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Help! Quick! Excuses to get out of going to a wedding needed!

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OK, here's the deal - a guy who I used to be good friends with but not anymore, is expecting me to attend his wedding tomorrow/Saturday. "I do not want to go" is an understatement of the month. I don't have excuses any more creative than "I got sick" for not going. Can anyone suggest anything better than that? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?

Weddings are for sappy babies, damn it.


it's funny until somebody gets hurt. and then it's even funnier.

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tell him that your really good friend just got into a pretty bad car accident and that you just HAVE to go to the hospital to be with them... apologize profusely and say how you wish you could go, but this is pretty devastating... might work???


or suck it up and go cause it could be a blast smile.gif

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Originally posted by jammy:

Tell him you are getting married the same day -Jamms "hopethathelped"

Yeah, that worked for my aunt. We mailed her an invitation months in advance of our wedding. Two weeks before the wedding, I get a call from my cousin (her son) informing me that their entire family wasn't coming. Apparently, my aunt just met a guy who proposed a week later, and booked a hall for a "surprise" wedding that was due to take place on the same exact date as ours.

Haven't spoken to my aunt since.



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Are you in school? If so, say that your prof is letting you make up an exam that you failed on that day. In any event, send a gift to show that you REALLY wanted to go.


You're wallet was stolen/lost. No $ to go to the wedding.



People come into your life for reasons not yet known, keep your mind, heart and soul open.

AIM: Xxlea77

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have you already rsvp'd? if yes, then you've been included in the headcount for food & beverage, which could be a cost of, oh, i don't know...$150??? maybe more. i understand not wanting to go, i really do. weddings are a big drag unless you're close to the people tying the knot. i've been late to almost every wedding i've ever been to, so late that i couldn't get in the church one time because the ceremony had already started, simply because i didn't really want to go in the first place. so that was a good excuse for missing the ceremony and it was the truth. at least that time...what if you skipped the ceremony, using the "i was late" excuse, and just proceed to the reception for booze & food. they will NEVER know the difference unless you tell them. you might meet a hot little bridesmaid!!!!

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I agree. Just show up for the food, say congrats or dont. . .whatever and then just dissapear without being notices. It may be the scavenger in me, but free catered food is always good. Or just dont go. Even if you RSVPed already. . ..dont go or dont RSVP and whatnot. It may be the wrong thing to do or whatever people think. . but if you dont like this guy, offending him should not really matter, cuz the worst that could happen is he dont talk to you no more. .. oh well, no sweat off your back right?


I am Karma's henchman. A prophet if you will. We all deserve some kind of Karma. Whether it be good or bad, it is my duty to bring it uppon you. No thanks needed, I actually enjoy my job.

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They've pried the RSVP out of me on the phone, but not in person. But hey, they're good ol' Southern stock, they can eat and drink my share. I, on the other hand, couldn't care less about the booze and food; in fact, the thought alone makes me nauseated.

Oh well... I personally like the g-hole excuse best, but I still have a few hours to decide!


it's funny until somebody gets hurt. and then it's even funnier.

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. . . or you could tell him that you have a family emergency . . . say how sorry you are, but since you already got them a gift . . . you'll mail that over PRONTO!



"Be as you wish to seem." — Socrates


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Here's an Idea...

I don't know if you are Jewish but Saturday is the most one of the most religious Jewish Holidays-Passover!

Whyt can't you say that it slipped your mind but you were invited to a passover dinner from a Friend of yours and that it would be extremely rude to turn that down.

It sounds realistic, right?

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i don't think you should make up an accident or illness....though i'm guilty of it myself, shit like that always comes back to kick you in the ass....could you say your job is sending you on an unexpected bus. trip and you absolutely have NO choice in the matter? like call him this afternoon, say "you wouldn't believe this, dude but...blah blah" and keep your fingers crossed the whole time!! ha ha


jumpdei.gif Boink like a bunny with spring fever!!!


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