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Online Etiquette (please answer)

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Do you judge people based on how many typos, spelling & grammar errors they make

PS I spell checked this post tongue.gif

Personally I don’t give a fuck about it. But does it really effect what you think of the person?

Oh yeah cursing too smile.gif



AIM: ZUinc2000

E-Mail: ZUinc99@aol.com

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i don't care, necessarily, if other people make spelling mistakes or typos....some of the smartest people are poor spellers. also some people just type fast and mistakes are made that way. i hate it when i make a spelling mistake, though. i always try to check but sometimes i'll find one. it's just a pet peeve of mine. it may make some people crazy that i never use capitals but i hate to "shift"....


jumpdei.gif Boink like a snow bunny!!!


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I personally don't care about spelling or grammatical mistakes (hey, I'm a foreigner so what do I know about your language wink.gif). Anyway, as long as I get the content (hahahaha....which sometimes isn't that easy for me...right Myrlin smile.gif)...I'm happy with any post that comes along and has something to say. Although I have to admit that I hate it when I find spelling mistakes in my own postes...I usually check them before I send them out...but then, that's just me cwm27.gif



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Originally posted by Unbound:

Do you judge people based on how many typos, spelling & grammar errors they make

being that my only ready perspective on a person in writing is what they contribute to the board/post/net, i view how people type as how they would like to represent themselves to other. it's like clothes - i will find a well-dressed person more attractive than one who doesn't care about their looks simply because they care about how they present themselves.

now about when they open their mouth, that is another story.




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Originally posted by toastednut:

Originally posted by Unbound:

Do you judge people based on how many typos, spelling & grammar errors they make

being that my only ready perspective on a person in writing is what they contribute to the board/post/net, i view how people type as how they would like to represent themselves to other. it's like clothes - i will find a well-dressed person more attractive than one who doesn't care about their looks simply because they care about how they present themselves.

now about when they open their mouth, that is another story.

I concur to an extent, how else are you supposed to form an opinion about someone (whilst not necessarily judging them) but to see what they write on the board and how they do it...unless you meet them......how many people on this board behave fairly similarly and communicate similarly online and offline? If anything I'm MORE out there in the real world then online.... wink.gif


hapfac01.gif ...............trying to make it into the country b4 the dinner meetup!---------------> boa_boy@yahoo.com

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I only worry about spelling as far as the importance of the message. Business letters- yes, there will be zero mistakes. streamofconsciousness- i'm probably typing too fast. It also has to do with one's habit of writing. In all, I wouldn't judge people's intelligence on this board based on their spelling errors (or successes,) but maybe their rhetoric and style of writing... That might be annoying. -dunno.

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Originally posted by bang_66_:

I only worry about spelling as far as the importance of the message. Business letters- yes, there will be zero mistakes. streamofconsciousness- i'm probably typing too fast. It also has to do with one's habit of writing. In all, I wouldn't judge people's intelligence on this board based on their spelling errors (or successes,) but maybe their rhetoric and style of writing... That might be annoying. -dunno.

100% agree




AIM: ZUinc2000

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hmm... i admit, i always try to make sure my posts are grammatically correct and free of spelling errors before i submit them... those are my personal pet peeves (mostly a pet peeve of myself, not of others, if u know what i mean.. i'm an aspiring journalist, so i think the need to be anal with my posts has something to do with that hehe!)

..but for the most part, i don't judge others based on the grammatical or spelling errors in their posts... if the errors are really recurrent and obvious, then i tend to think (probably to the dismay of many-- i'm sorry!) that they are a bit nonchalant or perhaps even messy in character. (either that or they don't speak english that well.) it might seem weird but sometimes i think it actually shows some sort of character trait of that person..

other than that, i basically judge on the style of writing, and the common vibe that i get from their posts...

peace! --daniela cwm20.gif



"And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music."

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If I'm trying to make a serious point, then I try to be certain that my spelling a grammer are perfect, although I have to admit that I won't always go in and edit my comment if I notice something is off.

If i'm just making a quip that of the cuff, i will more informal and use more vernacular like "prolly" even though I know it bugs people.... just the laziness kickin in.


"Buckle up"

-she knows who she is.

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funny.. i personally couldnt care less about grammatical/spelling errors just as long as i can understand what they mean lol... but i know some people totally put people down if they spell badly... but.. hey i know im lazy at shit so y wouldnt other people be too hehe.. peace out


"I sound like a chipmunk!!"

"that pigeon is standing there like a f*ckin asshole!"

"i am mo jo jo jo!!"

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AIM---> PrncssVrnc

email---> PrncssVrnc@aol

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What drives me crazy are peeps that use one long ass block of paragraph to explain their thoughts... so much harder to read that I tend to dismiss it and not read it altogether.

Other than that, who cares about errors... unless the dude is an ass... then it's open season on any mistakes, grammatical or otherwise.


Relax, it was just a dream... you're awake now and your nightmares will begin...


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what i've noticed though, particularly when people engage in heated debates, it's an advantage to read over what you type, and check for spelling/grammatical errors.

almost 100% of the time, people will be quick to point out that you are talking out of your ass if you are not spelling shit correctly. like, "go back and learn english before you argue with me, son" or some shit like that. wink.gif

so i guess that's a tip, you want to fight on the board, make sure you got some damn good typing skills going.

also, NO NEED TO TYPE IN UPPER CASE! i guess that's to accentuate the fact that they are screaming or something?



*turn it around baby*


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Huked un fonics werkid fur mee!! cwm29.gifcwm12.gifcwm2.gif


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