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hEY...i am kinda embarrased about posting this note, but i thought some of you crazies out there might be able to throw me an idea or two. anyway, have shroomed a jillion times,,and doin it for the final time on saturday at school (i go to u of michigan,,its a huge event called hash bash) anyway, if its nice out then the day will take care of it self..however, its supposed to rain all day. anyone have any fun ideas? ok...send them away..and thanks.



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The best time you will ever have on shrooms is if you spend it outdoors. You always want to navigate and explore. Back in college it used to be a ritual that at least once every other month we would all go camping and throw down. Sick ass time!


An bag of KB's $50

A glass bubbler $85

A lighter $ 1



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Originally posted by exodust:

The best time you will ever have on shrooms is if you spend it outdoors. You always want to navigate and explore. Back in college it used to be a ritual that at least once every other month we would all go camping and throw down. Sick ass time!

i concur...


don't act too cool because you might get shot...

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One of the best times I ever had on shrooms was waiting till it got dark out, finding a glow in the dark frisbee, and going outside for hours and hours. Now granted our coordination was a little off, making throwing and catching harder than usual, but watching the trails we left was crazy.


I have never known beauty like yours before...with eyes of the most perfect blue, and a form that speaks of poetry. And now here I hold you in my arms...

...and within that simple kiss did I know my heart. And opening my eyes, feeling the love that surged through my body, that made my heart pound and my head swim...I gave myself to you

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If its raining, fuck it, go outside anyway. . . Run around like animals in the mud and woods and feilds and in the puddles and whatnot. Me and my friends used to run around with our shirts off in Rochester NY in the freezing rain trippin on acid all the time. . . . just one reason i failed out of that school.


I am Karma's henchman. A prophet if you will. We all deserve some kind of Karma. Whether it be good or bad, it is my duty to bring it uppon you. No thanks needed, I actually enjoy my job.

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I attended U of M last year before transferring here, and is it hash bash time already?? Remember I was pretty fucked last time round.. it was good. Can U tell me wat day its on, so I can maybe fly down there.

As for the shrooms, there`s so much u can do, so I dont know where to start .. so I wont!!


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stick your forehead on the end of a baseball bat and spin around. Its exhilerating.


we live together, we act on, and react to, one another; but always in all circumstances we are by ourselves.

The martyrs go hand in hand into the arena; they are crucified alone.

Embraced, the lovers desperately try to fuse their insulated ectasies into a single self-transcendence; in vain

By it's very nature every embodied spirit is doomed to suffer and enjoy in solitude

Sensations, feelings, insights, fancies- all these are private and except through symbols and second hand, incommunicable.

We can pool information about experiences, but never the experiences themselves

Aldous Huxley, Doors of Perception.



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Go to Great Adventure, and smoke mad buds on the Skyride!!!!!! This also works well on acid, too! cwm17.gif


~I don't know you, you don't kno me.

But I can show you, where's the beat.

And you can do what you feel, as long as you move.

Two perfact strangers, sharing a groove.~ 311

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Obviously, be with people you trust (makes the buzz better) , I like to avoid big crowds (i start trippin' in crowds). For things to do: video tape your trip, draw (then look at the creations after), smoke lots of dubes, and have a fuckin' great time. Shrooms are the best!




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