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ever feel like your tripping when your not?

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I have been feeling really strange all week. But this morning takes the cake.....

I was in the tunnel going to the subway and all the sudden I just felt like I wasn't in my body and everything was just....I don't know - like wavey or something. I'm having a hard time describing it. This went on for a couple of minutes! And NO, I don't do drugs (that often anyway hehe)

Please tell me I'm not the only one! cwm36.gif


An bag of KB's $50

A glass bubbler $85

A lighter $ 1




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I dunno exactly but this happend to me as well a couple of times.. I started to have hard times because of it and went to the doctor. She said that E probably messed up my head a lil and even if I didn´t drop for 5 months now I still have similar troubles..



I miss a lot of things in my life... but the most of all..... I miss NEW YORK!!!


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Hi Lucka smile.gif Feel better?

About the topic, YES.. It happens a lot.. I find my jaws clenching really hard.. Or I get these wierd feelings.. I dunno what it is smile.gif And when I come out of SF, I feel like I'm fucked up even if I didn't even have a single drink or puff.. Wierd shit smile.gif

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Well girls, I see that both of you have had similar feelings...

but I think I have had that feeling one too many times...

I never did drugs(ask majesticmelodi)....but I still got it couple of times...

Then I realized that, I over worked my body, with working partying and schooling, so you may think of taking a day or two off from everything that you do, and relax, sleep, eat healthy, and most of all stay away from your computer...hahhaah

Or even better...we could have a relax clubplanet meet up......hahhaahhaha

Well I hope you feel better...

TheFireDude cwm11.gif



Working is a way for us to go through the week fast enough , so we could get to the weekend, and have the fun!!! "Not Really...I can't back that up...Work sux...let it be weekend at all the time"

[This message has been edited by twilofiredude (edited 04-12-2001).]

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Well, being around crackheads 24/7 does have a strange *osmosis* effect with me. I forget things (got that from the pot heads), have unusual bouts of energy when clubbing (thanks a lot *Tina* lovers), and am awfully friendly and like to give lots of hugz (I'm so happy-E tongue.gif). I can't explain it either. I really don't do drugs, ok only alcohol. I also do have weird *out of body* experiences, but that usually occurs when p00h slips me some g smile.gif.

-Jamms "livingvicariouslythroughcrackheads"


jamms on hiatus...that is all face50.gif

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Heh heh heh... funny Jammy...

Ok, seriously, sounds more like you may have had a mild panic attack, which is nothing to be concerned with... it's just the chemicals in your body. Adrenaine???

Or, more likely, hypoglycemia. I know I can get pretty spacey if it's been a while (hours) since I've eaten. And it does feel a little like a drug-induced state. This also matches what you were saying about it being in the morning (I'm assuming you hadn't eaten breakfast).


...and in a mystery to be

(when time from time shall set us free)

forgetting me, remember me

-e. e. cummings

AOL IM: petrol01

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There was this one time I was dancing like crazy at Nation (a club in DC), and all of sudden I stopped and couldn't move. I have to crouch to the ground so I wouldn't tip over. It felt like I was in a k-hole, only I was conscious of it. I kept blacking in and out too. Finally, someone carried me outside and forced water into me, then I came out of it and felt better. But that frozen moment felt like eternity, really scary.

Can anyone explain what the hell that was?!

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This used to happen to me when I was in college and I slept very rarely and partied even more than I do now. Lack of sleep could often times provide more vivid hallucinations than drugs. It also wigs you out though because you have no substances in your body to blame it on.



Forget the gold I want the pot at the end of the rainbow...

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I'm at Vinyl one Friday (totatlly sober) and I'm chillin thinking "wow there are some nice lookin girls tonight, but I really am curious what they look like WITH lights on POOF! The lights were all on! it freaked me, I was like AM I TRIPPIN?!?

it was a raid~ frown.gif


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I couldn't help but reply to this topic as someone who gets random sporadic dizzy spells a bit too often. Sometimes I end up fainting but usually it's just a strong light-headed feeling, dizzyness, short periods of blacking in and out...gone to the dr. for it many times and they always tell me Im "mildly anemic" (this has been happening for YEARS...way before my drug use). I've started to pay lots more attention and it seems like it always happens in a crowded subway or bar...my friends think Im claustrophobic because it happens when I have eaten or not. My advice: stay aware of these spells and make sure that if you feel very faint that you sit down!



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Hell ya...kind of freaky if you ask me...but usually when it passes I just give a giggle!!! I think of it as a type of flashback...your mind is remembering a moment when you were out of your mind and it is re-introducing you to that moment!!!




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happened to me @ wink on friday...i'm chilling sober style(we'll if you call like 10 drinks and a little cough cough sober)...then i closed my eyes for a quick second and i just started getting madd visuals...like clouds racing...trippy colors...

sometimes it happens to me when i hear really good music and i'm working out...i just start losing it...visuals...and all...maybe i'm screwed up, but it provides for lots of random entertainment so i'll ride it out for now


sig being held for ransom by estranged ex-stalker...more at 10

so...how's your evening so far?

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Yes it happens-it has something to do with your brain-recalling the feeling.

I read an article somewhere once

But shit I can't remember now...

Its happening again cwm12.gif


As I dance I create my own language... with every beat of my heart is the music I will dance through life to.

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Originally posted by exodust:

I have been feeling really strange all week. But this morning takes the cake.....

I was in the tunnel going to the subway and all the sudden I just felt like I wasn't in my body and everything was just....I don't know - like wavey or something. I'm having a hard time describing it. This went on for a couple of minutes! And NO, I don't do drugs (that often anyway hehe)

Please tell me I'm not the only one! cwm36.gif


The same thing happened to me this morning also!! I was driving to work and all of a sudden I felt like I was coming up!! I've had it happen before but never that strong.

I get the jaw clencing thing too!



~*~*~Don't use time or words carelessly, neither can be retrieved.~*~*~ blossom.gif

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that happens to me a lot..and i don't do drugs that often either..it happens especially in the subway..i cant explain it. it sometimes happens in places i'm not that familiar with..strange isn't it. it freaks me out! and then i get all panic stricken! lol i wonder if when i get older and have children, if one day i am driving to school and have this crazy flashback...eek.when that shit happens i try to think of something that grounds me..to take my mind off of it..like my 3 yr old cousins laugh..that makes me feel better for some strange reason.





*...have the ability to let that which does not matter, truly slide.*-Ed Norton-Fight Club

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