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ClubPlanet Getaway Party?

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As I mulling over ideas for this past New Years' Eve, I came across this amazing place online -- a renovated barn that can house up to 34 peeps by itself. It's in the Poconos, PA....... I thought it could a fun, unique meetup idea for CNYC peeps to do, at some point down the road.

Just an idea....... any thoughts?




"Live through the week. Live for the weekend."

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Ooh....a getaway out of the city.

Sounds like a damn good idea to me.



"When the soul wishes to experience something, she throws an image of the experience out before her, and enters into her own image." -Eckhart

"Solitude gives birth to the original in us, beauty unfamiliar and perilous - to poetry." - Thomas Mann

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Originally posted by crossy:

Yeah, it def. sounds cool. I'd be up for it. Especially if ooana's goin' cwm1.gif

<laughs> Awwww!!! <blushes a bit>

seriously though guys, this sounds like it would be so much fun. Middle of no where (good sound system a must), drinks, candy, friends....NO NYC!!!!! Oooh, we gotta try to do something like this, seriously!!!!!

-Oo (who's still jonsing to get out of NY)


"When the soul wishes to experience something, she throws an image of the experience out before her, and enters into her own image." -Eckhart

"Solitude gives birth to the original in us, beauty unfamiliar and perilous - to poetry." - Thomas Mann

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Originally posted by j303j:

i really could use a weekend away from this mayhem we call NYC!!!! some fresh air woudl be good for us.

hey joe, do i get to room with you? hehehe lol






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Glad to hear at least a preliminary round of positive feedback. I was soooo hoping to get the hell out of the city for NYE, but whatever.... I still managed to have fun. And what with all the trips I've been going on recently (no, I'm not talking about pills smile.gif ), I keep coming back to the Kings' Barn as a great place to throw a party.

Plus, I think we could make our own fun there..... orgy or not. The hot tub and darts alone are enough to break into a grin even thinking about it. Plus, I'd personally love to do some kitchen cookin' up there, too..... I dunno, it all sounds goodie to me. And at $35pp per night, good Christ -- that's the cost of a cheap night out in the city.

I'm gonna stfu now. smile.gif



"Live through the week. Live for the weekend."

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Originally posted by vejita:

Glad to hear at least a preliminary round of positive feedback. I was soooo hoping to get the hell out of the city for NYE, but whatever.... I still managed to have fun. And what with all the trips I've been going on recently (no, I'm not talking about pills smile.gif ), I keep coming back to the Kings' Barn as a great place to throw a party.

Plus, I think we could make our own fun there..... orgy or not. The hot tub and darts alone are enough to break into a grin even thinking about it. Plus, I'd personally love to do some kitchen cookin' up there, too..... I dunno, it all sounds goodie to me. And at $35pp per night, good Christ -- that's the cost of a cheap night out in the city.

I'm gonna stfu now. smile.gif

Bah..don't hush. Keep talkin'. I say we do this, seriously.

And cooking would be such fun! I'll make my flavor party pasta!!!

How do we make this happen, guys?



"When the soul wishes to experience something, she throws an image of the experience out before her, and enters into her own image." -Eckhart

"Solitude gives birth to the original in us, beauty unfamiliar and perilous - to poetry." - Thomas Mann

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1) Decide on a good weekend for this to happen. We need to be sure to give peeps enough time to plan around it.....

2) Make sure the interest is there..... the more the merrier. Need to get a head-count to make sure we have enough space.

3) Make sure adequate transport is provided. That means carpooling, rentals, private jet -- whatever it takes to get people there.

4) Figure out if we need to pool funds for anything. Beyond the $35pp per night, we need to decide if we want to pool funds for booze, food or whatever miscellaneous crap we decide we need up there.

5) Get the funds from people, and mosey on up!

Something like that, anyway.......



"Live through the week. Live for the weekend."

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Vejita, #1 is the only real complicated issue, all the other ones just takes planning ... are we ever going to find a weekend where there's not some great party to stay in Manhattan for?

Seriously though ... I would love to get away. I'm in! And I'll help plan too.



Work like you don't need the money,

Love like you have never been hurt,

Dance like nobody is watching.

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well i guess if you really wanna get away then you wont mind missing a great party. i mean there are great parties every week in nyc and im sure we are not gonna miss out on much. im all for the idea. let's get workin on this project!!!





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Well, first we need an accurate count of who is interested in the idea, regardless of time. The place is already set....

Once we get that, we can do a poll (a la Blueangel-esque meetup surveys) to find out when is ideal for peeps. I'd say a long weekend is good, except that those always have neat club events going on.... so any ol' weekend is probably the best.

I'll call them tomorrow sometime and find out what's available -- that should help narrow things down a bit. smile.gif



"Live through the week. Live for the weekend."

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i think you got a great idea going!

i know this is so far ahead, but how about the beg. of june... ya figure beg of the summer b4 hs lets out would be the best kinda time, maybe even get a better rate?






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Totally cool idea. I have those timeshare things up in Poconos, one thing, gotta make sure neighbors are NOT that close, there strict up there in dem woods.

Hate drivin, but I have a clean van that can hold mad peeps.


aim: djmikedr


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yeah i think fresh air would be nice... might put my body into shock but its worth it... beginning of the summer sounds great too... leaves us time to plan and ask off work and stuff... pleeeeeeeeease lets do this... hell ill even help


"I sound like a chipmunk!!"

"that pigeon is standing there like a f*ckin asshole!"

"i am mo jo jo jo!!"

"i am drowning in a sea of randomness" --me~hi chach (o:

AIM---> PrncssVrnc

email---> PrncssVrnc@aol

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hey vejita, good idea!!! i'm in philly, but originally from allentown, i don't really go to the mts, but i can at least try to help you plan, seeing as how i'm fairly close to the damn place!~! i mean two hours tops for driving wise, so if you guys need drivers from this end point, let me know. dj wise we have good ones on the board i'm sure, and there's some in philly tha tcould maybe hook us up. if things get too country, some could come back with me to philly, whatever, the plan is... i'm down... and there would be mad heads here that would be down too!


"Some Of Us Are Like Ink, And Some Like Paper.

And If It Were Not For The Blackness Of Some Of Us, Some Of Us Would Be Dumb.

And If It Were Not For The Whiteness Of Some Of Us, Some Of Us Would Be Blind."- Khalil Gibran

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i am soooooooooo in . smile.gif

I am good any weekend except......MArch 2nd smile.gif, ummmm MArch 23-28, MArch 28th, Aprl 6th..........FUCK I AM NEVER FREEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!

whateva just figure it out and let me know cwm4.gif



And Everything Will Flow....Flow....Flow....


"The Futures So Bright.......I Gotta Wear Shades"

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Originally posted by apotheosis:

Totally cool idea. I have those timeshare things up in Poconos, one thing, gotta make sure neighbors are NOT that close, there strict up there in dem woods.

Hate drivin, but I have a clean van that can hold mad peeps.

Hey Mikey, where do you have a timeshare up there?? Mike has one at Shawnee, I love it!

This sounds like an awesome idea. I need to know ahead of time what the dates would be though so please keep this thread active smile.gif



A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to it's old dimensions.

~*~*~Don't use time or words carelessly, neither can be retrieved.~*~*~ blossom.gif

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