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What is the stupidest thing you ever did or said while smoked up?

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hmm let see....

After smoking countless blunts,(circa 2AM)I checked my voicemail and started talking back to the message that was left. The funny part is that I didn't realize it until I saw everyone on the floor laughing at me! cwm26.gif


People come into your life for reasons not yet known, keep your mind, heart and soul open.

AIM: Xxlea77

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i dont think anyone can top me lol... i was in the car with Al and Meli and SUPPOSEDLY i said "Al can u hand me a pack of moose from my glove compartment"... he said "WHAT!".. and i replied... "tissues Al i said tissues"... i really think i said tissues but Al and Meli still insist that i said moose.. i dunno..



"that pigeon is standing there like a f*ckin asshole!"

"i am mo jo jo jo!!"

"Maybe some women aren't meant to be tamed. Maybe they need to run free until they find someone just as wild to run with."

AIM---> PrncssVrnc

email---> PrncssVrnc@aol

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Walked 10 city blocks at 8AM wearing boxer shorts, a ginny-t, and work boots to buy me and my boys 50 cent hot dogs from the Papaya.......the fucked up part is, I'm serious......



"Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger"

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After 20 minutes of silence trying to remember an song writers name I said...

'"You know when some people say, I've got something on the tip of my tongue...and other people say, I've got something on the tip of my brain?....I just felt the difference."

Yep, that was pretty damn stupid.



"When the soul wishes to experience something, she throws an image of the experience out before her, and enters into her own image." -Eckhart

"I heard of a man that says words so beautiful that if he only speaks their name, women give themselves to him.

If I am dumb by your body while silence blossoms like tumors on our lips it is because I hear a man climb the stairs and clear his throat outside our door." - Leonard Cohen

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Originally posted by stacychase:

i hardley talk whe i am high... smile.gif i am hysterical. ask me a question and i can barely form words to make up an answer. smile.gif all of my friends hate me when i am this way.

I do the same exact thing!! Except I don't talk cause I'm always afraid I sound stupid so I just sit there with a stupid grin on my face and say nothing. cwm32.gif



“The fate of love is that it always seems too little or too much.” - Anonymous


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sup, kids-

So I'm chilling with some peeps... I'm sittin on the floor, looking up at the strings of little red christmas lights that this girl has hanging from the top of her canopy bed... so I turn to her and say "holy shit, can you believe this? Look at the lights! I can see them in 3D! Like, the ones that are near me are big, but the ones that are further away are smaller... and smaller... and kinda blurry... just like they were in 3D!"

Then she just looks at me with this dumb look on her face, and I say, "Wait, couldn't I do that anyway?"



Physics Genius


Sometimes, Excess is Barely Enough...


You Know What I Was, You See What I Am: Change Me, Change Me!

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oh im just too goddamn burnt to remember anything!!



" Music is a universal language. Where speech fails, then music begins. It is the natural medium for the expression of our emotions - the art that expresses in tones our feelings which are too strong & too deep to be expressed in words"

Charles W. Landon

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After hours of excruciating sex

My dear ol'lady still wanted some more of Mr. Happy!

The problem was that I was dead tired, my brain wasn’t functioning due to the lack of blood (oxygen) in it for an extensive period of time.

So she says: "Honey I want your Dick"

And in complete desperation I tried to lie:

"I Don’t have one" cwm2.gif

See the funny part is that I was sincere and really thought that - that was a good lie to get her off my back ;p cwm32.gif silly arnt I

now why did i share that with the whole world? redface.gifconfused.gif


Keep On Rollin' cwm29.gif Unbound getting UNWOUND



AIM: ZUinc2000

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i remember when i was like 15, runing around my house like mission impossible, cause me and my best friend were smokin up and my parents came. we were so fukin paranoid. But it was a fun time. u had to be there, then u would understand!!!!


Smile, it makes people wonder what you're up to!!!!

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ok, during the summer i'm an ocean lifeguard out in the hamptons. this past summer, it was a rainy day, and what do lifeguards do best on a rainy day? SMOKE THE HERB! so we build a little tent out of umbrellas and get busy. all of a sudden, one of the guys looks through the tent back towards the boardwalk, and who is 20 feet away from us, walking towards us?? mr. general manager. so we hide everythign quickly and get out from under the tent to get away from the smell. so he comes over and we're chit-chatting. i'm standign right in front of him and the other guys are all behind me, doing their best not to bust out laughing. so i think i'm doign a great job of acting sober when he hands me a piece of paper with all the days of the month of august on it "write down what days you want to work, matty", and he continues to talk. after staring at the calender for about 5 minutes, i look up at him and say "but boss, i dont' know what days these other guys (the other lifeguards) want to work." at that, the two other guys start busting out laughing while my boss looks at me and just says "no, just your schedule you putz."

i guess you had to be there.


chicken salad!!!

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one particular time - i was sooo high that i was standing in front of a mirror having a conversation with my reflection. i was later informed that i had told my reflection that they were awfully familiar but that i couldn't remember from where.....funni part is that i actually remember the conversation cwm29.gif

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Hahaha! great topic orchid! ok ill tellya, about 3 years ago, my first time smokin up, my frends came over and we were gona chill at the ol' Tunnel, back in tha day, so we are goin to the city from jersey in a conversion van, and we are all smokin up like cheech n chong, being my first time, i giggled of course. so after pullin a few times, i start to smell this sweet, candy like odor. so im like " hey guys are u eating candy?" and they say no, no. so we keep goin, after like 2 minutes i start to smell something burning, im so high off my ass, i cant even understand what is burning exactly, so i look down at my crotch, HOLY SHIT, my dicks on fire!!! my whole crotch was on smoke and burning. Apparetnly, being a first time half baker, i didnt flick the ash off the tip, so it fell on my crotch, so i dropped and rolled on the floor, hit my head on somethin, meanwhile everyone is hysterical, laughin at my sorry ass. so to get to the point, we had to return home, so i could change my pants, (i still have those burnt thru kakhis, i kept em as a souvenir),and then we went to Tunnel, thankfully, none of my family jewels or other vital equipment was hurt, but its still funny to this day! Duh!


kroshka moya, ya po tebe skuchayu

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this is bad...i was in france and me, my french brother and a couple of friends of his were defonce(extremely blown)..then he goes to the kitchen and gets a box of macaroni and says this is how we do in france..so he opens the box and hands it to me...so i take a few out and start chewing raw mac...my teeth were hurting like shit, but i'm like, when in france do as the french do you know...so everybody in the room is dying laughing and i'm like whats going on...it took me like 10 minutes to figure out that they were going to cook the mac and that i was the only one eating it raw... and that they were laughing at me...i was pretty tore...thats what happens with morroccan(and no tobacco)


i'm only doing this once...until the second time

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Well hands down the stupidest thing I have EVER said came while with TrippinTrance64. After what I think was an hour of sitting in my car and having about 6 bowls a piece Trip turns to me and asks "How are you feeling?". In a maddening fit of laughter and complete highness I turn to him and say: "My brain is habbuled and my baffle has abraivaled." Trip turns to me and just stares blankly at my stupid giggling mofo self and just repeats it about 3 times. We then continue to laugh histerically and smoke some more. cwm32.gif

Trip, please add any comments about this as needed. I'm surprised I can remember my birthdate after that night cwm12.gif


..The judge said: "Son, what is your alibi? If you were somewhere else then you won't have to die." Well I said not a word. Though it meant my life, for I'd been in the arms of my best friends wife.

Duuuude your crushing my head!


[This message has been edited by flippin_e (edited 02-07-2001).]

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Originally posted by mattyparsons:


ok, during the summer i'm an ocean lifeguard out in the hamptons. this past summer, it was a rainy day, and what do lifeguards do best on a rainy day? SMOKE THE HERB! so we build a little tent out of umbrellas and get busy. all of a sudden, one of the guys looks through the tent back towards the boardwalk, and who is 20 feet away from us, walking towards us?? mr. general manager. so we hide everythign quickly and get out from under the tent to get away from the smell. so he comes over and we're chit-chatting. i'm standign right in front of him and the other guys are all behind me, doing their best not to bust out laughing. so i think i'm doign a great job of acting sober when he hands me a piece of paper with all the days of the month of august on it "write down what days you want to work, matty", and he continues to talk. after staring at the calender for about 5 minutes, i look up at him and say "but boss, i dont' know what days these other guys (the other lifeguards) want to work." at that, the two other guys start busting out laughing while my boss looks at me and just says "no, just your schedule you putz."

i guess you had to be there.

i'll make sure to stay away from your beach when i'm in the hamptons this summer

oh but only on rain days wink.gif



"People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they never use" -Soren Kierkegaard

"People who know little are usually great talkers, while men who know much say little." -Rousseau

"One must learn to be a sponge if one wants to be loved by hearts that overflow." -Frederich Neitzsche 2-Brandie&Rob-11


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Well, it all began when a couple of friends and I decided to smoke a couple blunts near the weehawken peers (overlooking NYC skyline).

We were at a small table that belongs to the park rolling the blunts and I had a bottle of water that I left at the table. Then we decide to go near the railing, protecting the river, to smoke.

After smoking a my friend and I are walking in front of a couple other friends, he turns to me and says " I'll race you for the water...", which was still on the table a good 30 feet away.

I say "okay".

He says "ready? GO!" he takes two steps and notices that I haven't moved yet, so he stops.

He begins to say, "you're not gonna run", but before he can finnish the sentance I run like crazy grab the water bottle, couldn't stop, jumped on top of the seat near the table, did a 360 and landed right in the middle of a bush.

Well, needless to say I won. I got up only to see that all my friends were on the floor dieing of laughter...

I think that would have to be my most interesting experiance high ever, but I beat him!



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