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people have gone to the Twilo board

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the majority of people on that board, and i'm not singling anyone out here, are all about how far they can crawl up twiloboss's butt. sorry but it's nauseating......


jumpdei.gif Boink like a bunny with spring fever!!!


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some of us migrated there then migrated back..

twilo board was great in the beginning then went downhill...

still way more meaningful posts over there though


my stand on the sig controversy:


[This message has been edited by PFloyd40 (edited 04-16-2001).]

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Originally posted by PFloyd40:

some of us migrated there then migrated back..

twilo board was great in the beginning then went downhill...

still way more meaningful posts over there though

yep, i'm sure that's true for the people who are all about the music and the dj's, ......for sure. i understand their miagration for that reason, but there's def. some major ass-kissin' going on over there....


jumpdei.gif Boink like a bunny with spring fever!!!


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Originally posted by uknjx2:

the majority of people on that board, and i'm not singling anyone out here, are all about how far they can crawl up twiloboss's butt. sorry but it's nauseating......

Yea, I have to agree with you Nik. I'm not saying that because of any bitterness either, CLUAUDIO.

But the general consensus over that is everybody kissing Twiloboss' ass. Seriously, what is up with that?



“Remember that happiness is a way of travel, not a destination.” - Roy Goodman


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I sure hope its more than a comp. I would look at both boards, but I really shouldn't spend any more time doing this than I already do.

I dunno, but I wish they'd come back.


...and in a mystery to be

(when time from time shall set us free)

forgetting me, remember me

-e. e. cummings

AOL IM: petrol01

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I'm still lurking guys. Main reason I don't post here anymore or read as often as I use to is time...simply ain't got any.

But ya know I still love all my CP buds.




"When the soul wishes to experience something, she throws an image of the experience out before her, and enters into her own image." -Eckhart

"I heard of a man that says words so beautiful that if he only speaks their name, women give themselves to him.

If I am dumb by your body while silence blossoms like tumors on our lips it is because I hear a man climb the stairs and clear his throat outside our door." - Leonard Cohen

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at the same time there are a few whom i personally do not miss...

go read anything the "PVD Expert" has to say on that board and be glad she doesn't post here anymore...


don't act too cool because you might get shot...

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Originally posted by uknjx2:

the majority of people on that board, and i'm not singling anyone out here, are all about how far they can crawl up twiloboss's butt. sorry but it's nauseating......

i agree

oooooooooooo twiloboss PLEASE let me do this and this for you.

twiloboss is laughing at them all . . . comps my ass.







AIM: loves2cox

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Originally posted by back2basics-:

Yeh but people on this board are just all sucking up to DaVe for free floppy disks and clubplanet t-shirts wink.gif

Hey b2b, I've got my CP t-shirt...I even *tailored* it a bit to a sexy top to be worn to a meetup in the future just for DaVe to see. cwm34.gif

-Jamms "ivegotahotmidriff"


jamms on hiatus...that is all face50.gif

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Originally posted by jammy:

Hey b2b, I've got my CP t-shirt...I even *tailored* it a bit to a sexy top to be worn to a meetup in the future just for DaVe to see. cwm34.gif

-Jamms "ivegotahotmidriff"

So your after his body, not just his floppy?


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

Trust in the currency of relationships, it's hard to earn but easy to loose - back2basics


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The way the Twilo message board is set up is so much better than clubplanet’s. I like how you can see who last posted and how you can jump to 2nd and 3rd pages of a thread straight from the topic page. I've never experience the Twilo board being down and no damn pop-ups.

As for meaning posts about Twilo ... ehh, that's kind of the point. The board is dedicated to the club, the DJ's it brings in and the music they play.

And as for people sucking ass to Twiloboss ... I don't think it’s fair to generalize. He started a dialogue with board members because he wanted to find out how he can make the club better, some members have made some great suggestions and relationships have developed. Of course there are going to be people that's going to kiss up to him b/c they want favors or whatever, but that's just human nature.

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Originally posted by back2basics-:

So your after his body, not just his floppy?

Not really, I'm actually really looking forward to getting a pair of CPU's (Club Planet Undies) wink.gif

-Jamms "skidmorerow"


jamms on hiatus...that is all face50.gif

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Originally posted by nycedee:

the twilo board is set up way better than this one. you can pick you're aubject and write on it and you get an audience thats in tune to what you're saying specifically.

its for the twilo-heads, just like deeper for sf. you can discuss twilo all the time. i would think most of you would be happy for the shift, sparing you guys from all twilo talk, all the time.

as for everybody kissing tb's ass, thats true to some extent, but not everybody. but understand, he takes suggestions on how to make the club better, allows the hardcores to meet the dj's, comps them for the big shows, etc. i've met him and he's down to earth. dunno, don't see that treatment to other hardcore fans of other clubs. mostly, peeps are just thankful for being there and tb's generosity, so i can see where many may interpret that as ass-kissing. the regulars spend so much money on that club anyway, it's nice to see the club give back.

as with the vibe of the club, the messageboard is similar, very energetic and i think that's the draw, plus no pop-up ads.



Upcomming gigs:

Fridays: Ali G's bathroom:minimal techno

Saturdays: Swingpe's closet: Kush Kush Kush Kush...

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Originally posted by blueangel:

But the general consensus over that is everybody kissing Twiloboss' ass. Seriously, what is up with that?


So it's not just me...it's all just a bunch of ass kissing. It gets me sick to my stomach!!!! Every post from twiloboss receives replies of praise from every member.

What baffles me the most is how he publicly bashed Junior....hmmmm....not nice. That queen made Twilo what it is. No matter what the truth is, Junior deserves more respect than that.





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Well, like Dee said, the concepts of this board compared with the Twilo board are totally different.......yea, maybe some are out to kiss ass to get privelages but that's not really a big part of it for me.......the Twilo board is obviously geared toward Twilo......suprise, suprise.......I don't really understand how peeps could expect them to be similar when one is general and one is club-specific.......like Twilo, it's geared toward DJs, the music, and Twilo in general.......I, being a twilo crazy, enjoy the board very much......as I do clubplanet.....for different reasons though......clubplanet is far from perfect for it's own reasons as well......

as for the whole twiloboss ass-kissing talk, it kinda dissappoints me........unlike any other club board I've ever seen, the Twilo board is very interactive and it has done nothing but make the club that much better for the people......if you can't agree with that considering what they've done in the last few months, you're not looking close enough.......a lot of it stems from the message board and the clubbers getting a voice in what happens.......to ridicule twiloboss for actually considering the clubber's opinions and acting upon them is ridiculous.......at the same time, to ridicule people who post honestly on there for getting involved in what has been generously offered to them from the club is also ridiculous........say what you want but I believe most of the people there do not aim at kissing ass to get comps.......it seems only the people who aren't involved are bitter and I guess that is understandable........it's no suprise to me though......it seems that people don't like to see good things happen......I don't see how anything that goes on on the Twilo board or the people on it affect those who don't so why are people starting to criticize and even worse, generalizing about people who do post there..........really, I don't care if people voice their opinions, even if it's bad, but as I do post on that board, I consider people's comments personal to myself.......if anyone can iron any of this out for me I am very open to reactions because it seems peeps like to make weightless criticisms.......

no personal drama, just an honest opinion.



"I don't want a piece....I want the whole thing....." - Bob Barker

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Originally posted by p00h:

Originally posted by nycedee:

the twilo board is set up way better than this one. you can pick you're aubject and write on it and you get an audience thats in tune to what you're saying specifically.

its for the twilo-heads, just like deeper for sf. you can discuss twilo all the time. i would think most of you would be happy for the shift, sparing you guys from all twilo talk, all the time.

as for everybody kissing tb's ass, thats true to some extent, but not everybody. but understand, he takes suggestions on how to make the club better, allows the hardcores to meet the dj's, comps them for the big shows, etc. i've met him and he's down to earth. dunno, don't see that treatment to other hardcore fans of other clubs. mostly, peeps are just thankful for being there and tb's generosity, so i can see where many may interpret that as ass-kissing. the regulars spend so much money on that club anyway, it's nice to see the club give back.

as with the vibe of the club, the messageboard is similar, very energetic and i think that's the draw, plus no pop-up ads.


i'm trying to get comped for the closet room


party with a heart on

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Originally posted by nycedee:

i'm trying to get comped for the closet room


i agree with tyco though. twilo has displayed a 360 degree turnabout as far as attitude towards twiloheads goes, and its still boggling my mind. everything from the twilocards to the private parties with comps and free drinks is pretty new as far as twilo goes. for years you'd be lucky to get your drink even with money in hand. i mean they even have cots set up in the closets now! whether thats because of the twiloboard or not i'm not sure, but it seems to be. so i say dont playerhate, participate...

(i hope this post gets me on tb&wm's goodside so as to get comped for the next event)



Upcomming gigs:

Fridays: Ali G's bathroom:minimal techno

Saturdays: Swingpe's closet: Kush Kush Kush Kush...

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It seems that people were upset a few months back because Twilo staff was supposedly greedy, money-hungry, and didn't care about its partrons.......now, they have turned it around, as p00h mentioned.......now, private parties for the clubbers, open bars, comps out the ass, Twilo cards, etc.......as Twilo already established it's ground, it doesn't need to offer these things to gain more money or people in the club........they are simply giving back to us.......and people still get upset.......I don't get it.


"I don't want a piece....I want the whole thing....." - Bob Barker

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