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do you: twitch, snore, or drool, in your sleep?

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Guest crystalmethodny


Connie... are you ok?

I remember your name :P


"Can you feel it?"

"We're going to build things up slowly... are you with me? Here we go."



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yea that definetly sucks

and when they toss and turn all nite and steal all the pillows and try and kick you off the bed thats 10 feet off the ground..


"People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they never use" -Soren Kierkegaard

"People who know little are usually great talkers, while men who know much say little." -Rousseau


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.....what about someone who's impossible to wake up?

.....what about someone who looks like a sleepy mole when they wake up?

what about someone who falls asleep on their friend's lap on the train back from long island after a day of hanging out with his family, and wakes up all confused, disoriented, hot and sweaty, and with his entire left side asleep? *me*



underground will live forever baby,

we like roaches, never die, always livin'...

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crystalmethodny (gawd, your name alone makes me drool), i'm okay, considering i missed two awesome nights and hate my life. j/k. i remember your name too. AND i recognize you when i see you wink.gif

pfloyd40, at least i don't twitch like a rabbit with turets

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i talk in my sleep...and i've caught myself drooling....and i've been told one time by our boy joe-fun that i snore...one night when i was too drunk to drive home...but i'm telling ya that he's lying b/c no-one's ever said that b/f and maybe i had a cold or something....twitch? yeah, do that too when falling asleep. i toss and turn a lot too! to sum it all up i'm a real pleasure to sleep with....my new honey is just gonna have to get used to it all smile.gif


jumpdei.gif Boink like a bunny with spring fever!!!


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I've been known to do all three.

I have woken to find that i drooled, but it doesn't happen often.

I usually twitch before falling alseep, and i only snore when i'm really really tired, like after being in a club for 14 hours.

And why are they showing "The Postman" twice in a row on TNT?

i gotta sleep.


...and in a mystery to be

(when time from time shall set us free)

forgetting me, remember me

-e. e. cummings

AOL IM: petrol01

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snore, drool, fart, sneeze, twitch, bite, kick, slap, steal all the covers, grind my teeth, and could sleep through an earthquake.....sounds like a rousing nite? anyone up for it?


Our civilization is still in a middle stage, no longer wholly guided by instinct, not yet wholly guided by reason...

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I drool if I'm stuffed up and my mouth is facing downward. It's gross, but, we've all done it. I don't snore and I usually don't twitch unless I'm having one of those falling dreams.

My b/f twitches when he is falling asleep. Usually just as I am dozing off too and he scares the shit out of me.



~*~*~Don't use time or words carelessly, neither can be retrieved.~*~*~ blossom.gif

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Well.. okay here is alittle TOO much information going your way!!!

1. I am not sure if I actually, Snore, Twich, I know I don't drool at ALL!


When me an my exbestfriend (former Roommate) first moved into this apartment we had to share her bed.. You boys are going to LOVE this one.. OH no this was after that fact.. when I first got my hand me down matress (thanks to Richards sister.. which come to think of it I am still using it.. and it is still on the floor in my room!! hahah )me and my roommate were soo used to sleeping next to eachother like children we felt lonely sleeping in our own beds.. so she would come into my room and sleep with me... now comes the story...

I was dead asleep ... I wake up and I have my arms over her head reaching to kiss her.. hahahahh!!!! She was screaming and pushing me away.. When I actually WOKE up! I was laughing my arse off and almost choked to death from laughing! we both went to sleep.. I must have been dreaming of my boyfriend or something.. She said I kept calling her JOE! I always teased her saying that she would have kissed me if I hadn't woke up! it was funny!

I had another story but I forgot it.. When I remember I'll be sure to tell you!




I love everyone today!

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Well, I don't snore or drool, but I kick.

I don't know why, but I wake up my man all the time because I kick him HARD in my sleep. I don't mean too.



As I dance I create my own language... with every beat of my heart is the music I will dance through life to.

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Originally posted by dale77:

I grind my teeth. This has got to be the most annoying habit everrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. I'm thinking of getting hypnosis for it. I need to do SOMETHING! cwm36.gif

My last visit at the dentist, he told me that I was grinding all the enamel off my teeth and I told him well maybe it's from the extacy pills that I used to take...j/k

anyways...he took an impression and made this small night guard that fits pretty comfortably on your front two teeth which prevents you from grinding...you should look into it...grinding your teeth can cause complications over time...

[This message has been edited by visions (edited 04-16-2001).]

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