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I'm staying in tonight and need some good ideas for some movies to rent.

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I feel like doing a marathon...

you know, like a trilogy night or a "theme" movie night...

(either by director, genre, series..etc..)

any one have any good sudgestions?

What are some fav movie rental picks by the board?

Make mugz night a Block buster night....(sigh..how pathetic)

*mental picture for you: Mugz sitting on a coach eating ice cream with a face mask and curlers watching.....(fill in the blank)



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Originally posted by littled:

marathon?... whaddya trying to start every thread on this board?


well..when I'm bored and lonely I atleast have YOU guys to keep me company!


hello..?(echo sound of a giant empty hallway)





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ouch!!! keep it down.. that echo about hit me here in miami!!! i mean.. r we the only two jackasses on the board right now? conversating on three different threads... as if there are other ppl involved... nope! just me and mug' cwm34.gif


~ you see house is a feeling ~

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Originally posted by mugwump:

*mental picture for you: Mugz sitting on a coach eating ice cream with a face mask and curlers watching.....(fill in the blank)

And what does the coach think of this turn of events? I am hoping for your sake it doesn't happen to be Bobby Knight...

-ichi "rimoneforthegipper" cwm9.gif



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well, i don't know about a trilogy of movies that are related in any way, but here are a few that i'd recommend:

* "showgirls." if you haven't seen this, you really should. just make sure you get the nc-17 version and not the r version. i think blockbuster only has the r version. anyway, the acting is abysmal, the story's a wee bit silly, and the dancing is fan-fucking-tabulous. lots of great quotable lines, too. whoo-hoo!!! best picture of '95!!!

* "wild style." hard to find. pre-dates "crush groove." fictional (and some non-fictional) stories about grafitti writers and rappers during the emergence of the hip hop scene in nyc way back in the day. so much of this movie has been sampled by the likes of cypress hill, tribe, and the beastie boys that it'll make your head spin. poorly acted but you won't even care.

* "grease 2." michelle pfeiffer singing about her dream guy: "a devil in skintight leather." does it get any better than that?

i guess the only way in which these three movies are related is that the acting in them isn't intended to be taken too seriously; that isn't exactly the focus. in "showgirls" the point is the t & a, "wild style" was trying to bring a new underground culture to the masses, and "grease 2" was trying to capitalize on grease's box office success. but all are highly enjoyable and cool as hell.

let me know if you see 'em and give me a review!


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i'm home too, but not my own home...i'm dogsitting so me and the pooches have been having a sopranos marathon since they have the dvd's of the first season. i never saw any before but i've been watching this season so it's kind've cool to see the old ones.....


jumpdei.gif Boink like a bunny with spring fever!!!


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yep, i survived my weekend home too....and now i can be 100% excited for next weekend b/c it's going to be a very special one for me.....i don't know if i can make it....yes i can b/c good things come to those who wait!! YAY...! boink boink!!


jumpdei.gif Boink like a bunny with spring fever!!!


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Thanks guys..

It's Sunday and I made it through the weekend with no clubbing ok..

I dug up some old videos and watched Gummo and Kids..

They are really depressing fucked up movies so I ended up feeling worst..

I guess I should have rented Greese 2 instead..(no, I think then I would have def killed my self.)

In any case I'll be out next Friday for sure..

Thanks for all the advise though!

Take care~

MugZ cwm35.gif



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