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Clubplanet Nightlife Community

Official Twilo (Diggers) Meetup - Friday

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Okay, the sheriff is back in town... apparently you numbnutz didn't have a meetup for CC/DT.

Shshhh... I leave for one weekend and it all goes to hell.

Meetup times 3 and 6 am by the main lobby outside the main dance floor.

Be there or this sheriff's gonna be mad...


Dreams - Action = Fantasy

Dreams + Action = Reality

Fantasy + Reality = Just look at my logo you crackheads...


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MISSED U KID!!! hope u had fun... see u at diggers.. if im still alive by then



"that pigeon is standing there like a f*ckin asshole!"

"i am mo jo jo jo!!"

"Maybe some women aren't meant to be tamed. Maybe they need to run free until they find someone just as wild to run with."

AIM---> PrncssVrnc

email---> PrncssVrnc@aol

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Originally posted by ezdreamer:

Okay, the sheriff is back in town... apparently you numbnutz didn't have a meetup for CC/DT.

Be there or this sheriff's gonna be mad...

Now wait a second.... are you sure you actually meet up or do you just direct everyone where to go. From my recollection- I ususally don't see your ass move from the stairs!! tongue.gif

I'm playin sweets....

tell you one thing though if it's snowin' I'll be there in spirit.



*~**~*~**~~ No man/woman is worth your tears... and the only one who would be- would never make you cry ~~**~*~**~*

AIM MissIncognito13

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Originally posted by kingink24:

ezdreamer 3 is the time for the Twilo board meetup and I'm sure that's causes a conflict to some people




clubplanet started the 3 a.m. meetups long before the twilo board started theirs. i love the twilo board too but i think they should change theirs back to 4 a.m. like they did last time for digweed.

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Wussup ppl?!?!

Geeez, I thought no one would want to meet up at Diggers... By the amount of postings regarding tomorrow's party, I can feel there'll be plenty of space to bounce around!! Sounds like good news to me! hehe That is definetely appreciated.

I'll stop by at 3 am, same spot as on last PVD... Hope to see some familiar faces, as well as those I still haven't met...

Been listening to GU 019 all week, and I seriously cant wait for Digger's solo performance...

Hope u guys are as psyched up as me! hehehe

See u all there!


Peace, Love & Twilo for Everyone!!!



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Originally posted by missincognito:

Now wait a second.... are you sure you actually meet up or do you just direct everyone where to go. From my recollection- I ususally don't see your ass move from the stairs!! tongue.gif

I'm playin sweets....

tell you one thing though if it's snowin' I'll be there in spirit.

i think a kidnappin' is in order. . .


never gonna come back down. . .


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whats all this garbage bout twilo board this and clubplanet that. its all bout twilobuddies. i think i'm gonna stop hangin with you nerds and find some new twilobuddies...

except for jamms, thats my #1twilobuddy...


chronic is the answer...

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What's the deal with this whole meetup thing. Why does it seem like everyone on these boards knows each other. Did you all just meet at Twilo. I am there all the time. I wonder why I haven't met any of you. It's probably because I spend all my time dancing while I am there. What do you guys do when you meet up? Is there some sort of secret sign or handshake? What happens at the meet up? I know that's a lot of questions but I am curious.



I'm a slut...I make love to music every night

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Originally posted by midiman:

What's the deal with this whole meetup thing. Why does it seem like everyone on these boards knows each other. Did you all just meet at Twilo. I am there all the time. I wonder why I haven't met any of you. It's probably because I spend all my time dancing while I am there. What do you guys do when you meet up? Is there some sort of secret sign or handshake? What happens at the meet up? I know that's a lot of questions but I am curious.

yo midiman...

will u be around this friday for Digweed?!

if u are, just stop by the lobby outside the dancefloor at 3 am, no secret handshake, no particular secret activity goin on hehehe... just puttin some faces to the names...



Peace, Love & Twilo for Everyone!!!



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Hmmm... let me get this straight... I've been posting about these meetups since last year... now I'm supposed to change them cause y?

Okay... it's democracy... if enough peeps wanna make it another time then fine I'll change the original post... if not... well, tough shit...

Missincognito: You best come or else...

Shugabooga, that's what I saying too...


Dreams - Action = Fantasy

Dreams + Action = Reality

Fantasy + Reality = Just look at my logo you crackheads...


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Originally posted by mp3some:

yo midiman...

will u be around this friday for Digweed?!

if u are, just stop by the lobby outside the dancefloor at 3 am, no secret handshake, no particular secret activity goin on hehehe... just puttin some faces to the names...


do not venture to the stairs... they will kill you...


"real fucking high"

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i'll be there all by my lonesome......will someone PLEASE grab me if they see me around the time of the meetup?? since my watch broke i have a very hard time remembering to ask people the time.......


jumpdei.gif Boink like a bunny with spring fever!!!


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I'll be there for this one. Have't done a S&D, well in this case just D, night in a very long time. To put it lightly...I can't fucking wait. Be prepared for the sounds of Diggers dark progressive beats to swallow us whole and wreak havoc on our brains.

C ya under the disco ball.

I actually may do a meetup this time around.


*************************I got to thank god for the music.


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I guess my question is how do you know who is there for the meet up and who is just chilling there. I'll try anything once, count me in. I'm usually not there that early but I will do my best to be there at 3.



I'm a slut...I make love to music every night

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Originally posted by midiman:

I guess my question is how do you know who is there for the meet up and who is just chilling there. I'll try anything once, count me in. I'm usually not there that early but I will do my best to be there at 3.

That's the tough part........the best thing to do is go out to the lobby at the meetup time and look around like a little lost puppy.......one of us will notice and ask you.......he he....jk jk

Actually, there is no real way to know......it's sort of obvious and usually you should just ask someone in the vicinity and odds are they'll be there for the meetup(there's a lot of us usually).......if your shy, try to meet with someone who knows others beforehand........I'd offer but I may or may not be there.......



"Some I consider my girlfriends, and some I just consider" - John Bender

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i'll 'GRAB" u twilobud. don't be all pouty though! cwm35.gif

Originally posted by uknjx2:

i'll be there all by my lonesome......will someone PLEASE grab me if they see me around the time of the meetup?? since my watch broke i have a very hard time remembering to ask people the time.......


chronic is the answer...

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AAAAHHHHH!!! im at that point where im getting all phsyced!!! i can't wait!! i am bringing a new bud with, who has always raved but has yet to "see the light" of twilo smile.gif he loves digweed, so i got the twilo virgin friend with me lol!! I CAN'T WAIT ANY LONGER!!!!!!! cwm27.gifcwm26.gif




aol sn: kshark81


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