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I just don't get guys!?!

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What possesses a guy to approach a girl who's obviously with a guy?

It never fails...everytime I go out with my b/f, guys circle us like sharks and as soon as he leaves for the bathroom or the bar for drinks, they're approaching me. I'm always polite and tell them I'm spoken for and try to get them to move on so that there's no conflict between my b/f and the guy. They don't and my boyfriend ends up coming back and having to put his hand on their shoulder, telling them to move along.

I just don't get it. What runs through a guys mind? Are they assuming I just met the guy? Or are they figuring what the hell and just take a chance?

Do any of you guys do that? Do any of you guys have to have words with other guys hitting on your girl?

I'm just curious, because I can't believe how many guys are willing to take such a risk. Isn't it considered disrespectful amoung you men to hit on another guy's chick?



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Maybe its because too many times a girl is just out with a guy because she doesnt want to go out alone, or they're just friends and sometimes even relatives.

There's no harm in talking or being friendly, as long as the guys arent harassing you, take it as a compliment.


Well what about the opposite?

What is it about girls with guys that makes them stare, flirt, or tease other guys?

It never fails everytime I go out, I get some girl with a bf/husband up my ass..

just this weekend I was out having a good time, when some chick starts staring me down, suddenly she grabs her guy and drags him to dance right next to me.. While they're arm-in-arm, she swings her guy around so she's back-to-back against me and proceeds to pound my butt with her butt.

I turn around and look at her and she smiles and I kept thinking.. "what the fuck was that all about?".. so I move to another area of the dance floor.. and sure enough she drags her guy and follows me there..

And the married chicks are worse.. they think they've got a license to go grab-ass all over the place!

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Originally posted by tranceaction:

Maybe its because too many times a girl is just out with a guy because she doesnt want to go out alone, or they're just friends and sometimes even relatives.

There's no harm in talking or being friendly, as long as the guys arent harassing you, take it as a compliment.

It's very obvious my b/f is not a friend or relative. (We're usually in each other's arms kissing and along those likes.) smile.gif I am truly flattered when approached, but find it disrespectful to my b/f when I explain I am spoken for and they still persist. I don't mislead them in anyway. I don't tease or flirt. In fact, I make sure I don't make any eye contact with most men, so as not to leave any openings for misinterpretation.

My b/f never blames me for the incidents, but he does begin to get aggravavated with these guys when they keep walking by in hopes to get my attention.

Originally posted by tranceaction:

Well what about the opposite?

What is it about girls with guys that makes them stare, flirt, or tease other guys?

It never fails everytime I go out, I get some girl with a bf/husband up my ass..

just this weekend I was out having a good time, when some chick starts staring me down, suddenly she grabs her guy and drags him to dance right next to me.. While they're arm-in-arm, she swings her guy around so she's back-to-back against me and proceeds to pound my butt with her butt.

I turn around and look at her and she smiles and I kept thinking.. "what the fuck was that all about?".. so I move to another area of the dance floor.. and sure enough she drags her guy and follows me there..

And the married chicks are worse.. they think they've got a license to go grab-ass all over the place!

Ok, good point, women do it too. I'm just not as prone to notice that. And again, I wish I knew what the hell was running through their heads! Too bad their guys don't wisen up to the obvious.

One time, I had some guy tapping me on the side of my butt, trying to get my attention. All the meanwhile I'm standing along side of my boyfriend. At first I thought it was my b/f. When my b/f eventually put his arm around my waste and I was still getting tapped, I realized it was some guy next to me. I looked over to see who the hell was doing it (I usually assume stuff like that is an accident at first), some guy was there w/a big ass grin on his face. I just turned to my b/f and said "How about a kiss!?" so that I could show the guy I'm taken. Well, he didn't give a crap and continued. I eventually pulled my b/f to a different location, but the guy followed us. My b/f began to notice that I was avoiding someone and spotted the guy. In order to prevent my b/f from speaking with him, I asked if we could leave the club. (I didn't want a fight to breakout and I didn't trust the other guy considering how brazen he was to begin with.)

The reason why I made this post was b/c my boyfriend and I ended up in a small argument based on this topic. My b/f gets frustrated and doesn't feel we should have to move to a different location everytime when these incidents occur. He feels he should be able to say something to the guy (in a mature manner) to get him to back off. I'm afraid that my b/f having words may cause a "confrontation", if ya know what I mean.



[This message has been edited by playboychick (edited 04-03-2001).]

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hey chick - they do it because they expect you to hike up your skirt, bend over, give them a quick thrill before your man gets back, silly.

what? don't ALL women do that?!?!


you can judge the quality and content of one's character by the way they treat someone that can do nothing for them...

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why do you think a lot of girls don;t even

bother to go out to clubs. they go private

parties or restaurant/lounges and so on.

my g/f and me we only go to twilo, thet are

a bit cooler there except on the big nites.

guys just are not cool eneough to score,

act like dogs in heat and think they are cool.

pathetic, escpecially that touching business

when I leave for the bathroom she goes with

me b/c she doesn;t want to be bothered by those jerks.

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Originally posted by playboychick:

What possesses a guy to approach a girl who's obviously with a guy?

The Guy thinks your'e hot, and that your B/F's not. They think that if you'll spend time with him then you might be willing to spend time with them because they feel that they've got your B/F "beat".

Don't get frustrated...there's nothing you can do about it other than be polite or stay out of those situations.



"Those who know, don't tell. Those who tell, don't know."

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Originally posted by playboychick:

I'm afraid that my b/f having words may cause a "confrontation", if ya know what I mean.

I totally hear ya, girl! That was an issue with me and my guy in the beginning. I would keep dragging him around to avoid confrontation and eventually he got fed up with it. What did I do? I stopped dragging him around.

When I'm in a situation where my guy walks away to talk to a friend or to go to the bathroom, and the guy who's been scoping me out for the last hour approaches. I simply, VERY politely tell him that I'm with my boyfriend and that I'm not interested, but thanks anyway. And if he doesn't go away then he gives me no choice but to be a bitch. YOU HAVE TO BE A BITCH ABOUT IT! If they're going to be rude and abnoxious then you're gonna have to be a bitch about it. Tell them off!! Tell them how low and disgusting you think they are. Make them feel pathetic and small so that it gets through their thick head. Believe me, they'll walk away. They may call you names in the process, but they'll walk away.

In that way, you don't have to drag your boyfriend around to avoid confrontation and YOU handled it . . . not your guy. wink2.gif



"Be as you wish to seem." — Socrates


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I can totally relate with what ya are talking about. Funny how women are the worst. Ya just don't respect. Usually when I go out with my girl, women try to fuck shit up and come between us. If I'm with my girl and it's obvious, don't grab my ass. I don't mind if ya stare because that's what eyes are for, but shit.....don't fcking touch me. I hate that shit.

I recently went to Club NY and had to deal with all the drama the whole night. It started with a stare. Then it moved on to grabbing my hand while I'm with my girl. I moved to the bar and yep, the bug a boo followed with her so called date to keep looking and blowing kisses at me. My girl got all upset and eventually we had to leave to avoid anymore drama. Totally sucks that couples sometimes have to deal with jealousy or other folks stupidity at the risk of having a good time out. Now, I just either go to a lounge or chill elsewhere. People, if you see a couple having a good time TOGETHER, BE HAPPY FOR THEM AND LEAVE THEM THE FCK ALONE. MAYBE THAT'S WHY YOU'RE ALONE TO BEGIN WITH. NO PUN INTENDED, BUT DAMN.....PATHETIC!!

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Originally posted by playboychick:

What possesses a guy to approach a girl who's obviously with a guy?


Seriously, back in college, I had a friend who believed in the statistical probability that if he hit on every woman in a place (single or not), at least one out of the hundred or so women there would be willing to tango.



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Like Blueangel said, sometimes girls gotta just be a bitch and get the point across. It sounds like you and your boyfriend are way too nice. If you don't want to be bothered on your night out, talk some shit. Don't go moving around to avoid confrontation, cause then your night is ruined and all the money spent to go out is a waste. Just stand up for yourself and don't be afraid of a little action.

Most guys who try to fight in a club are pussies and even the girlfriend could kick their ass. Your boyfriend needs to be a man and stand up to these guys, instead of having you hold his hand and lead him to another location. Peace.


Talkin 'bout what we gon' be when we grow up/I said what you wanna be? She said alive/It made me think for a minute then looked in her eyes/I coulda died....

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Originally posted by blueangel:

I totally hear ya, girl! That was an issue with me and my guy in the beginning. I would keep dragging him around to avoid confrontation and eventually he got fed up with it. What did I do? I stopped dragging him around.

When I'm in a situation where my guy walks away to talk to a friend or to go to the bathroom, and the guy who's been scoping me out for the last hour approaches. I simply, VERY politely tell him that I'm with my boyfriend and that I'm not interested, but thanks anyway. And if he doesn't go away then he gives me no choice but to be a bitch. YOU HAVE TO BE A BITCH ABOUT IT! If they're going to be rude and abnoxious then you're gonna have to be a bitch about it. Tell them off!! Tell them how low and disgusting you think they are. Make them feel pathetic and small so that it gets through their thick head. Believe me, they'll walk away. They may call you names in the process, but they'll walk away.

In that way, you don't have to drag your boyfriend around to avoid confrontation and YOU handled it . . . not your guy. wink2.gif


I agree with Casey . . . you can't always expect that your boyfriend or a guy friend will be there to save your ass, so be a BITCH.

You know what ELSE is annoying . . . is when no matter how many times you mention that you have a boyfriend, the guy tells you 'lets not talk about your boyfriend anymore' or 'how bout from this point forward you dont mention that you have a bf.'

why the FUCK not? thats retarded.rrrrrrr







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You know what ELSE is annoying . . . is when no matter how many times you mention that you have a boyfriend, the guy tells you 'lets not talk about your boyfriend anymore' or 'how bout from this point forward you dont mention that you have a bf.'

First...guys are dumb, especially when drink/drugs/pretty girls are around. Second...other girls screw it up for you. For every girl that won't be bothered because of a bf, there are at least two more that will ditch their bf for the right guy, or are just plain lying. So guys won't back down that easy. Third...I do not count myself amongst those guys that do this. I am one of those guys that pretends to be a bf to a friend of mine that doesn't want to be bothered.






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Originally posted by brandie:

I agree with Casey . . . you can't always expect that your boyfriend or a guy friend will be there to save your ass, so be a BITCH.

You know what ELSE is annoying . . . is when no matter how many times you mention that you have a boyfriend, the guy tells you 'lets not talk about your boyfriend anymore' or 'how bout from this point forward you dont mention that you have a bf.'

why the FUCK not? thats retarded.rrrrrrr




yep....BE A BITCH!!! don't let them disrespect you or your man!!!...


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Playboy chic, LEt's be completely frank ova here. Why don't you be honest with everyone.

1. No one cares about you or you stinky ass boyfriend when he goes to the bathroom.

2. You fantasize about men coming up to you when he is in the bathroom, because Men won't come up to women if they think she's taken.

3. Stop flattering yourself.

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Originally posted by blueangel:

YOU HAVE TO BE A BITCH ABOUT IT! If they're going to be rude and abnoxious then you're gonna have to be a bitch about it. Tell them off!! Tell them how low and disgusting you think they are. Make them feel pathetic and small so that it gets through their thick head. Believe me, they'll walk away. They may call you names in the process, but they'll walk away.

You're right. I need to learn. I'm always too nice, or rather polite. Is it obvious that I don't like to offend people? wink.gif



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Originally posted by andre9000:

Don't go moving around to avoid confrontation, cause then your night is ruined and all the money spent to go out is a waste. Just stand up for yourself and don't be afraid of a little action.

Most guys who try to fight in a club are pussies and even the girlfriend could kick their ass. Your boyfriend needs to be a man and stand up to these guys, instead of having you hold his hand and lead him to another location. Peace.

The reason why my b/f and I got into the argument this weekend was buecause I felt he "bullied" a guy away. Some guy came up to ask me a question and when my b/f came back from the bathroom he put his hand on the guy's shoulder. (My b/f isn't small. Most people refer to him as "big guy".) My b/f claims that if a guy is guilty, he'll move along and if he's asking a sincere question, he won't feel threatened.

I just gotta take everybody's advice and not be so nice. I guess I'm just kinda shocked cause I never knew that guys (and girls) did that. (Probably b/c I was single for the most of my years so it wasn't as apparent.)

Thanks girls and guys!

And if ya' see some tall chick pouncin' on some guy at a club...it's probably me, cause he didn't get the hint! (kiddin) biggrin.gif



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Yeah seriously some guys have no idea. I love my friends but some of the shit they come out with baffles me. Like Translucent said some guys actually believe in the percentage game.

Personally I don't approach girls in clubs unless there is extended eye contact. For many reasons but mainly because you don't know if she is with a group or with a guy.


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

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Originally posted by blueguy808:

You know what ELSE is annoying . . . is when no matter how many times you mention that you have a boyfriend, the guy tells you 'lets not talk about your boyfriend anymore' or 'how bout from this point forward you dont mention that you have a bf.'

How about "what does he have to do with me??"



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Originally posted by playboychick:

What possesses a guy to approach a girl who's obviously with a guy?

umm i was wondering if you werent busy this weekend maybe we could go out for a drink ..?



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Originally posted by bastardino:

Playboy chic, LEt's be completely frank ova here. Why don't you be honest with everyone.

1. No one cares about you or you stinky ass boyfriend when he goes to the bathroom.

2. You fantasize about men coming up to you when he is in the bathroom, because Men won't come up to women if they think she's taken.

3. Stop flattering yourself.

Why dont you just be honest with everyone.....you're a fucking moron.


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