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I'M GOING TO JAIL!!! (Not club related)


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This isn't club related and I know that there are far more significant problems in the world but I need to rant a bit!

I got engaged in September. My girl has been working hard to plan a wedding that will be the least stressful for all involved. Last night we go to our reception hall for a tasting of their menu items. We end up hearing through casual conversation that there is another wedding going on at the same time and date as ours on the same floor. The rooms are obviously sectioned off a bit but there can't help but be overlap into our area. We go and talk to the manager who booked us (who is also the owner) and he explains how it will all work and how they keep the parties separate. Well I had asked this guy about this very situation when we first met him and he said the most they would have is a 15-20 person dinner in one corner of the floor and nothing else.

So now I am really pissed because this guy misled us so we would sign on with them. But the worst part was seeing my girl's eye's well up in tears and her face, which never has anything but smiles and joy, pale and form into a semblance of sadness, something that I have seen maybe 3 times in 2+ years of our relationship! I wanted to choke this fucking scumbag! We are trying to set up a meeting with him but not sure what can come of it. It's probably too late to get another site and we gave a $3500 non-refundable deposit. Fuck!!!! I may end up in jail for assault and battery after this meeting!!

That's it!! Just needed to vent!! Fuck!!!

Hope everyone has a great weekend.

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dude that is very fucked up!!! i say we take care of the people in the dinner party so there is no need to share the floor heh heh he smile.gif (evil grin) no seriously man thats fucked up and he should not be allowed to do that!!! cwm23.gifcwm23.gifcwm22.gif




aol sn: kshark81


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DAMN THOSE MOTHERFUCKERS......they are screwing you!!! If it were me I would be freaking and I wouldn't care if I had an appointment or not! I would barge right into his office and give him a piece of me that he certainly wouldn't enjoy! I hate businesses that fuck people like this. What kind of customer service is that!!!


Tell us how the meeting goes!!!!



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what place is it? Remind this person that it only takes one upset customer to tell one person about it, then that person will tell his friends, and they will tell their friends, and so on and so on...if this man is a reasonable business man, he will try to help you out. If not, call Asa Aarons on Channel 4...he always gets shit done!!!



The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

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Maybe you can just invite a sweet DJ and turn the whole wedding into a sweet rave. Then you will either a) notnotice the other people or B) they will come over and dance and the more the merrier or c) they will freak and complain but it will be too late and that's not your problem smile.gif

Seriously dude, that kinda sucks. I agree with lex and I would get someoneto talk to him. Don't do it yourself because you might kill him. Find aa friend who is a lawyer, or who will say he is a lawyer, and have him go down for you smile.gif That always scares these scumbags,

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That is so wrong!

If you are at all able to, try and find another place. As far as the deposit goes, be persistent, threaten lawyers and court. He'll probably cave before it gets too far. Call the Better Business Bureau, write an editorial in the paper. Do something while your mad!

The only problem is if you don't have enough $$ to reserve another hall until you can get your money back from this other guy.

Hope it all works out!



A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to it's old dimensions.

~*~*~Don't use time or words carelessly, neither can be retrieved.~*~*~ blossom.gif

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Thanks for all the support. Well, we had our meeting and I didn't end up in jail. The guy was very surprised and genuinely upset that this was such an issue for us, so Iguess that is good. He apologized if he mis-lead us, although he didn't really admit to the conversation where he said it would only be a small party. He did want us to feel good about the place and our day. He ended up reducing our price and giving us a few extras (seafood bar and pastry table, I'll bring the leftovers to a meetup) which was nice but not really the point. He described how it wouldn't be an issue and they do it all the time and walked us through the day. I heard from some other vendors that work with the hall that they can handle this many parties without issue so I am feeling better and have a moderate level of confidence at this point that our day will be as we had originally envisioned. My girl was happy/relieved so that was most important. Thanks again for the words of support.

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