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For those of you who don't work at work....

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I hardly ever work at work. I usually find things to occupy my time (play with software, download something randomly and try to figure it out, play on the net, chat, spin in my chair...whatever)

I'm having one of those days where nothing is amusing me and my usual pass-times are boring me to death.

Any suggestions? What do you do at work when you're bored?


Anyone know any good computer virtual pets out there? I've got the spider from www.virtualcreatures.com and killed my Mopy fish (he was too bored to live)--suggestions?


Peace,Love & Hairgrease,

Rich Suede


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I eat everything in sight, get the doctors to rub my shoulders in between surgeries.....read this board, shop on-line......

thing is i have a lot to do but i can't get into work mode this week. dis sux!!

ps: i totally forgot about the tv...watch the soaps and talkshows or read people magazine!!!


jumpdei.gif Boink like a snow bunny!!!


[This message has been edited by uknjx2 (edited 01-23-2001).]

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Originally posted by Crackorn:

I pull out the schlong and play with it.

I have an office mate! The jury is still out on him and I'm so NOT attracted to him. I'm afraid if I take it out, he may be magnetically drawn to it---so that's out!


Peace,Love & Hairgrease,

Rich Suede


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If anybody wants dope wars i have the registered version, i will give you my log on details do you can down load it if you want..

Get it at


Reg Key:



I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

When the party was in progress and unidentified frequency has been existing in the system for some time - Freak Frequency


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www.badpuppy.com, www.smaq.com, www.sublimedirectory.com, oh the list is endless!!

If you're looking for something OTHER than porn, though, I find that www.theonion.com, www.ntk.net, www.fuckedcompany.com, andwww.theregister.co.uk always make fun reading, as well as www.autoextremist.com

good luck finding something to do!


"Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking together in the same direction." - Antoine de Saint-Exupery

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www.bangedup.com www.schoolofass.com www.consumptionjunction.com www.ernieshouseofwhoopass.com www.rotten.com

all weird/sick/porn stuff

for fun, try www.sony.com

and play their games like jeopardy, wheel of fortune,etc. www.shockwave.com

play lots of games there...

i feel your pain though...i am bored out of my mind too!!!


i know what i want, but it took me a long time to figure it out

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This will be a truly useful thread...

I just read this board when... hmmm... bored

Unfortunately i think we're moving into a busy time.

Sinem... what got you in such a good mood?



"Buckle up"

-she knows who she is.

AOL IM: petrol01

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ooh, that sucks, you guys. as i am unemployed at the moment, it's a bit disgusting to me that some people don't even have enough pride in their work or themselves to just pick their asses up and go get a job they would love. why would anyone want to waste away doing something they don't want to for most of their waking hours? "because it pays the bills?"

i'm 21 and live on my own. i was doing wonderful and supporting myself until i lost my job the week before christmas. i'm fairly talented and am confident i will find another job soon (in fact i am waiting on a call right now.) being unemployed for a month and finding shitty jobs i could do has pushed me to go back to college this fall or next spring. i'm even seriously considering moving from seattle to new york for school.

so that being said, and i have maybe too much confidence in people, but i ask, why? because it's comfortable to have a job you already have? because change is a hassle? change can bring opportunity, but no one likes change.

i mean absolutely no malice by this post.

life is short; have the time of your life.




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