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whos the cock blocker in your group?

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DEF. MY FRIEND MIKE!!!! he always ALWAYS walks in when im getting "intimate" with my g/f!! he doesn't nock and if i lock the door, he'll bang on it continuously!! drives me insane!! cwm23.gifcwm23.gifcwm28.gifcwm28.gif


"Your not going crazy, your going SANE in a CRAZY world..."

aol sn: kshark81


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hmm, i think i must be the cock blocker because i'm always with my guy friends and i know for a fact they aren't getting any


seriously though, i see girls check out my friends, but i think they may get deterred by seeing me or any other girl friend around them. so i make myself scarce and try not to mess with what little game my guy friends actually have


"real fucking high"

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Cock-Blocking is an art-form...

To do it properly you must do the following..

#1. You must have absolute fear of talking to girls by yourself.

#2.. Let your friend approach all the girls and do all the talking..

#3. As soon as your friend is talking to a girl , you *must* immediately butt-in and start making stupid jokes, fart, or burp, make sexual references, and just plain weird the girl out.

Cock-blockers you can take care of it.. its when your buddy wont do you a favor and take care of the fat chick friend that sucks.

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Originally posted by tranceaction:


Cock-Blocking is an art-form...

To do it properly you must do the following..

#1. You must have absolute fear of talking to girls by yourself.

#2.. Let your friend approach all the girls and do all the talking..

#3. As soon as your friend is talking to a girl , you *must* immediately butt-in and start making stupid jokes, fart, or burp, make sexual references, and just plain weird the girl out.

Cock-blockers you can take care of it.. its when your buddy wont do you a favor and take care of the fat chick friend that sucks.

you sooooo just described what my brother does to me!! that rat bastard!!! hahaha...he will get the motherload cockblock one of these days!! he has yet to feel the wrath of twiloman!! muahahahahaha!!! thanx for the tips!!


"Your not going crazy, your going SANE in a CRAZY world..."

aol sn: kshark81


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matty parsons you have no game at all!!!! ill show you all about having game my little friend. hahahahaha!!!!! cwm4.gif



A ho don't make a housewife.

pistol packin, monkey drinkin, no money bum, im from jersey cause that's where im from!!!!


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Going back to the original topic, I have to say cockblocking is about the worst thing a guy can do to one of his boys, short of sleeping with his g/f.

This is largely a male-commented thread, so I think it is safe to say that when it comes to "the game" and cockblocking, the "Bros before Hoes" mentality rules all. If your boy is working his Jones, stand back and let the man work. Friends don't cockblock friends.


"Crippled but free, I was blind all the time I was learning to see" -Dead

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Originally posted by jennEfer:

cock blocked??? wtf is that????



TWILO'S WACK !!!! Sorry guys it is

"dont be affraid to walk out on anything in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat coming from around the corner" Robert Deniro




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Originally posted by deanna11:

seriously though, i see girls check out my friends, but i think they may get deterred by seeing me or any other girl friend around them. so i make myself scarce and try not to mess with what little game my guy friends actually have

puhleeze...yo i gotz mad skillz yo...they sweat da flava i gotz...ya know...


i don't want it...i just need it...to feel, to breathe, to know I'm alive...


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I was out a few weeks ago with my friend and this girl I've been sweating at work for months. She and I were sitting on the sofa doing a little smooching while my friend went to the bathroom. When he came back, he put his foot on my shoulder and pretended to do a little dance in front of my face. This is while I'm kissing the girl.

What a jackass, don't ya think. I should have taken one of the candles and set his ballsack on fire.



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Originally posted by ichi_gami:

myself and a friend have been pulling that ugly duty for each other, enforcing a time-out for a bit. cwm6.gif

Eeek?! Hope ya don't mean me dearie!!! ;-)



I am NOT a fag hag. I'm a fairy princess.

"When the soul wishes to experience something, she throws an image of the experience out before her, and enters into her own image." -Eckhart

"I heard of a man that says words so beautiful that if he only speaks their name, women give themselves to him.

If I am dumb by your body while silence blossoms like tumors on our lips it is because I hear a man climb the stairs and clear his throat outside our door." - Leonard Cohen

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Or how about when your friend tries to "out-do" you like if you are talking to some dude, all of a sudden they have to talk to some guy just to chalk up points that they can meet guys also. Its like WHATEVER! I refuse to be in competition with no one (man or woman). To me its so not worth it. If a friend is interested in a guy a TOTALLY back off even if I am atrracted to him. I guess I can keep myself in check when need be. cwm1.gif

-Jamms "donthatetheplayerhatethegame"


GLI ABBRACCI face50.gif

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What do you call women who "cockblock?" Their approach is slightly different but with the same end result: no hook up. What I'm referring to is when a woman in a group or with a friend is ready, willing and able, while her friend(s) ensure that she doesn't go home with the guy she's interested in. Her friend(s) might rationalize pooping on her parade by pretending that they're just "looking out" for her. Most of the time they're probably just jealous that they're not the ones receiving the attention.



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Originally posted by translucent:

What do you call women who "cockblock?" Their approach is slightly different but with the same end result: no hook up. What I'm referring to is when a woman in a group or with a friend is ready, willing and able, while her friend(s) ensure that she doesn't go home with the guy she's interested in. Her friend(s) might rationalize pooping on her parade by pretending that they're just "looking out" for her. Most of the time they're probably just jealous that they're not the ones receiving the attention.

Would that be a boxblock???





email: ibhugh@yahoo.com

aolim: hugesk8r


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