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Analize this dream

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I had a dream today about 4pm that I was at the "new" SoundFactory's roof top playground (yes with swings and monkey bars-dont ask, it was a dream) and I met 2 new Clubplanet peeps, and I saw Rachel n Mysterious goiong down to the second floor in an elevator (wow SF is improving huh?)and then I bumped into Orchid21. She said it was her birthday.

Now she just popped online around 5 pm and I told her and she said its her birthday next month and shes having it at SoundFactory.

Whoa. What do you think?

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Originally posted by apotheosis:

I had a dream today... What do you think?

i can't fully analyze it for you, as it is your subconsciousness playing while you are asleep. however i can give you a few reference points you can go from. you will need to do the interpretation yourself.

from my indispensable "little giant encyclopedia of dream symbols," which i keep next to my bed so i can look these things up when i wake:

  • roof: security, protection, head, and intellect. area of conscious mental activity. we are talking about "having a roof over our heads," and very often "roof" is a metaphor for a higher intellectual capacity. are you asked to gain more new insights? roof also stands for the whole House.
  • swing: (the only entry i could find related to playground) mood swings; the ups and downs of life -- we either give in to them too much or we repress them too much. the symbol for the rhythm of life. are you being "taken for a ride?"
    it may also be connected to memories from your childhood. playfulness. a sexual symbol.
  • elevator/lift: emotional changes, and the degree of those changes is expressed here. caution, remaining aware of reality. if the lift is moving up fast -- advancement, high hopes. if the elevator is moving down fast -- to the point it is uncomfortable -- fear of letting go. if the elevator gets stuck, inferiority complex or strong inhibitions.
    a symbol of kundalini, vitality in yoga. advancement and wish for self-affirmation; or fear of falling. being constricted, except not so extreme. emotional transformation, becoming more aware without effort.
  • birthday: a common symbol for luck in any form. the birthday is a magical time when wishes are fulfilled, but where also somebody could cast a spell over you ("Sleeping Beauty"). important are the gifts, the kind of celebration, and how old you became. gifts usually represent characteristics of the dreamer or the person whom the dreamer is meeting and are an indication of how rich your life is because of them. in addition, a birthday is a celebration of your personal existance and your individual characteristics are the gifts. they are worthy of being honored. pay attention to the overall flavor of the birthday party. how did you feel?

i hope you can gain some insight to your dream.

myself, i take my dreams very seriously. they help me meditate on what is bugging my brain, why am i thinking about this? sometimes it's my wishes or sometimes it's about my troubles. usually i can find a solution to a problem if it is my dream -- my brain is already telling me what i should do. all i have to do is understand my dream.






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Originally posted by apotheosis:

I had a dream today about 4pm that I was at the "new" SoundFactory's roof top playground (yes with swings and monkey bars-dont ask, it was a dream) and I met 2 new Clubplanet peeps, and I saw Rachel n Mysterious goiong down to the second floor in an elevator (wow SF is improving huh?)and then I bumped into Orchid21. She said it was her birthday.

Now she just popped online around 5 pm and I told her and she said its her birthday next month and shes having it at SoundFactory.

Whoa. What do you think?

I think your dream represents your simple yet powerful subconscious desire to spend much much more time at SF. And maybe you haven't been back since Zoya's birthday? Even though your conscious self might claim otherwise, your subconscious has a deep love for the amazingly beautiful music & vibe of that place, & especially for jp. Of course I might be a little biased...

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very interesting post. i was actually dreaming about this board when my alarm clock went off this morning.

mikey, what do you think of the info that toastednut posted? very enlightening i think, but that is for you to decide.

toasted nut, who is the author of your book? i might have to run to the bookstore for a copy...

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Originally posted by shadowchaser:

it all goes back to Sigmund Freud's theory...

you wanna have sex with your mom...



Frank you're killing me

(oh and matty could've if you would've gotten to it 1st)


cwm29.gif Unbound getting UNWOUND

K alwayscomesbac K



AIM: ZUinc2000

[This message has been edited by Unbound (edited 02-13-2001).]

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Originally posted by shugabooga:

toasted nut, who is the author of your book? i might have to run to the bookstore for a copy...

"The Little Giant Encyclopedia of Dream Symbols," by Klaus Vollmar.

New Age, $9.95 US -- i believe this is the english translation of a German original.

from the back cover:

"Find out what your mind is trying to tell you, with this unique, up-to-date reference. You are constantly getting messages in your dreams that affect your feelings about love, success, and the future. More than 2,000 entries by a psychoanalyst and dream specialist provide expert explanations of common dream symbols and events, as well as questions for you to explore that you may never have thought before...

Bonus: Practical advice on how to analyze your dreams!"

hey i didn't even know about the bonus section until i just typed about it right now.... ahhhh.....

smoke a bowl?




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