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i like seeing old, happy people

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you nerd

he's like 70. about the same age as this lawyer who kept talking to me at Nick/Sander. that guy was a lawyer, specializing in murder cases. "would i know any cases you worked on?" "well, no, they're all in jail now." HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

i wonder, what inspires a 70-year old guy to "try that hipster club that's really shaking nowadays"


better to reign in hell than serve in heaven

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My grandpa is 71 and he always smiles... He cannot hear real well, so he just keeps a huge smile on his face and shakes his head up and down.... He is precious!!! My granny will holler at him and he will still smile and shake his head and go o.k...... cwm32.gif


Life can only be understood backward, but it must be lived forward.

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Originally posted by deanna11:

i wonder, what inspires a 70-year old guy to "try that hipster club that's really shaking nowadays"

"Get busy livin, or get busy dyin." Morgan Freeman in the Shawshank Redemption


"Spontaneity is the key to spice in life"

"Music makes the world go 'round...so keep it spinnin!"

AIM: Jewel44317

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Once I was at a mall . . .in the parking lot. It was really windy that day. I saw an old couple probably around their 70's holding hands walking to their car. The wind whooped around the grandma and blew her hair all of the place. The grandpa stopped . . . took her hair pin and pinned her bangs for her. He kissed her forhead and they continued walking to their car.

I just remember saying to myself that I wanted to be like them when I'm 70. Happy and in love!!! kotl.gif



"Be as you wish to seem." — Socrates


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Originally posted by translucent:

I'm glad Olga and I could brighten up your day...now where did I put my dentures?

what's up, you old farts! where've you been??


better to reign in hell than serve in heaven

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Originally posted by blueangel:

Once I was at a mall . . .in the parking lot. It was really windy that day. I saw an old couple probably around their 70's holding hands walking to their car. The wind whooped around the grandma and blew her hair all of the place. The grandpa stopped . . . took her hair pin and pinned her bangs for her. He kissed her forhead and they continued walking to their car.

I just remember saying to myself that I wanted to be like them when I'm 70. Happy and in love!!! kotl.gif


Great story!!!!



Life can only be understood backward, but it must be lived forward.

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Originally posted by blueangel:

Once I was at a mall . . .in the parking lot. It was really windy that day. I saw an old couple probably around their 70's holding hands walking to their car. The wind whooped around the grandma and blew her hair all of the place. The grandpa stopped . . . took her hair pin and pinned her bangs for her. He kissed her forhead and they continued walking to their car.

I just remember saying to myself that I wanted to be like them when I'm 70. Happy and in love!!! kotl.gif







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I LOVE old people!

They have the illest style! Like you'll see the 75 year old guy on the subway, and he's, like, dipped in 8 shades of brown! You know it took him like 20 years to put that outfit together! And then he's sitting with his wife who's got like 4 shades of pink and some wild green scarf or some shit! Old people are motherfuckin' FRESH!

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I know!

I just love seing an old couple walking down the street holding hands-helping each other.

The woman will have little white gloves and a hat with a big flower, and the man will have a cane and be dressed in a suit just to go to the store.

I just think old people are so cute!


As I dance I create my own language... with every beat of my heart is the music I will dance through life to.

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Old people are great so long as they're not driving in front of me.

Oh yeah, and when i used to be a cashier at Linens N Things they would really really piss me off. But otherwise they kick ass. . My Master Class teacher is 70 something, had a stroke and his left side was left pretty much inoperable. But he's be re training himself to walk, and to start using his left hand to write. And every time i leave his class he gives me a pound and he actually gets his fingers to snap. Beside the fact that the man is a musical genius. He was Frank Zappa's musical director for a mad long time.

And then my aunt Jessie. . the woman is 82 years old, and has more energy than me and my 17 year old brother combined. Its almost scary cwm35.gif


I am Karma's henchman. A prophet if you will. We all deserve some kind of Karma. Whether it be good or bad, it is my duty to bring it uppon you. No thanks needed, I actually enjoy my job.

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yes, it is so nice to see old couples who are clearly still in love...like this one old lady was here the day her hubby was having surgery and she was counting on her rosary beads the whole time he was gone....but i'll tell ya right now that some of these old folk are crabbly little bastards who need a good dose of sunshine or something.....

well the old folk's home is right around the corner for me so i'm just gonna try to stay happy throughout my depends and geritol days.....


jumpdei.gif Boink like a bunny with spring fever!!!


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Originally posted by jewel44317:

Just FYI...studies have been done on personality traits/characteristics, and their relation to aging. In a nutshell, it has been shown that ones core character traits are stable over time. In other words, the "crabby little bastards" were more then likely ppl who never discovered true happiness in their youth, and are therefore unhappy in old age. On the flip side of that, ppl who enjoy life as young ppl, having discovered what holds *true* meaning for them, will be the old ppl you see smiling, laughing, and exuding that quiet serenity that years of wisdom has instilled in them (Gerontology is my field, that's y i know about this stuff.)

yeah, i figured that........i always think they are such unhappy people (the crabby ones who give me hell) but also i try to remember they are prob. nervous coming for surgery....but the real bastards...well i just figure they have always had a life of misery and don't know any better. i am going to be such a happy and demented little old lady.....


jumpdei.gif Boink like a bunny with spring fever!!!


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Originally posted by uknjx2:

yes, it is so nice to see old couples who are clearly still in love...like this one old lady was here the day her hubby was having surgery and she was counting on her rosary beads the whole time he was gone....but i'll tell ya right now that some of these old folk are crabbly little bastards who need a good dose of sunshine or something.....

well the old folk's home is right around the corner for me so i'm just gonna try to stay happy throughout my depends and geritol days.....

Just FYI...studies have been done on personality traits/characteristics, and their relation to aging. In a nutshell, it has been shown that ones core character traits are stable over time. In other words, the "crabby little bastards" were more then likely ppl who never discovered true happiness in their youth, and are therefore unhappy in old age. On the flip side of that, ppl who enjoy life as young ppl, having discovered what holds *true* meaning for them, will be the old ppl you see smiling, laughing, and exuding that quiet serenity that years of wisdom has instilled in them (Gerontology is my field, that's y i know about this stuff.)


"Spontaneity is the key to spice in life"

"Music makes the world go 'round...so keep it spinnin!"

AIM: Jewel44317

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Originally posted by deanna11:

what's up, you old farts! where've you been??

They knew better than to come out in March... which was a nightmare to begin with.


March is a nightmare, hopefully April has betta dreams in store...


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