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After reading kewlgirls post I was thinking about how strange it is that everyone seems to have the same hallucinations.

-camouflage or animal prints on faces

-glasses on people who aren't wearing them

-"old" people that are magically 20 in the next glance

-stairs in the middle of the dancefloor

-faces that look like demons

Those are a few that I've had as well as many other people I know. I wonder if it's the drugs, the lighting or what??

I just find it odd that they are the same across the board.



~*~*~Don't use time or words carelessly, neither can be retrieved.~*~*~ blossom.gif

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my visuals always turn out to be disney characters...and the whole time its like a spiraling vortex towards some center...like dumbo will turn into mickey mouse and pluto will come out of his head...real cool to watch


so...how's your evening so far?


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Originally posted by translucent:

Another few common ones are seeing "air molecules"

I used to candyflip alot, I would always see pink and purple peace signs in the air!


I never try anything, I just do it... Wanna try me?


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I guess it has something to do with the desire to identify with others .. or be part of something bigger, or something community related like that.

What`s weird is DMT .... ppl do it alone, and when they describe their experiences later, they all say they go to the same goddamned dome place, and all that elohim lore and all that stuff .. so, did Aliens truly leave DMT on earth as a way of making contact wink.giftongue.gif ??



.... We are the Star Travellers, and we come in Peace.

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I've only had one hallucination, and it was of a furry little kitten running across the bed and diving between the pillows. So cuuute! I've never heard of anyone else having that one...




Music... is alllll about the groove. Can you feel the groove? Listen...


aolim blueskygirl2001

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Yeah I get hallucinations alot!! Especially of the faces turning into demons or monsters, and seeing young people get old in like a few seconds. One time i was upstairs in the tunnel b/rooms and I was sitting down on the toilet, and all of a sudden i was talking to my little sister, who wasn't even there!! I seriously talked for like more than a half hour!! i dont remember what i talked about, but I did!!!

Actually i like it cause thats when i know i'm fucked up hehe

romy20 cwm41.gif






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my favorite hallucination was when i saw drag queens everywhere at twilo once. i couldn't stop laughing.

i also hallucinated seeing all the walls covered in grafiti and mario with glasses and gray hair.

BSG- I have a funny story for you. A friend told me that he spent New Years Eve with friends who all took acid as did he. So the next day, his friend asks how the acid was for him and he replies, "i don't think it worked. i just sat here all night playing with your cat." to this the friend responds, "i don't have a cat."- So BSG, you're not alone- hehe



get down on your knees...

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Originally posted by sarahkim13:

BSG- I have a funny story for you. A friend told me that he spent New Years Eve with friends who all took acid as did he. So the next day, his friend asks how the acid was for him and he replies, "i don't think it worked. i just sat here all night playing with your cat." to this the friend responds, "i don't have a cat."- So BSG, you're not alone- hehe


LOL, guess not! I was laying on the bed at Sillylittlename and DJ Divine's place when it happened, and I turned to sideshowkate and said "Whoa, did you see that?... Hey, wait a minute, there's no kitten here!"

I wish everyone could have warm and fuzzy trips like that...

Hugs and warm, fuzzy hallucinations,



Music... is alllll about the groove. Can you feel the groove? Listen...


aolim blueskygirl2001

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I only see a hallucination on one person that I know..Never have I hallucinated with anyone else....I always see MeliChaCha with glasses on. Don't know why....it's such an odd thing that I don't see anything on anyone else, or anything else for that matter. But, that is what drugs will do to ya. cwm12.gif


..The judge said: "Son, what is your alibi? If you were somewhere else then you won't have to die." Well I said not a word. Though it meant my life, for I'd been in the arms of my best friends wife.

“Be off, you wretch!” cried Aramis, throwing his skullcap in his face. “Return whence you came; take back those horrible vegetables, and that poor kickshaw! Order a larded hare, a fat capon, mutton leg dressed with garlic, and four bottles of old Burgundy.”


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Originally posted by cathyo:

-camouflage or animal prints on faces

-glasses on people who aren't wearing them

-"old" people that are magically 20 in the next glance

-stairs in the middle of the dancefloor

-faces that look like demons

Those are a few that I've had as well as many other people I know. I wonder if it's the drugs, the lighting or what??

Yup many people have come up to me and told me they have had those things happen to them.



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Originally posted by tastyt:

I used to candyflip alot, I would always see pink and purple peace signs in the air!

Nope never candyflipped, but once, i had taken those green shamrocks, and i saw this big purple flower forming up the wall to the ceiling and purple stars rolling around the walls. and those patterns u guys see, i say they always remind me of linoliuem on ppls faces. doesn't happen to me anymore though. i wanna see things that aren't there!!


" Music is a universal language. Where speech fails, then music begins. It is the natural medium for the expression of our emotions - the art that expresses in tones our feelings which are too strong & too deep to be expressed in words"

Charles W. Landon

"Give a girl the right pair of shoes and she can conquer the world"- Marilyn Monroe

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Originally posted by emiliep:

Originally posted by trancend:

ive never gotten visuals off of e...

neither have i! looks like we're missing out!

Try smoking a J when you're about to start coming down, dim the lights and focus on the walls or another person.



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Originally posted by cathyo:

After reading kewlgirls post I was thinking about how strange it is that everyone seems to have the same hallucinations.

-camouflage or animal prints on faces

-glasses on people who aren't wearing them

-"old" people that are magically 20 in the next glance

-stairs in the middle of the dancefloor

-faces that look like demons

Those are a few that I've had as well as many other people I know. I wonder if it's the drugs, the lighting or what??

I just find it odd that they are the same across the board.

i've definitely experience:

-everyone wearing glasses

-animal prints and other intricate designs on people's faces and arms

-old people that end up turning young in seconds

also i've seen on at twilo:

-keith herring illustrations on the walls

-arabic writing on the walls

-a rabbit sitting on a chair in the lounge

-a rather large orange mechanical spider climbing the ceiling

i'm sure this is all very healthy!


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Originally posted by cathyo:

After reading kewlgirls post I was thinking about how strange it is that everyone seems to have the same hallucinations.

-camouflage or animal prints on faces

-glasses on people who aren't wearing them

-"old" people that are magically 20 in the next glance

-stairs in the middle of the dancefloor

-faces that look like demons

Those are a few that I've had as well as many other people I know. I wonder if it's the drugs, the lighting or what??

I just find it odd that they are the same across the board.

I hear that! I have had that conversation while tripping...cause me and my friend both though the other kid was wearing glasses all of a sudden...

I def. see demons and animals faces too!




The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

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Originally posted by emiliep:

Originally posted by translucent:

i've never smoked while tripping before. i don't really enjoy it much in general because it makes me too paranoid....but what the hell!

smoking while tripping is the best.. especially while coming down.. feels very good trust me smile.gif

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I vouch for the demons, molecules and the weird prints on people's faces.

Anyone out there ever think someone they were talking to was a clown????


that someone had blood on their face???


An bag of KB's $50

A glass bubbler $85

A lighter $ 1




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Originally posted by jnjboy:

-a rabbit sitting on a chair in the lounge

-a rather large orange mechanical spider climbing the ceiling cwm7.gif

I like these two!



~*~*~Don't use time or words carelessly, neither can be retrieved.~*~*~ blossom.gif

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Originally posted by pulsedriver:

I WANT MUSHROOMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I second that motion...

out of all the psychadelic experiences i have had, and all the different substances that have offered me hallucinations, (and for both instances, there have been many), i have never had more elaborate sequences involving hallucinations, that with shrooms. to this day, i can tell you letter for letter about a specific trip i took ten years ago, and the most amazing things that were revealed to me on that occasion.

there are a lot of experiences that i can recall vivid details of, and specific orders of events in the visuals were like dreamscapes, not just as simple a your mind playing tricks on you like it so often does. what i mean is, far more elaborate hallucinations than what a lot of people are describing here.

ultimately i think tripping is the exposure of your subconcious to a degree.

anyway, as far as mushrooms are concerned, if you find some rocket-shrooms, let me know. until then i will be waiting for the phish tour to come around, the neo-hippies always know where it's at when it comes to shrooms.

until lift off...


don't act too cool because you might get shot...

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