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hey blueangel i just clicked over there and they banned you. that is fucked up. whats wrong with these people


TWILO'S WACK !!!! Sorry guys it is

"dont be affraid to walk out on anything in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat coming from around the corner" Robert Deniro




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Originally posted by back2basics-:

Hey Casey, what EXACTLY were they told when they were ejected?

I'm sorry for not replying sooner I just wanted to get the exact words from my friends. My friend was on the dance floor with his gf . .. he was bent down fixing her belly ring when the head of the security came up and grabbed both of them. His initial reaction was, "Oh shit maybe he thought we were looking suspicious or something." So he went ahead and tried identify himself and to explain to the guy that he worked here . . . he has a list here and is a promoter. Also, he and his gf are carrying nothing on them and they are welcomed to search them. The bouncer yelled at them and told them he didn't care and that he and his gf are 86'ed from the club. My friend again tried to explain that he was a promoter and the bouncer told him I guess not. Then he and his gf was kicked out. My friend tried to talk to Mike (Manger) and Sharon (door person), who both knew him. They gave him the run around made him wait for about TWO hours outside and then just told him to go home. At that point, my friend decided to quit and wash his hands of the place. He had too many incidence where he had to explain to too many friends who used his list and got kicked out for no reason. But I guess when it happens to you it just hits home.



“Everything you can imagine is real.” - Pablo Picasso


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It may work or it may not work... but keep posting, flooding this issue here and at the Twilo site.

What happened is unexcusable. I know at least two other people that all they did was tie their fucking shoelace and got throw out as well...

No club is infallible. If that's what they think they oughta realize what happened to Tunnel, Studio 54, Palladium... shit, look at the word of mouth going around Exit, peeps are constantly defending it... is that what Twilo wants? Peeps constantly trying to defend their fucking stupid ass policies?


You might just achieve what you're shooting for, if you just dream a little...


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That is horrible what happened to your friends cwm36.gif

I tried to get a new user name for the twilo message board, but they never sent me a password so I can post to support... Hmmmnn.

I totally blame the bouncers and staff. I know there were some asian drug dealers that got thrown out that night and many more non-dealers/users that were harassed. So many times at Twilo, I was rudely approached by bouncers for giving my friends gum. I would turn to them and show them and say "GUM." Just because a select few cause problems, a whole race shouldn't be put on constant harassment by bouncers... especially if they did nothing wrong... even worse, it appears that they just threw your friends out to get more people in. What a shame...

Bottom line is that the staff at Twilo are downright rude. Even bouncers at Exit are 100X nicer... but then again, it's not tough to do.

My heart goes out to you cwm30.gif




"Strangers are just friends waiting to happen." - Old Sage Twilo


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OK this shit is messed up.

Of course they don't want you posting on the Twilo board-they would loose a shit load of money if they lost the asian crowd that goes to Twilo.

I am very dissapointed and angry myself. No matter what race-it is always fucked up when people are just in things for the money.

What assholes! cwm23.gif


The music makes the people come together...


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time to get midevil on twilo...lov'em but this is intolerable. casey, so sorry hear about this. especially from a club that has an asian working the door. she's a sweetie, i wonder if she knows what happened!

we support you!


I buried gravity twice, and now own him

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Originally posted by nycedee:

time to get midevil on twilo...lov'em but this is intolerable. casey, so sorry hear about this. especially from a club that has an asian working the door. she's a sweetie, i wonder if she knows what happened!

we support you!

Dee, who are you talking about? Are you talking about Sharon? Is she asian? Anyway, if you are talking about her then yea, she knew. She knows who my friend is, but I doubt she could do much about it.



“Everything you can imagine is real.” - Pablo Picasso


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Not that I want to take away from the seriousness of the racism issue, (BECAUSE IT IS DEF SERIOUS) but TWILO bouncers are WACK regardless. Last year my hubby and I weren't allowed in TWILO on a Sat night because we weren't GAY! Can you imagine, I'm there to dance my ass off with my guy and get turned away. Hell, we knew it was "gay night", had been there plenty of times on SAT, but who cared! We had each other...didn't want to have to deal with creepers and all that! ....that was biased too!

True that bouncers want to be feared, but in all my clubbing nights I've never been as turned off to bouncers as I have to TWILO's guys. I am not asian, nor where my friends when we got bounced from TWILO a couple of months back ...because my friend had a goddamn itch on his foot...and we all tried to help cwm32.gif , seems like the trigger words to the bouncers are...."if you see ANYONE bending....throw them out"

Hell, after all that Drama I have been taking a break from there and chillin elsewhere ....which is what you need to do.

I salute you Blueangel for your stand. Maybe you can get TWILO to "refresh" it's staff.




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This is the answer that I received from Twiloboss. Can we say sweeping it under the rug??


i want to start off by saying that this stuff is a real drag and will never be anything other than a pissing match in which i have no interest.

1. you did not privately notify me of anything until you ranted your way thru the entire board.

2. you are alleging that twilo has asian promoters that promote to asians and yet twilo is anti-asian.

3. you are hysterical over a perceived injustice, yet you admit that some of your friends have been thrown out in the past for dubious behavior.

4. you know your friends so well that you can swear up and down and all over that not one of them could possibly do anything shady.

5. you brought a whole bunch of them to this board to shit all over twilo.

6. you already promised you would never come back and you are here again.

7. whatever you did in the past for twilo has all been undone because you are still ranting and giving no one a chance to explain.

8. you wont accept any explanations anyway because you are already in too deep to back track and judging from your violent attitude you dont seem the type that is interested in any truth other than your own.

9. i am sorry you are offended; i am sorry you accused without a proper discussion; i am sorry you have rained on everyone's parade; i am sorry you have to bring in your version of the world and wreck everyone's vibe when it is already so difficult for people to get along; i am sorry you think this is the street corner where you can say anything offensive that you wish.

10. i hope you can say you're sorry when the truth comes out. and that your friends don't mind their shit being spread unnecessarily for all to see.

whatever happened on friday nite will never really be known; it can only be guessed at. out of courtesy to blueangel and to the twiloites and twilostaff, i would appreciate no more flaming or ranting on this subject.




“Everything you can imagine is real.” - Pablo Picasso


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This is my response to what he said:

That's your explanation?? That you think I'm violent, a liar, and I'm here to cause nothng but trouble?? THAT is all the explanation that you have??

First off it seems clear that you have a selective reading ability. You only read what you want to. I DID send you an email and a message. I NEVER admitted to my friends doing shady things. In the past when my friends would come to me about Twilo being unfair to the asian patrons, I defended your club by "ASKING" them if they were doing anything shady.

Secondly, YOU and everybody that works at Twilo knows that my friend brings in 80% of all asian patrons in there. That's a lot of bucks, isn't it?

Third, I'm not the one hysterically pointing nonsense "TRYING" to justify the irrational and the unfair behavior of my club staff.

I KNOW ONE friend/promoter so well that I can swear up and down and all over that he NEVER does anything shady. If ANY of your promoters are clean then he would be it!

I did not bring a whole bunch of posters from other boards to post on your board. I DID not such thing. They came on their own will. I do not go around recruiting people to come and bash . . . not my style. I simply wanted the story to be heard. It' s true that I posted this story in more than one section but that's because I wanted to get YOUR attention to this matter, to get some answers.

I heard about how well and swiftly you deal with problems that your patrons might have . . . this is how you deal with them? Sweep it under the rug?

WHATEVER I did in the past for Twilo I did for the love the club . . . as far as you telling me that I have undone it over night . . . I think not. YOU on the other hand has made it bluntly clear where you stand.

You may want to turn this into a pissing match, but I refuse to. You said last night that you would investigate . . . now over night you want to sweep it aside. Have you found your answers but am too ashamed to bring it out? Too ashamed of some of your staff and their behavior that you don't want to admit wrong cause if you do then you'll have to do something to justify.

It's alright. I never expected apology from you. Not everybody on this board or in that club may know your true color, but I've heard from your promoters in the past . . and now I know first hand.



“Everything you can imagine is real.” - Pablo Picasso


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This is some striaght up fuckin bullshit....I cant believe this garbage...wtf is this world coming to...and Twilo of all places, which has one of the most diverse crowds in the city to be pullin some shit like this...Just because someone has slanty eyes and wears a visor hes automatically a crackhead dealer and has to be thrown out of the club to clean up its image....If anything Asians make up atleast 50% of that crowd on any given night and to me are the most friendly and kindest people in there..This is a complete injustice and it makes me sick...There is no need for this in the 21st century...First at exit now at twilo...this is horrible...Blueangel you have my support...i got your back whatever you need...ill do anything i can to help....

On a lighter note i was askin everyone to take me around friday night to find you and finally get a chance to meet you but it didnt happen...hopefully next time we can.....Peace and love



Do you Fuck as well as you Dance???

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i finally got through and posted the following. soon thereafter, twiloboss erased his response to blueangel, then posted this schpeel and then closed the thread. i think we're scaring him with threats of outing twilo to magazines and newspapers:

"wow twiloboss, that was a pretty shitty and deheartening answer.

yes i'm a newbie to this board but i've been going to twilo for quite some time now. in fact, most of the "newbies" that you claim are starting "shit" are all regulars at http://www.clubplanet.com and also are what you call twiloites. please check our screen names here v. the ones on that board and you will realize that many of us have posted hundreds, even thousands of times... especially regarding our love for twilo.

my screen name there is k_car, if you need to verify. we are all dissapointed in the manner you have handled this situation. many of us are considering not going to twilo anymore... especially due to the outright rudenss of your staff, especiall the bouncers. i know on nights like pvd you may not miss us at all... but on nights like s&d and others like pappa and deep dish, it's us regulars that fill up at least half of twilo. moreover, as an asian, i have seen and been subjectected to constant harassment by your bouncers, basically for chewing gum. if you notice, asians make up for a good 30-40% of your clientele. and once again, on nights like pvd, it may not matter to you if we don't come. but once again, what about all the other nights when pvd isn't spinning. the club will be quite empty.

i would also like you to know that many people on the clubplanet message board (ny) have initiated contact with various magazines and newspapers regarding this and previous incidents. i know your job is to promote the club and spare it from negative press. that is what you have tried to do my squashing (or at least trying to) blueangels post. and yes, she may have not approaced a resolution from you in the neatest of fashions, but she was just trying to make someone from twilo listen.

twiloboss - i and many people LOVE twilo! please do something that can bring an amicable close to this and many other prior incidents. first place to start is maybe an apology to blue angel (not the sarcastic one you actually gave her), maybe comps to her and her two friends who were wronged for a year and training for your bouncers on "how to treat their customers." i know exit is no comparison to twilo, but i must say that their staff and bouncers outclass twilo bouncers by light years. just MHO.

i have faith in you twiloboss to do the right thing.

ps - once again, please check the clubplanet messageboard if you don't believe me.

thank you very much for lsitening.

sincerely, k_car"



"here it is again for the last time.

no matter what i say you have your opinions and no one is going to change them. twilo has been built on its love of the music and its mission to represent the best in human behavior as it comes forth through the current generation. i cannot speak for each individual's opinions, prejudices, or hatreds. i can speak for twilo, however. it has always been and will always be a place where there are no distinctions between individuals based on anything other than their character. anyone as dedicated to the scene as wholeheartedly as i am could never accept prejudice in any form. it is an unfortunate adjunct in our society that the sins of the few are often seen as the attributes of the many. this is not the case at twilo. whatever happened at twilo to you and your friends on friday nite will be investigated by me personally; all incidents involving the discharging of patrons are reported to management within 30 minutes of the ocurrance. it should be obvious that the drastic security measures we take are the result of pressures outside our control. if any one in your party looked like they were involved in any illegal activity, we must have them immediately removed. guilt or innocence is not the issue; the mere appearance of an impropriety will result in action. you were initially banned from this board by the webmaster because you copied a lengthy rant in more than one location. i am not familiar with your previous pro-twilo posts on other forums; i regret that you have elected to charge racism without first inquiring about twilo's position. there is, after all, 2 sides to every story. i remember at the original sound factory two similar incidents. the first involved the dischage from the premises of a drug dealer who was gay. he went to the gmhc and alleged that sf was anti-gay. its only clientel at the time were gay men. another involved a man in a wheelchair who was arrested on the premises for drug sales. he complained that he was discriminated against because he was disabled. as i said, i believe that you believe you were discriminated against because you are asian. i'm sure you still believe that. i will research the incident reports for friday nite and see what they reveal. apparently other twiloites have vouched for your former loyalty to the club. we all lose in incidents like this. we have lost a good customer; the twiloites have lost a fellow twiloite and you have lost a club that you apparently loved going to."




"Strangers are just friends waiting to happen." - Old Sage Twilo


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