I have to disagree with this... European education system IS better, at least when it comes to learning about the world in general. I went to both European and American schools, and trust me, there is a huge difference.. American education system seems to ignore a lot of history and culture of the world outside the US which I found to be a little disturbing. I'm talking about high schools, colleges are a different topic all together. But if you take a survey among Americans and among any other country (not only Europe btw), you'll see that non-Americans' knowledge of the world and different cultures are way over any average americans.. It's a fact, so don't jump on me and tell me to go back to Europe. America has a lot of great advantages over other countries, but it's not perfect. IMO, education is one of the biggest problems here and a lot of politicians are finally realizing it thank god. So maybe our children will be exposed to more history, geography and other subjects that teach them about the world around them and not only about their country. Regardless of the $$$$ issue which of course is predominant in the US.. And it's a very ignorant point of view to take when you say that you don't wanna learn about something if you never intend to go there. So why do ppl learn about other planets? I doubt many of them will go there but it's interesting (at least to some ppl)..

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Originally posted by mysteriousss:

I have to disagree with this... European education system IS better, at least when it comes to learning about the world in general. I went to both European and American schools, and trust me, there is a huge difference.. American education system seems to ignore a lot of history and culture of the world outside the US which I found to be a little disturbing. I'm talking about high schools, colleges are a different topic all together. But if you take a survey among Americans and among any other country (not only Europe btw), you'll see that non-Americans' knowledge of the world and different cultures are way over any average americans.. It's a fact, so don't jump on me and tell me to go back to Europe. America has a lot of great advantages over other countries, but it's not perfect. IMO, education is one of the biggest problems here and a lot of politicians are finally realizing it thank god. So maybe our children will be exposed to more history, geography and other subjects that teach them about the world around them and not only about their country. Regardless of the $$$$ issue which of course is predominant in the US.. And it's a very ignorant point of view to take when you say that you don't wanna learn about something if you never intend to go there. So why do ppl learn about other planets? I doubt many of them will go there but it's interesting (at least to some ppl)..

i think orchy was just trying to make a point to colonia regarding loving america and americans, but i do agree with you that many americans are taught and know very little outside of america, especially people that are not from metropolitan areas. my friends from spain, holland, france, england, etc. find it amusing and a little disturbing how little we americans know about world history and culture. to be fair though, (IMHO) americans do generally respect other cultures including ones not located directly near europe. what i mean by this is that europeans tend to know a lot about europe, surrounding countries and those countries of european decent (e.g. - usa and south africa) but they tend to know very little about asian cultures and history. i would say americans tend to know a bit more about asian culture because we are exposed to more asians... just as eauropeans would know a lot more than the average american regarding neighboring european coutries. just some food fopr thought





"Strangers are just friends waiting to happen." - Old Sage Twilo


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wow wow you people got issues!

i know european people all over who keep braggin how the spics (or whoever) are messing up their neighborhood...

some people who are saying things against me are really lying...they just dont want to express their feelings///

oh well...

and dont worry about me but why is it that evrytime i post a message shadowchaser has to respond thinking that he's all funny...i just think that it's unfair to me and it causes me to spit in your faces by telling you what's going on

EURO POWER! cwm8.gifcwm13.gif



ne ide sve na misice ponekad je potrebno i MALO vise da OSVOJIS me

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Originally posted by colonia:

wow wow you people got issues!

i know european people all over who keep braggin how the spics (or whoever) are messing up their neighborhood...

some people who are saying things against me are really lying...they just dont want to express their feelings///

oh well...

and dont worry about me but why is it that evrytime i post a message shadowchaser has to respond thinking that he's all funny...i just think that it's unfair to me and it causes me to spit in your faces by telling you what's going on

EURO POWER! cwm8.gifcwm13.gif

Hmmmm...are you changing your views? Are we finally having a positive effect on you (though at times the lesson is a bit harsh)? The reason I ask is now you have the "puking image" next to "Euro Power".

BTW, what is a "spic"?

Colonia, Colonia...come back to the side of the Light!


"I would believe only in a god who could dance."


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Originally posted by mysteriousss:

"ne ide sve na misice ponekad je potrebno i MALO vise da OSVOJIS me"

What language is this? Def a slavic language but I can't figure out which one..

I don't know either, this is a far as i can get on a translation...

however, not the ides to sve on misiche of ponekad necessarily and IT IS SMALL the hanging yes OF OSVOZHIS me

This person is playing, nobody has view like this... i have to say IMO some of the other veiws on this post are pretty mad as well.. There is no substitute for visiting a contry.


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

When the party was in progress and unidentified frequency has been existing in the system for some time - Freak Frequency


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however, not the ides to sve on misiche of ponekad necessarily and IT IS SMALL the hanging yes OF OSVOZHIS me

WHAT????...hell explain this u dont like me so why u trying to figure me out....u people do not know how to mind your own business...o i forgot u got none anyway

as far as the pukin image goes that was there just 4 u...

o any cathy before you go kicking anybody's ass make sure yours is clean...





ne ide sve na misice ponekad je potrebno i MALO vise da OSVOJIS me

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Originally posted by colonia:

o any cathy before you go kicking anybody's ass make sure yours is clean...



I'm not trying to kick anyone's ass, I'm merely making obsevations of your own posts. The stuff you wrote is very offensive especially on a board filled with different ethnic backrounds.

As far as my ass...it's squeaky. What are you implying anyway? Is there something about me that needs to be brought to light??



A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to it's old dimensions.

~*~*~Don't use time or words carelessly, neither can be retrieved.~*~*~ blossom.gif

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I'm european, not really British though, and I find Colonia offensice. Where in europe is she from?

If she is from the UK, then I am sorry... if she is saying European clubs are best, well I do prefer the clubs in London but I've only been to the twilo (so far and it is good) and haven't done much else.


ps clubs are for everyone who wants in on the fun>

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Originally posted by mr.sick:

She's only seventeen. I bet that explains a lot of things.

OH *gasps* poor baby, no wonder you don't like US clubs...you can't get in.

lol smile.gif

That also means that I can't marry you cuz you're a minor!!


"I would believe only in a god who could dance."


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Not sure where she is from, but i tried to convert using a Russian dictionary.. it's that neck of the woods.


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

When the party was in progress and unidentified frequency has been existing in the system for some time - Freak Frequency


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Originally posted by back2basics-:

Not sure where she is from, but i tried to convert using a Russian dictionary.. it's that neck of the woods.

Hehe.. I'm Russian and I only understood a couple of words.. That's why I asked her but of course she, being very proud of her European heritage, refused to tell me which country she's from.. Go figure..

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Originally posted by mysteriousss:

Hehe.. I'm Russian and I only understood a couple of words.. That's why I asked her but of course she, being very proud of her European heritage, refused to tell me which country she's from.. Go figure..

I thik she is Croatian



A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to it's old dimensions.

~*~*~Don't use time or words carelessly, neither can be retrieved.~*~*~ blossom.gif

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