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How about those Dukies???!!!

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That game was such bullshit. The refs were horrible!! I couldn't believe the "no calls" against Duke.

1. The 3rd personal foul on Jason Williams when he tackled Gardner in the 1st hasf - no call

2. The "greatest block I've ever seen" according to Billy "my analysis sucks" Packer. On the replay from the original angle Shane Battier clearly knocked Gardner to the floor with his body - no call

3. The Boozer block on Woods, where he got him on the wrist. - no call

I hate Duke cause Dickie V and all those other tools ride their cocks like a harley. Zona was robbed, and that's all I gotta say about that. Peace.


Talkin 'bout what we gon' be when we grow up/I said what you wanna be? She said alive/It made me think for a minute then looked in her eyes/I coulda died....

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Originally posted by dale77:

I may be a New Yorker but I am an ACC fan!

Let's Go Devils!!!!!!!

It is good to know that there is another ACC fan in NYC. But Duke?? Oh man. I came up here to get away from you fans (and UNC fans). I am a Wake fan. Start the ridicule now.

Congrats on the championship, though.


Living in a constant state of trance......

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Originally posted by andre9000:

That game was such bullshit. The refs were horrible!! I couldn't believe the "no calls" against Duke.

I couldnt agree more, the refs kiss dukes ass, just like all the comentators do. they got way to many calls last night, it was almost suspisous. they protect Shane Battie like they used to with michael jordan, make him above the rukes and all. Ive never seen such horrible calls in any game in any sport ever. end of story.


Gotta Jibboo, And you keep on drinking too

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