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I dont know but this is kinda becoming a patter. I dont know about yall but I don't feel comfy going to hear a Gay DJ spin. Such as JV or DT. Is it possible for these guys to keep their private life in closet and pretend they are straight so I could go to their clubs without being afraid of being attacked by a colin cowboy? Am I the only one that feels this way?

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Question...how do those DJs you mention "parade" their sexual preferences around? And who cares? If they are capable of pumping out good music, then they are good DJs regardless of their preference. And to imagine there are probably more gay Djs out there that you might like and you would have no clue!

-Jamms "itsallaboutthemusic"



GLI ABBRACCI face50.gif

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Originally posted by jammy:

Question...how do those DJs you mention "parade" their sexual preferences around? And who cares? If they are capable of pumping out good music, then they are good DJs regardless of their preference. And to imagine there are probably more gay Djs out there that you might like and you would have no clue!

-Jamms "itsallaboutthemusic"



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Time we all learned to ignore Mr. Bastardino.

He's either 1. An ignorant little punk who has a frighteningly low mass of brain matter or 2. A person who feels that making such lavish and stupid comments is funny and doesn't really believe them but does this for shits and giggles.

I think that number 2 is in fact the reality. But...what this poor boy doesn't realize is that flinging such idiocy around, even if he doesn't believe it, promotes said idiocy in others.

I've even noticed that the few times his posts have been ignored, he'll repeat them in desperate hopes to get the attention he oh so craves.

So...ignore the guy. His posts don't even deserve the time it takes to respond. In fact, I've spent far too much time on this one.


Oh..one more thing. Bastardino, if you are in fact trying to hold a mirror up to the people who believe the ideas you're flinging out there so that they see their own stupidity (an intresting approach, although ineffective if that is indeed what you're doing), try something else...it doesn't work.


"When the soul wishes to experience something, she throws an image of the experience out before her, and enters into her own image." -Eckhart

"I heard of a man that says words so beautiful that if he only speaks their name, women give themselves to him.

If I am dumb by your body while silence blossoms like tumors on our lips it is because I hear a man climb the stairs and clear his throat outside our door." - Leonard Cohen

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Obviously this guy really knows nohing about the DJ/club scene...Like how about that most of the greatest DJ's and Groundbreakers and DJ Gods of yesteryear were mostly gay. How about it it wasnt for the huge gay following that dance music has had/have that we would not be able to enjoy such great work. I won't get long-winded here. smile.gif

I just chalk this up to blind ignorance.

- Pete





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Originally posted by bastardino:

I dont know but this is kinda becoming a patter. I dont know about yall but I don't feel comfy going to hear a Gay DJ spin. Such as JV or DT. Is it possible for these guys to keep their private life in closet and pretend they are straight so I could go to their clubs without being afraid of being attacked by a colin cowboy? Am I the only one that feels this way?

Just ignorance.. I pay no attention to people like this! cwm12.gif

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You know i've gone to both junior's party and danny's.. when i was on BOTH sides of the fence..

i had gone to junior when i wasn't even out.. and NOBODY messed with me..

aww..what someone might say you're cute (if this actually applies)...and all u have to do is say thank you for the compliment i'm str8....UNLESS

you have some insecurity with your own sexuality because everyone knows the ones that are all lined up to knock anything queer are the people that are hiding something and either curious or insecure with themselves........hell..if you're really all that STRAIGHT you should be able to handle it.

futhermore..if you're str8.. no one will push for anything with you..so what if you're attractive or cute (once again if this even applies)..... i think puppies are cute but i wouldn't want to fuck one of them now would i.

get over it.


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Originally posted by bastardino:

I dont know but this is kinda becoming a patter. I dont know about yall but I don't feel comfy going to hear a Gay DJ spin. Such as JV or DT. Is it possible for these guys to keep their private life in closet and pretend they are straight so I could go to their clubs without being afraid of being attacked by a colin cowboy? Am I the only one that feels this way?

Is it possible you could keep your private life in the closet and pretend you're not straight so you could see what it's like to have a real genuine good time without so much pretense? all ya gotta do, b'o, is take your shirt off. Nobody would come up to you and bother you then...




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