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^^^Clubs vs Raves^^^

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This Sat will be my first rave and im on fire to go cuz i heard it's a NON STOP PARTY from open to close.....but i was wondering what you guys have to say cuz a lot of my friends are into the rave scene and say that clubs are so fake.....but I have a lot of friends that say raves are wack just a puch of kids doing way too many drugs...let me know what you guys think??? cwm39.gif



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SEE YA UNDER THE BALL!!! peacesymbol.gif

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It really depends on what club you're talking about... Comparing Twilo Fridays to raves... well, there won't be Eurotrash, and the crowd is very young. It makes me feel old, but it's also kind of energizing to see so many adorable, young people partying (well, I don't know how old you are so they might not seem that young to you). And yes there are tons of drugs, but I do believe there's a bit of that going on at Twilo as well (Ya think???) The vibe at a rave is unreal... there's no attitude, you can feel good vibes as soon as you enter the room. My boyfriend was skeptical until I took him to his first party, and he was like "I completely understand now!"

Enjoy the PLUR! cwm12.gif

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depends on what kind of guy you are man. For me it is just too big of a hump to believe into the whole PLUR thing, I grew up in Brooklyn and we dont preach PLUR round here if you know wha I mean. But raves can be fun, and the young kids will bring the energy. Still I prefer clubs, just because when I walk into a rave without the neccessary raver gear, all the so-called plurkids are looking at me like "wtf, you dont belong here dkny boy", thats the feeling I get anyway.




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I used to go to raves all the time and they were a lot of fun. To be honest with you, I haven't been to any in a while but the last couple I've been to kind of sucked. My advice to you would be to go with friends and just take it for what you want, have a blast and find the other cool people there that are there for the music. And if you really want to check out something cool, get yourself to a tsunami party!


"what I want is what I've not got, but what I need is all around me" - DMB

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i'm a raver, and i guess i'll even wear that label with pride. i went to twilo for the first time last week and i there was a HUGE difference between that night and raves.

first of all, it seemed that most of the people at twilo were there to pick up or be picked up. people were dressed to be seen, not to dance. and the club was so packed that there was no room to dance; twilo packs the club in because they're more about the money than the party atmosphere/the party itself. the music was the last thing on most people's minds, or so it seemed to me. one of my companions even overheard someone say, "so who's playing here tonight, anyway?" (paul van dyk, for anyone who hadn't heard A LONG TIME in advance.)

i've been going to raves since '96, and while it is a younger scene it is definitely more about the music. i've only ever been to one that was too packed to dance, and that is what we call "oversold." tickets are sold in advance, and there's actually such a thing as an event selling out. this means that the rave will be pleasant and you'll always have enough space to dance and chill out. raves bring in a great variety of music (more than one type at any given event), and a great variety of djs, both local and from around the country (i will grant you that int'l djs are rarer than @ twilo). and the party is non-stop, there aren't wack "warmup" djs; every dj there has his/her own following because they're all good on their own.

the vibe is also much friendlier; i always talk to lots of people whenever i go, and there are never sleazy people only there trying to pick people up. the vibe is almost always warm and inviting. there do seem to be more drugs at raves, but that doesn't mean you have to do them.

which party are you going to? is it "unified," by any chance?

[This message has been edited by weyes (edited 02-15-2001).]

[This message has been edited by weyes (edited 02-15-2001).]

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oooh, your first rave! i hope that you have fun and remember, it's what YOU make out of it! fuck all the lil kids around you, i'm sure you are going to be listening to some dope ass beats, which really, is the most important thing.

now, honestly, people are going to be bitchin about how the scene has become more drug-oriented than ever, and how now is the worst time for [the scene] to be in this state b/c of all the publicity and scrutiny of our society. it's very true, and i do agree, however, FUCK IT. you go there to enjoy yourself and dance your ass off. ravers are harmless, there are a lot of rich suburban white kids all thugged out in their ECKO gear, but come on, give me a break.

but overall impressions, i think that there are A LOT of younger kids due to the fact that there is no ID check at raves. you will feel the difference in ages around you. in addition, it is a lot easier to do illicit substances out in the open at raves than at clubs.

honestly, i see more people dancing at twilo than at raves these days. particularly when raves hit the 5 am mark, EVERYONE is sprawled on the floor, from exhaustion or being too fuct up. it annoys me b/c they take up so much space.

if you're looking for girls, you will find a lot of underage girls peakin on their pills, so make sure if you talk to a girl she is of legal age. wink.gif

have fun... and don't forget to be smilin, that's the best way to meet mad headz at a party. plurr... right? wink.gif



*turn it around baby*


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Thanx to all of you guys for your words of wisdom....I'm on fire right now waiting to hear Christopher Lawrence get Nasty!!!!.....should be fun....and to Miss Kittie ill make sure the girls I talk to are of legal age(lol). cwm29.gifcwm30.gifcwm19.gifcwm20.gif



Why I love TWILO:

Best music

Best crowd

Best afterhours..

...nuff said

SEE YA UNDER THE BALL!!! peacesymbol.gif

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Originally posted by kitty19:

oooh, your first rave! i hope that you have fun and remember, it's what YOU make out of it! fuck all the lil kids around you, i'm sure you are going to be listening to some dope ass beats, which really, is the most important thing.

now, honestly, people are going to be bitchin about how the scene has become more drug-oriented than ever, and how now is the worst time for [the scene] to be in this state b/c of all the publicity and scrutiny of our society. it's very true, and i do agree, however, FUCK IT. you go there to enjoy yourself and dance your ass off. ravers are harmless, there are a lot of rich suburban white kids all thugged out in their ECKO gear, but come on, give me a break.

but overall impressions, i think that there are A LOT of younger kids due to the fact that there is no ID check at raves. you will feel the difference in ages around you. in addition, it is a lot easier to do illicit substances out in the open at raves than at clubs.

honestly, i see more people dancing at twilo than at raves these days. particularly when raves hit the 5 am mark, EVERYONE is sprawled on the floor, from exhaustion or being too fuct up. it annoys me b/c they take up so much space.

if you're looking for girls, you will find a lot of underage girls peakin on their pills, so make sure if you talk to a girl she is of legal age. wink.gif

have fun... and don't forget to be smilin, that's the best way to meet mad headz at a party. plurr... right? wink.gif

exactly kitty

the raves today are not all about the music, most of them are about getting fucked up and the people at twilo are more there for the music then at raves.

best rave i ever went to was a *true* underground rave in a warehouse w/ only maybe 200 people tops. other than that these raves today are all commercialized and huge. $35 entrances.. and they defiently do get packed out so i dont' know where that one came from.. and i do consier myself a raver, yet i dont' get decked out in ufo's every time i go.. but underestand what nyctouch was saying.. you definetly get loooked at differntly walking into a rave w/ jeans and a t'shirt(which is what a like to wile out in) then if you were wearing giant pants and 8034934390 bracelets on your arm.

what weyes said just proved my point.. she said people aren't dressed to dance... why? b/c i have jeans on? i'll take it from start til 12pm close the next afternoon in my jeans, or addidas pants and sneakers.. while all the *real* ravers(b/c they're wearing caffeine's or whatever) will be sprawled out on the floor



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Originally posted by PFloyd40:

what weyes said just proved my point.. she said people aren't dressed to dance... why? b/c i have jeans on?

noooo, she said people were dressed to be seen and not dance, or some ish like that. meaning the girls in their tight-ass pants/short skirt, boobs hanging out of their shirts, platform boots. maybe guys in their expensive, tight-ass shirts. it's just that when you're used to going to raves and dressing a certain way (i wear phat pants and kicks cuz their comfortable and easier to dance in) one wonders how peeps can dance comfortably in clothing like that. that's prolly what she was getting at. maybe they do feel more comfortable that way...who knows. it's all good.

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Do you like having the flow of the music broken up every hour? You'll enjoy the one hour sets at raves where they announce everyone inbetween the sets.

Do you like wannabe thugs preying on those smaller/more fucked up? Fucked up or not, it's no reason to beat/rob someone. Kinda like rape.

Do you like spending more money for lesser talent for a shorter party than you would at a club?.

Do you like hype?

Have fun.

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You know, after reading all of these people's messages, I realized that there really isn't that much of a difference between clubs and raves. Now, BACK IN THE DAY, it was a different story, but I'll challenge anyone to find a truly underground party these days.

Maybe the only major difference is the age difference and the way everyone's dressed. Of course, at a rave you'll never get turned away because you're dressed "inappropriately"--- I guess that in itself says a lot.

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Raves take anybody because htey want all the money they can get. I see "ROAR (right of admission refusal) in full effect" on fliers all the time but then I hear that the party was overpacked with assholes and thugs.

If raves weren't about money, how come at most there are exhorbitant prices for water? At 30 bucks you'd think they'd buy hte bar from the venue.

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Originally posted by George Glass:

Raves take anybody because htey want all the money they can get. I see "ROAR (right of admission refusal) in full effect" on fliers all the time but then I hear that the party was overpacked with assholes and thugs.

If raves weren't about money, how come at most there are exhorbitant prices for water? At 30 bucks you'd think they'd buy hte bar from the venue.

sommmebody sounds jaded cwm6.gif

and i see why. been to too many raves in nyc, eh george glass?...cuz that's how most of em are around here. and honestly that's how unified is gonna be.

HOWEVER, if u go to the certain parties thrown by the RIGHT people then u get a truer sense of what it's all about. these parties are few and far between, and you won't see a lot of hype about them but don't overlook them. also, if yer gonna go to a massive get yer ass out of ny and go. best come correct.

FURTHMORE, i will not diss ALL raves because i still go to raves. i go to clubs too. i see the negatives and the positives at raves AND clubs. life is what u make of it. *don'tmakemesayPLUR*

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Jaded? Sorta. The concept of rave could be cool if it's ideals were sticked to more. It's also more difficult for legit crews to find venues because communities are tired of the mega-meltdowns and venues can charge as muc has they want, forcing smaller crews out of the picture in favor of crews that care mainly about packing em in like stuck on earth.

The only rave type events I botehr going to are starscape and lil underground loft jams.

Raves partly came about to avoid the business atmospehere that are clubs. No club makes any claim to not care about profits.

Still, my biggest gripe is the lame hour sets. How can you say you care about the music when each dj barely has any time to develop any groove with the music?

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OMG Unified.....1 day away........cant wait...Christopher Lawrence, Dave Ralph, pleasurehead, and space girl.....My 1st rave....and for some strange reason I think its gonna be INSANE!!!! cwm32.gif

By the way me and Exit2heaven met PLeausrehead today At Caffeine....and can I tell you He said Hes gonna RIP SHIT UP!!!!

ps...to all the peolple goin ENJOY the NIGHT.

PLUR!!!!! cwm29.gifcwm30.gif



Why I love TWILO:

Best music

Best crowd

Best afterhours..

...nuff said

SEE YA UNDER THE BALL!!! peacesymbol.gif

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ugh~i just wrote this reply and then my comp froze so i dont kno if it got sent or not so i'll just type it agian...my first rave was when i went to boo in 99. i had an awesome time and the music was off the hook. the only thing that i didnt like how much drugs were there and how out in the open everything was done. i mean im not one to talk but still. it was just crazy. people were just passed out on the ground, and the cops ended up closing it down at 2 cwm10.gif the only real complaint i have is that they took my chapstick from me! they said it might have somethign in it...go figure? everybody is in there all messed up and they take my lil' chapstick!! ugh! anyways...have fun at the rave & be safe. dont stop dancin! hehe cwm20.gif





email: clubindiva@aol.com

AcCePt No iMiTaTiOnS...tHeRe iS nO sUbStiTuTe FoR tHe ReAL tHiNg!!

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IMO Raves they lack a good vibe & energy. Having a diff DJ spin every hour is choppy. Most of these kids can't get into clubs so they go to raves to get MANGLED & ANNILATED! I've been to 3x raves...they were commerical & sketchy. I've been goin to Twilo for 4 yrs. Its mad comfortable there. I don't think its a meat market at all ie: SF, Exit.

Thats just my 0.2 cents, have fun Ken smile.gif


Trancessed!- Me

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ok heres my 2 cents....i think BOTH are in it for the money, keep in mind theyre both businesses. i love the atmosphere at raves, its true though that there have been more shady people there...especially ones selling pills. i think theyre both fun and the debate can go on for hours...so ill end it here.



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Ken dont worry what other say just do what you feel, enjoy the people and become one with the music...you will have a good time if you allow yourself to..Just enjoy it with your friends, bug out and you will have a blast...

Now a warning about unified...ive posted this a couple of times on the board already but one more time wont hurt...the venue is wack...horrible....cant refill your water bottles, and there lighting sucks...but with a line up like that i hope it comes together well...that last party i went to there was foundation and it sucked big time..parkravemaddness has fell off a bit...i would have thought they would have booked a better venue..

anyway hope to see you there...ill be the one tearing it up on the dancefloor...you guys know how me and my boys do....Just look for the flames...ill be in the middle of the maddness...



Do you Fuck as well as you Dance???

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Originally posted by weyes:

first of all, it seemed that most of the people at twilo were there to pick up or be picked up. people were dressed to be seen, not to dance. and the club was so packed that there was no room to dance; twilo packs the club in because they're more about the money than the party atmosphere/the party itself. the music was the last thing on most people's minds, or so it seemed to me. one of my companions even overheard someone say, "so who's playing here tonight, anyway?" (paul van dyk, for anyone who hadn't heard A LONG TIME in advance.)

Boy did you ever get the wrong first impression.......I agree that on PVD night, the crowd is similar to what you described but your initial mistake was going to Twilo for the first time on a PVD night......even the people who go to Twilo every weekend would agree with me that PVD nights are hopeless these days.......from the sounds of it, you would be a perfect fit in the crowd @ Sasha and Digweed nights........totally different crowd, totally different music, vibe, etc........almost nobody is "dressed to be seen" on these nights.......and the music is the ONLY thing on people's minds so you should try it again, I don't think you would be disappointed like last time........

there aren't wack "warmup" djs

I'll assume you don't brand a DJ "wack" because they open for the big time DJs.......many of the best out there now started off as "warmup" DJs.......



"Some I consider my girlfriends, and some I just consider" - John Bender

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