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ohh SHIT! i got 86ed from EXIT!!

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Originally posted by exit2heaven:

Hey Kitty i dont feel bad for you either...now you can go to the place to be ....TWILO. Check out my board name...Exit2heaven....i used to be an Exit freak myself...but fuck the mainstream ...fuck all the bullshit...and fuck the assholes at EXIT...as much as i loved...loved..the place...fuck it ...theres something so much better....TWILO..peace and love...like i said i went from EXIT 2 heaven.!!

see u the 9th...PVD<<>>>PVD>>>PVD...nuff said cwm27.gif

That's what I'm talking about.......

as for the post, I agree with kitty on this one.......I think she is simply making a point that either everyone should be searched or nobody......the pick-and-choose shit based on dress style and race is either straight up racial profiling or just plain prejudice (that is, against those who don't choose to dress up all pretty for the club).......I don't see her looking for sympathy and I feel that everyone who's jumping on her for that needs to realize this.......you guys mean if kitty and her bf didn't have drugs than it WOULD be fucked up of the bouncers?? C'mon now.....she is not angry because she got searched and caught, she is angry because of WHY she got searched.......The club needs to have some standards and treat their guests equally at the very least........from my experiences @ Exit, they fail miserably.......thank god for Twilo.......



"The silent dog is the first to bite..." - me

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Yeah the thing is that it is a privately owned club and they can do whatever they feel like. Just like Cops in NJ were profiling Black drivers. They will tell you it was based on the stats, research, and whatever else they can come up with as an excuse.

Itis all about the Benjamins, Honey!!!

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Exit is a waste of a night anyway.....FUCK that place.


-----"A man makes his sunshine, and he makes his rain. Look at what you have, and where you are, before you say, "I've had a horrible day" Appreciate what you have, and realize how much others wish they could have that much. Live Life, and LOVE IT!" --Me





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Originally posted by bungee:

All you fucking druggies deserve whatever shit you got coming. You all deserve to hang.

Not if the druggies hang your ass first...


Relax, it was just a dream... you're awake now and your nightmares will begin...


[This message has been edited by ezdreamer (edited 01-29-2001).]

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Let me get this straight...you walk into a club with Ecstasy and K and have a problem with the fact that you were thrown out?!!? You must be joking me. Drugs are fucking illegal you idiot!!! If anything you should be thanking EXIT for not sending you're stupid ass to jail. I'm sorry but you have not exactly helped the "racial discrimination" cause for yourselves now after this story. I apologize to all the asians out there who are being apparently mis treated but you know what? I was there this past Friday and once again all you guys hang out in the same place. In the back of the man floor. So...in all honesty. If you don't want to be treated differently then perhaps you should suggest to the rest of those asians out there to not crowd together like you're all in some type of cult!!!

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Such hostility in here. Hey I'm asian and I don't stand at the corner like some cult =)

Anyhow~ this is what happened to Kitty and she just wanted u guys to be more careful... what was so wrong with that???? U guys need to take a long bubble bath and chill out!!!! cwm12.gif

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Originally posted by rose1722:

Such hostility in here. Hey I'm asian and I don't stand at the corner like some cult =)

Anyhow~ this is what happened to Kitty and she just wanted u guys to be more careful... what was so wrong with that???? U guys need to take a long bubble bath and chill out!!!! cwm12.gif



Relax, it was just a dream... you're awake now and your nightmares will begin...


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I understand u got searched bad, but so what??? i think it just bothered u only cuase u had drugs on u, if u were clean , it wouldn't have been so bad. Its really bad on ur part, that if they did only search asians drastically, then u just proved their stereotype that asians brings drugs in clubs, u should of hid it better so they wouldnt find it, so they wont add to the stereotype. Lots of clubs do big ass searches, it also depends what time u get in there, if u get in early , u get searched, in my expeericence, but if u go later, they dont really search u. Cant blame exit for doing more thorough searches, cause i seen cops in there going around , searching ppl , so they do have to be careful. Its not only minorities that get searched drastically or bouncers bother them, like last year two of my friends (both white guys) were in the tunnel and these bouncers wanted to beat the shit out of them cause they thought they had drugs on them, they had to undress all the way to the underwares, and were really harassed and kicked out (they didnt even have drugs on them or take any), so tell me was that okay??? no..so it happens to everyone.

I do believe every club has a right to do whatever, we cant complain about their rules, we either accept them and go to the club, or not and not go to that club. and for the ppl who hate exit..its okay... we wont miss u.. go to twilo. cwm7.gif


aim: amafrk1


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Originally posted by ezdreamer:

Not if the druggies hang your ass first...

LOL, go choke on your pills, will ya? I repeat, all you fucking druggies are going down.


Sticks and Stones may break my bones..but..words..can't..hurt..meeeee...

so there

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first of all....ur mad stupid - if yur bringing pills in and u get caught - that's yur own damn fault

personally i never had a problem getting in and i'm asian and a raver

they check but they never find

u peeps gotta learn how to HIDE your shit.....

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Originally posted by kitty19:

that's right people! for all you assholes that are complaining about too many asians being at exit, you have 2 less asians to worry about. this is fuckin more proof that Exit is a racist establishment, and for all those that want to turn their back on this fact, then understand that you are being ignorant and this is the way of life for many minorities.

so basically, my boyfriend and i were pegged the minute we walked in this past friday. the bouncers grabbed the both of us, seeing that we were the ONLY asians and the ONLY ravers on line (hmm... some racial profiling yea?).

we both got searched hardcore -- took our shoes/socks off, got felt up and felt down (both of us), you fuckin name it-- and they found pills/k on us and we were taken to security. they tried to scare the shit out of us by saying "you're going to jail, you guys are fucked, you guys knew that you were going to get searched for being ASIAN RAVERS, hahaha.. etc etc".

but we got 86ed instead (thank god, cause jail wouldn't have been nice).

SO, i would like to give a big FUCK YOU to the Exit nightclub, you guys could suck a big fat dick! my ass is sticking to Twilo motherfuckers! you RACIST SHITHEADS! wink.gif



Howz Ya BOX?

Like a Biskit....

bottle1-a.gifAll Gone ecstasy_a.gifThe chemical molecules that make up Ectasy

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Originally posted by kitty19:

and they found pills/k on us and we were taken to security. they tried to scare the shit out of us by saying "you're going to jail, you guys are fucked, you guys knew that you were going to get searched for being ASIAN RAVERS, hahaha.. etc etc".

THIS IS NOT IN support of Exit...as I personally do not go there...however, regardless of where you go, you SHOULD be tossed the fuck out, arrested, etc...if you are caught out there with drugs. Just because "everyone" in a club might be fucking around with some kind of drug or another...DOES NOT MAKE IT LEGAL...I don't understand how you (and others) can be mad for getting busted with ILLEGAL DRUGS. Instead of bashing EXIT...you should be sucking everyone of the bouncer's dicks for not shipping you off to the cops. Be cautious or stay home...and if you are actually concerned with racial profiling then why are you acting in a manner that is playing right into such sterotypes? If you "know" that EXIT is targeting "asian ravers"...and it bothers you:

A) You shouldnt go

B) If you do go...why BE EXACTLY what they are looking for...1)you are asian, 2) you dress like a raver...and 3) you BROUGHT drugs into the club. Obviously 1 and 2 are fine, but the third is wrong for everyone and even STUPIDER for those who are supposedly being "targeted"

Good night and god bless.


"The world is a better place because of those who refuse to believe they can't



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gravity hits it right on the head, (and so do the heads who said Exit sucks in the first place lol.) im not gonna preach about anything, all i can tell you is be thankful they were lenient in a sense. if you have ever spent the WEEKEND in central booking, you will know that it is not in any sense an enjoyable experience. in fact, it's reason enough to avoid smuggling contraband into these places.

unless of course you enjoy being crammed in a cell with 50 dregs, big enough for 30... and hoping to be quick enough to snag one of the 40 cheese sandwiches they throw in the room.




we must cultivate our gardens...

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That seriously sucks, kitty... wanna bash Exit some more tomorrow at lunch? cwm35.gif By the way... it's looking more and more like my skiing plans are going to fall through YET AGAIN this weekend. Which is bad because I REALLY wanted to go... but good because then... maybe you can hook me up with some "lessons?" cwm32.gif Talk to you soon, hunny... call me!!


The purpose of life? To die young as late as possible.


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Guest blckraven

Regarding the last post on asians grouping together and acting like a cult. I am not asian and I understand why some choose to hang out together. It is fun, it is safe, nothing wrong with it.

Maybe it is culture, maybe it is choice. People have the right to do what they want. I do know that asians do get picked on alot, especially in clubs , Twilo's famous boot camp harrasing kids left and right or Exit's lame racist attidute.

I do feel so sorry for the couple who got singled out. Even if they had subtances on them. Like as if the majority of clubbers here dont't use drugs.:P Gimme a fucking break!! most of you are using or have used.

Let me or any of my friends get kicked off any line for racial reasons. I guarantee you that I would take legal actions.

This is 2001 we don't have to take that shit anymore


Live and embrace life to the fullest ! Love like you never have, dance and become one with light

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Originally posted by exit2heaven:


So when will i see u at TWILO..,damn nobody better not miss PVD!!! it will be one of the special nights in the city....then nafter that everyone go to the unified rave in westchester where Christopher lawrence is spinning!! cwm28.gif

ummmm, "nobody better not" that's a double negative...

anyway, unified is the following week, NOT the day after PVD

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Originally posted by secret:

who said they should associate themselves with me. Just stop their bitching thats all. I don't hear blacks or whites or latino's complaining about discrimination. Just the same 2 people on this board. So I rest my case.

Well obviously the asian clubbers are the only group "bitching" about discrimination because they're the only ones being singled out!! DUHHHHHH!! cwm25.gif You're not hearing whites, latinos, or blacks cause they have no problems going in!!!

And it's not the only TWO asians complaining . . . there have been several posts posted by other asians regarding this topic. If you don't know what you're talking about then just STFU!! Can't stand it when people who don't check the board or posts regularly say stupid shit like this. cwm23.gif The only person bitching nonsense here is you!



"Dreams come true; without that possibility, nature would not incite us to have them." -John Updike


[This message has been edited by blueangel (edited 01-30-2001).]

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Do you know what happens to the clubs in which there are too many instances of the drug abuse - they get shot down. As an owner of such a club who spent lots of money to open it what would be your stance on drugs. It is not about racism I think you might have been randomly picked, (and wasn't it a bulls eye?)

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Originally posted by theorynyc:

I apologize to all the asians out there who are being apparently mis treated but you know what? I was there this past Friday and once again all you guys hang out in the same place. In the back of the man floor. So...in all honesty. If you don't want to be treated differently then perhaps you should suggest to the rest of those asians out there to not crowd together like you're all in some type of cult!!!

The last thing we need is your pathetic, racist apology. You wanna apologize to us for what?? For calling us a cult? Or for telling us how to party in a club?? Which one is it? And who said that there is a guideline on how to party at a club?? If I want to associate myself with another asian all night getting FUCKED UP and sitting there doing absolutely nothing . . . that's my personal freakin' business cause you know what I paid my fee at the door. And not you or anybody else is gonna tell me how to freakin' party. That's personal choice. And furthermore, I can't even begin to tell you how many times I see a large group of people who are probably friends gather around in a circle on the floor somewhere bugging out. I see all color or race do this . . . not just asians. So go get a fuckin' clue!

I'm sooo freakin' tired of seeing how many people posted to this thread calling Kitty stupid and complaining about her bitching. She didn't bitch about the fact that she got caught!! She even stated that she was thankful they didn't arrest her. She was confirming the rumors that's been going around about how Exit was being more strict on lettting asians in. That was her intention. You guys freakin' come down her like your asses are holier than thou with your pathetic "Shame on you! You had drugs!" approach. Give me a freakin' break. We all know that 98% of us on this board are all clubbers who uses substance of some sort . . . or have used. So, don't even try to sound condescending! We all know that taking in substance to clubs have it's certain risks . . . but I don't think that's what Kitty was trying to talk about.

Furthermore, Enyce2000, from the sound of your post you would think that YOU owned the freakin' club. And all YOU people in the VIP room are not that club friendly either! Freakin' people walk around like their shit doesn't smell.

So sick of these freakin' weak replies! cwm23.gif



"Dreams come true; without that possibility, nature would not incite us to have them." -John Updike


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