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Early incomplete PVD @ Twilo review

Guest danwang

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Guest danwang

It sucks...

... that I had to leave early (around 5 am). Except for the overcrowding, the night was awesome! There were four video screens for visualizations, and a laser setup that I think is better than what they have at Limelight. Lots of good glowstick dancing. The hotties were out there in full force. QUite a few displays of Abs of Steel by guys and gals - for some, it seemed not to be part of the original plan.

Doors were to open at 10:30, but they were still figuring out what to do about peeps with Twilo Cards, so they didn't let anyone in until 10:45. Props to mgmt for allowing discounts for cardholders. I think I figured out the ideal time to arrive for a PvD night (well now that you know this, probably not anymore smile.gif ) - I got there at 10:00 pm, and was one of the first people there (and to get in). At around 10:15, the line started growing quickly.

Inside, the place started getting ridiculously crowded at around 12:30 am. When the fog machines go off, the blast of cool air felt so good - but do any of you find its sound painful to the ears?

Luis Diaz's set alone could have made the night. There was thunderous applause both when PvD came into the DJ booth, at around 2:45 am, and when he started, about 5 minutes later.

I thought PvD's set was pretty mind-blowing. Lots of new stuff. He even played p00h's favorite song. smile.gif

He went pretty hard for most of the time I was there. Not a whole lot of his trademark euro, but I'm sure there was plenty of time for that. Dammit, why did he have to play some really good epic stuff right when I had to leave?! smile.gif

So some questions:

1. How late did it go?

2. Myrlin, were you satisfied?

3. What happened to all the peeps I met at Nativa? Did you all go somewhere else first, then come after I left?

4. How were things at all the other clubs?


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I thought it was off the hook - the only thing that sucks is the bathroom lines - thank god I am not a girl!!!

It was really crowded, but if you move your way into a area and started to dance - everything was cool. We left at 6:30 and the party was going strong - the place was packed!! It's probably still going on!! Hey dwang - what were you wearing - maybe I will remember seeing you, if you were wearing something crazy!!




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same here,,,,everything was Kooolllllllllll

.....other than the overcrowding.......

shit,,,,,,its hard to dance when there is soo many people everywhere........"it was a little bit of a sausige party,,,",,,,but what the fuck,,,,,,,we still managed to have a good time,,,,,,,the music was offfff the hookkkkkkk.........I hope everybody else had a good time............ciao, cwm32.gif



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I can honestly say that was a more than classic night.......to keep it brief, the crowd was only really bad for about 1 hour then it was bareable, the vibe was sensational to my suprise, and PVD blew the fucking roof off the place.........plain and simple.......not too many songs I knew and the one's I did were not his usual for Twilo.......some real orgasmic basslines and some nice breakbeats even.......he did things the way he is capable and just slammed it.........I admit, I was skeptical about going but I wanted to give PVD one last chance before I threw him in the pile with Oakey and he showed up and showed out........I'm still in awe......

forget about being brief......sorry.. smile.gif



"I don't want a piece....I want the whole thing....." - Bob Barker

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Originally posted by tyco:

I can honestly say that was a more than classic night.......to keep it brief, the crowd was only really bad for about 1 hour then it was bareable, the vibe was sensational to my suprise, and PVD blew the fucking roof off the place.........plain and simple.......not too many songs I knew and the one's I did were not his usual for Twilo.......some real orgasmic basslines and some nice breakbeats even.......he did things the way he is capable and just slammed it.........I admit, I was skeptical about going but I wanted to give PVD one last chance before I threw him in the pile with Oakey and he showed up and showed out........I'm still in awe......

forget about being brief......sorry.. smile.gif


bitch you better be ready for tonite!!!!!





A ho don't make a housewife.

pappa's been smooth since the days of underoos!!!!


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it was a great night. the one thing that stood out & i must mention is that the vibe was excellent (for me at least). i met a lot of random people who were just totally cool and giving off good vibes. as for pvd, i would say from 7-10 were his finest hours. then again, maybe i enjoyed it more then because there was actually room to dance then. i am no longer a pvd virgin. yay for me.




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PVD came on at 2:45 and finished up at 10am.

Absolutely awesome night there. PVD showed us what he is truly capable of. He repeated a couple of tracks toward the end, but you could see him digging through the vinyl to come up with something to play and mix into.

He closed with a remix of For An Angel, and when it was done, tossed it into the crowd. Someone got a nice souvenir.

PVD tore the roof off last night and DT/Diggweed will knock down the walls tonight.

Off to go nap. Hope you guys have fun tonight. The family obligations and j-pup call tomorrow.




AIM: JDoggNY2000


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Originally posted by jdogg:

PVD came on at 2:45 and finished up at 10am.

Absolutely awesome night there. PVD showed us what he is truly capable of. He repeated a couple of tracks toward the end, but you could see him digging through the vinyl to come up with something to play and mix into.

He closed with a remix of For An Angel, and when it was done, tossed it into the crowd. Someone got a nice souvenir.

PVD tore the roof off last night and DT/Diggweed will knock down the walls tonight.

Off to go nap. Hope you guys have fun tonight. The family obligations and j-pup call tomorrow.


jdogg did I see you in the booth toward the end or were the stars I was seeing fogging up my view? smile.gif



"I don't want a piece....I want the whole thing....." - Bob Barker

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OMG...what a night....i really am not even complaining about the crowd....of course it was gonna be packed...but to tell you the truth, it was packed only im gussing for an hour or too and mad people left....well it was packed but not like his other nights on my opinion. He definatly left the cheese home Last night....holy shit....i couldnt even name damn songs.....and the breakbeats....BREAKBEATS...wtf...his set impressed me sooo fucking much its not even funny...im just glad...soooo glad that PVD had a great set...i couldnt stand people knocking him down....and for all the people who didnt make it.....damn...whats your excuse? Just for the record...his last encore...was definatly for me....i prayed and prayed....because i never heard him spin FOR AN ANGEL...which is my favorite track....who would have thunk....least to say that i ejaculated all over twilo when the man dropped that fucking song.....To all the peeps that was there...love....and to all the people that closed the set with me like true troopers Jewelz..Mikey...NIck INC...etc.....RESPECT!!!!

tg cwm31.gif


Ravers don't stumble

and fall....


we TRIP and ROLL..

AIM: XxFUEL1xX bongsmi.gif

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Guest danwang

I believe he's scheduled to be a featured guest at Axis in Boston some time in the next few weeks... it will probably be on a thursday night. Check the Boston board for the post about that.

When I looked him up on the web, I read that in Miami, where he's from, he's a really well-known trance DJ. There wasn't mention of him doing any residencies, maybe because of his travel schedule.


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Guest danwang

Was there a particular reason he ended at 10, and not at noon, as was suggested (or even the initial 10:30 plan)? Were there a lot of people left at that time?

I wasn't wearing anything crazy. Just a black polo and khakis. And glasses... see my discussion on contacts... actually I needed them early in the morning, so I just went with the specs. Wasn't a babe magnet anymore (j/k) smile.gif , but my eyes did feel quite comfortable the whole time.

I do agree about that post on some people who don't seem to realize that when the place is so packed, they can't dance is certain ways. I did see one instance of that, close to the time PvD was starting- I got shoved so that these people could make a little circle and allow this one guy to jump around. Someone went up to him and told him he couldn't do that. Good call. I was thinking of doing that (telling that person) too.


We're alive, take a breath

We're alive, take a deep breath

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Well, if I didn't see it, I wouldn't have believed it.....

PVD totally redeemed himself last night, what a set!!!...closed the place out...the crowd at the end was fabulous- lots of love and booty shakers! Basically what everyone up there said...

If I didn't see it, I wouldn't have believed it! cwm38.gifcwm11.gifcwm12.gifcwm11.gifcwm38.gif


"Spontaneity is the key to spice in life"

"Music makes the world go 'round...so keep it spinnin!"

"Happiness is like a butterfly, which when pursued is just out of your grasp, but if you will sit down quietly, it will alight upon you." Walt Whitman

AIM: Jewel44317

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I got in at about 5, and the place was banging. PURE ENERGY. Twilo was packed, but not as bad as it usually gets on PVD nights. And unlike the previous PVD performance, it cleared out around 7-8, so there actually was room to dance. At around 6 he slowed the bpms down (just a bit) and played harder tracks. Somewhere between 7-7:30 he was dropping just breakbeats. Really nice. Then about at 8 he speeded it up and dropped the Faithless - We Come One. It sounded sooooooooo incredibly good. From that moment on it was pure euphoria... Pumping tracks one after the other. With the last one being Members of Mayday - 10 in 01. Stopped at about 9. Time for encores!!! He went back to breakbeats, very twisted ones. Around 9:30 stopped with this crazy breakbeat mix of Enjoy the Silence. More yelling for encores... Then he played again some more pumping tracks, I couldn't recognize any this time. The lights were already on, everyone was dancing their ass off... It was awesome. He stopped around 9:50. More screaming and yelling. He came back again and played For an Angel. And then threw the vinyl to the crowd. It landed just a foot away from me and the guy next to me grabbed it first. Damn it, damn it, damn it...


I was loosing my faith in PVD, but this night definitely sealed PVD's position back up among my favorites.


A man who has attained complete mastery of an art reveals his presence of mind in every action.

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well, i for one was very dissapointed. . .not really for the music or anything. . . i just cant stand the crowd. theres nothing more irritating that music that makes me dance, and having no room to even bop up and down. (its time for me to rant)

My first complaint was obviously the crowd. Not only was there too much of it, i couldnt beleive who i was seeing in there.

I dont want to make any definite line on who to and not to let in, but c'mon. There were kids in there with old converse, faded untapered jeans, band shirts and hats. now seperately or properly worn some of these things are alright. But i felt like i was at some dirty rock club. I'm especially surprised cuz in the past i've had friends turned away cuz they were fashionably dead.

And even then, why would anyone in their right mind go to a club looking like that? At least make an attempt. Play the part or something. Dress up, dress club,dress rave, god damn, even dress candy for all i care. but at least make it look like you're going to a club and not out on the street corner.

Not only was it too f'n crowded for my own good, there were certain people who just shouldnt be allowed to dance. (okok, we've discussed this, but hear me out) When i dance i'm everywhere, my elboes and arms and legs and everything is goin. but when its crowded i dont fly everywhere. the more crowded it gets the less i do, a little respect, ya know. But there were these kids who neglected the fact that there were tons of people around and had nowhere or way to move.

There was this one kid who thought dancing was to shove his shoulder forward into my back, repeatedly, over and over. And his feet didnt move. i thought going behind him might help, but i just got the other side of him hittin me when he was coming back from leaning forward. Then there was the girl with hair down to her ass who felt the need to swing it out as far as she could while she was dancing. Then there was the kid who just kinda shifted weight back and forth on his feet which wouldnt have been so bad except for the fact that every time his weight shifted he moved another inch backwards without even realizing it. No matter where i went these people found me.

I asked this kid if his group of friends wanted to dance with my group of friends so that the 6 of us could maybe take up more room as one instead of separately. That worked for about 1/2 a song and then we got split up by 3 congo lines going 3 different direction right in the middle of the dance floor.

Othere than the croud i really didnt have much to complain about. . but PVD is money to twilo so they;re not gonna not let people in. But whatever. I think i'm gonna pass next time he plays here. I am however gonna go up to toronto to see him next time. He plays the same set and i'm always up for a roadtrip. Crazy shit alllllllways happens when i have to do anything. the further away anthying is the crazier shit gets.

and i was wondering if luis diaz plays anywhere else as the main DJ? cuz i would love to hear what he does on his own, since he obviously cant play as good as PVD at twilo for obvious reasons. I would love to see him where he doesnt have to hold back to let another DJ finish off the croud.

Thats all for now. Sorry to chew you guys ears off.


I am Karma's henchman. A prophet if you will. We all deserve some kind of Karma. Whether it be good or bad, it is my duty to bring it uppon you. No thanks needed, I actually enjoy my job.

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i wasn't there and i'm in tears. ::sigh::

i need therapy now..

but, anyone got a playlist???!?!?!?!? or at least some of the songs? i'd love to know (then download the songs and pretend i was there heheehe)

peas --daniela smile.gif



"And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music." AoL: MAReLuNa

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Great night, my first at Twilo. Definitely the longest running party I've been to, with a great crowd and vibe. PVD: Wow! I was expecting way softer and cutsier stuff from him than what he smacked down. And at 7:15, he mixed my all-time favorite We're Alive in with all the breakbeats. cwm32.gifcwm12.gif

(But I can't agree about the lights.. Gatecrasher's lights at Limelight were unmatched.)

I thought I was wimping out leaving at 9, but now I see that I didn't miss more than an hour.


It's too bad I didn't get to meet some of the CNYC heads I was looking forward to seeing (jdogg, ezdreamer, exit2heaven, mattyparsons, j030j) but PVD was more than worth it. cwm24.gifcwm12.gifcwm32.gif



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quick points:

o this was my first time hearing PVD spin. based on the ONLY comments i've heard on this board, i was expecting happy cheese music (which, quite frankly, would've been alright by me...love the euphoric cheese!..er, sometimes at least). however, he threw in some deeper, darker diggers-esque basslines. in short, i was pleasantly surprised.

o for those complaining about the crowd and lack of space: you all knew it was gonna be packed. patience would've shown you when the true party started. the true troopers who stuck it out & closed out twilo will know what i'm talking about. from the corner where i was at, it started clearing out @ about 6. that's when the party started for me.

o as for having a good time & good vibes, most ppl think that being in the center of the party/dancefloor is where the party's at. i don't know about you, but the REAL party usually goes on in a little-paid-attention of a corner, where there's usually less of a crowd, where no one gives a f*ck about that which ppl complain about, they just FEEL the music & beats, and dance like a mofo, and, appropriately enough, get the same good vibes from the people in that same corner. if you want to party, that's where i'll be at.

okay, not-so-quick points, but points nonetheless. cwm1.gif




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in response to loch:

Yeah, i knew it was gonna be crowded. I'm just complaining more for my own bad than about the party. I knew it was gonna be crowded, and i wasnt gonna go for just that reason cuz i have no problem driving somewhere else to see him spin. I think its worth it. Granted i dont get phazon (oh how i'll miss phazon sounds) but i think i can really do without the crowd. And i would have been there till the end but my girlfriend had to go to work in the morning and i was supposed to go snowboarding in vermont and needed some rest. unfortunately i didnt go cuz shit got fucked up and whatnot, but i hope missing out on the phazon wont make me not enjoy the show cuz a shitty soundsystem can really ruin a good time for me. . call me picky or whatever. . .damn i go off on too many tangents. ok, i'll stop babling right now. I must attend to my fridge full of Michelobe and Meister Brau.

If anyone wants to take a roadtrip up to toronto over the summer (i dont remember if plays then or what but we can find out.), thats what i'll probably be doing. NYC can take over Canadia! God damn canadish people, only good for bacon and clean cities and hockey, eh? Yeah, we'll show them how to party. . damn, another one of those tangents again. i'm cutting myself off 2 paragraphs too late


I am Karma's henchman. A prophet if you will. We all deserve some kind of Karma. Whether it be good or bad, it is my duty to bring it uppon you. No thanks needed, I actually enjoy my job.

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Well I'm glad I chose that night to come back to Twilo. PVD absolutely took the challenge and took it to another level!! The man reminded me why I loved him so much!!!!

I left at 9 a.m. only because I had to take care of a friend, but I so wanted to stay til the last possible second.

One more thing . . . believe it or not the crowd at Twilo was NOT all that crowded. Not as much as it usually is. I thought it was because that Friday was Good Friday and DT/D was next day . . . but if it was due to the managment and that's how they're going to keep the crowd level from now on . . . then KUDDOS to them for a job well done.



“Remember that happiness is a way of travel, not a destination.” - Roy Goodman


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PVD was awesome! To all the ppl who say he's cheese - YOU"RE SOOOO WRONG.. He did an awesome job and everyone was really impressed by his set! The crowd was not the worst I've seen.. Cleared out a LOT by 6 or so.. So unless you were in the middle of the dance floor, there was room to dance.. Bouncers were being dicks as always.. Too bad I had to get out a little early, coz he was simply amazing!!!! Good seeing those of you who came!

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Originally posted by blueangel:

Well I'm glad I chose that night to come back to Twilo. PVD absolutely took the challenge and took it to another level!! The man reminded me why I loved him so much!!!!

I left at 9 a.m. only because I had to take care of a friend, but I so wanted to stay til the last possible second.

One more thing . . . believe it or not the crowd at Twilo was NOT all that crowded. Not as much as it usually is. I thought it was because that Friday was Good Friday and DT/D was next day . . . but if it was due to the managment and that's how they're going to keep the crowd level from now on . . . then KUDDOS to them for a job well done.


whoa, is your boyfriend michel/mitchell (couldn't hear right)? and you guys were upstairs at 9, right? that's so strange. i know one of the people you were taking care of... thanks for helping them out.

if it wasn't you- oops.

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