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Has anyone ever been..

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Originally posted by sdm1976:

mugged/robbed? I know its kinda of a morbid topic..but i am just curious, b/c i am about to testify against someone...

Both have been attempted on me... Got knives pulled and a gun on me at different times. Both in DC. Didn't give them shit, though. One time dude came up and pulled the gun after a night of clubbing, looking for money. I said we had none cause we spent it all in the club. He just packed it back up and left. You just gotta be ready to handle yours, but to be safe just do what they want... Peace.


Talkin 'bout what we gon' be when we grow up/I said what you wanna be? She said alive/It made me think for a minute then looked in her eyes/I coulda died....

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Originally posted by andre9000:

Both have been attempted on me... Got knives pulled and a gun on me at different times. Both in DC. Didn't give them shit, though. One time dude came up and pulled the gun after a night of clubbing, looking for money. I said we had none cause we spent it all in the club. He just packed it back up and left. You just gotta be ready to handle yours, but to be safe just do what they want... Peace.

At least u didn't get beaten up...


Slowly..slowly..act like you know me...

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Originally posted by sdm1976:

At least u didn't get beaten up...

Naah, I only been at the losing end of a fight once, about 2 months ago when I was jumped at the courts by 3 dudes, and I was chillin solo. If you can talk some shit and bring it hard, it dosen't lead to fights often. I try to talk that shit out before just throwin down. I'm not down for violence, but have no problems settling shit if someone does something to my boys/family or me. Do you, knamean. If no pieces are involved, my advice is get the first hit in, and hard, to the throat. Make sure you connect. Peace.


Talkin 'bout what we gon' be when we grow up/I said what you wanna be? She said alive/It made me think for a minute then looked in her eyes/I coulda died....

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andre.. I'm glad to hear that nothing happened to you.. But honestly, I think it's better to give it to those assholes than risk losing your life over it.. Seriously, there have been sooo many cases when ppl got killed because they refused to give in.. I can see why you wouldn't want to give them anything coz that would encourage them to go attack other people, but still, I think a wallet or a bike or whatever ppl want from you is worth your life....

Sneha, good luck with it.. I hope these ppl who do things like that get what they deserve - JAIL TIME!

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Originally posted by mysteriousss:

Don't tell me you got beaten up????????????????????

Yeah unfortunately..it was last year...i was almost to my house (literally i was about 20 feet away from my door) in hoboken, and this was around midnight, and stupid me was on my phone yapping away when i heard something behind me, and i turned and this guy grabbed me and pushed me to the ground and just started punching me on my face/head! i started screaming at him, telling him to stop, and trying to kick back, anything i could do. i had no idea what he wanted, cause he could have easily grabbed my purse...to make a long story short, he finally ended up grabbing my purse and running, the funny thing was as he grabbed it, everything fell out...so i grabbed all my stuff and ran into the middle of the courtyard and people were coming down and asking me if i was allright, my face was covered in blood, it wasn't pretty. somebody had already called the cops and they came within 30 seconds, and they caught him 15 min. later and now i am finally going to testify against him. i am really lucky, they found a knife on him, so it could have been alot worse..he's pleading not guilty, so its my word against his...he has a record though, so i will tell u what happens! the trial date is may 14, wish me luck!



Slowly..slowly..act like you know me...

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OMG.. This is so scary. I'm sooooo glad to hear that you're ok.. A bloody face is really bad but like you said, it could've been worse.. Stupid idiot, why hit you if he can just take the purse? Damn.. I'm really glad that they caught him! In most cases like this they don't catch the guy and he ends up doing it for years to a lot of people.. Yeah, it's your word against his, but if the cops saw you after it happened, found the guy 15 minutes later (I assume he still had your purse).. This should be an open-and-shut case.. It's never that simple but I really hope he'll get a LOT of jail time.. Good luck to you in court..

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This guy grabbed me and held me in is arms and grabbed my privates-you know down there. I screamed and yelled, he didn't hurt me in fact he was so drunk that one hard push and kick from me and he almost fell over.

I saw a cop a block away and had the guy arrested. It turned out he was wanted for something else-and I had to testify against him.

He hurt a woman beat her-so I guess I was lucky.

I hope all works out for you-I was really shaken after that experience, even though it was the middle of the day.

I am just glad I got him arrested-drunk freak


As I dance I create my own language... with every beat of my heart is the music I will dance through life to.

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WOW - that's really shocking! but it's amazing how things CAN work themselves out. It's probably much harder to re-live to experience and face the attacker in court a year later than when it happened. It's like, you deal with it and move on, and now you have to go through it again, only this time in detail in front of strangers. Good Luck to you girl. Will we see you tomorrow at Apples? I'll tell ya my story then.


I went to the woods to live deep and suck the marrow of life and see if i could not learn what it had to teach, and not when i came to die, discover that i had not LIVED!!!

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I lived in New York my whole life - never been mugged, I go to North Carolina my freshman year and bam, I'm held up by a dude on a bicycle holding a shotgun. DON'T LAUGH.


Talk about some ironic shit.

Yes, I said bicycle!!!???


An bag of KB's $50

A glass bubbler $85

A lighter $ 1




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Yeah I 've been mugged.. It was like 6 years ago..I was in my ex's car with his best friend, who was sitting shot and his gf, who was sitting next to me in the back...

We stopped at this stop to get some herb.. which we prolly deserved what happened, but anyhoo..my ex ran in the bodega to get weed.. we were sitting in the car, with the car running and saw this skinny ass crackhead with a stick.. we were cracking up cause he was walking with this long stick..

Well the joke was on us.. It was NO stick.. It was an AK 47 and as he walked around the car he poked it in the window and demanded gold from me and my friend.. we had none since I don't wear gold.. then he asked for money and I lied and said I only had 20 bucks which I gave him and so did the dumb girl next to me.. who fought with the crackhead gunman and told him to get a job.. dumb ass....

then finally my ex's friend gave him his cell phone and his beeper..We were in such shock that we didn't even realize what happened til we drove off.



AIM vampienyc10

e-mail: vampie@aol.com

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cant say I have in the seven or eight years I've lived here..

Then again us Mugwumps have Spidey senses that tingle in the presence of danger..

I did once get urinated by a bumb on the street once but that's another type of assult all together..




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Two weeks ago, robbed at gunpoint in the East Village. Lost about $150, my old phone and two cigarettes (I needed them BADLY once the whole thing was over). Initially, I was more upset about the cigerettes than the money and the phone combined. Not a pleasant experience, but there is not much one can do when there is a gun shoved under your chin.


Quitters never win and winners never quit!

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OMG!! Knock on wood, I've never had anything like that happen to me. I'm just glad to hear that all of you got out of it OK!

That must have been terrifying! Good luck Sneha smile.gif



~*~*~Don't use time or words carelessly, neither can be retrieved.~*~*~ blossom.gif

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