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I got summoned for jury duty damn it!!!

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Can anyone give me some advice on how to get out of this....i really dont wanna go...any suggestions???


"Out of the smog, into the fog, he walks in, hes ready for victory, he walks again by night, ruthlessly, meeting with the unknown-Jeru the Damaga


Matches-02.gifStIcKs coming soon to a party or club near you!!!

We'll spit fire on you

AOLIMER: glowsticks8

EMAIL: nickantivachis@netzero.net

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You can always say that your work will not permit you to go this time because of a big project. There should be space in the back that will allow you to explain why you cannot attend. OR if you don't have any excuse then go and when they call you up to ask you the questions say you're a racist or something drastic . . . they'll excuse you.



“Those people who are uncomfortable in themselves are disagreeable to others.” — William Hazlitt


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pull a beavis and butthead on them..GUILTY GUILTY!......yeah..yeah..i rest on your face!


act like a moron and the odds are they wont take you..tell'em you're a racist or somethin



AIM: ArthurBrooklyn


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Originally posted by misskittie:

I may be mistaken but I heard youre really not allowed to say that you are racist anymore. Ill have to check with my mom about this again and get back to you...



Oh really?? Hmmmm . . .how about telling them that you're really stressed out from work and wouldn't even be able to concentrate on this case or any case for that matter . . . acting really strung out.



“Those people who are uncomfortable in themselves are disagreeable to others.” — William Hazlitt


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Originally posted by Unbound:

pull a beavis and butthead on them..GUILTY GUILTY!......yeah..yeah..i rest on your face!


act like a moron and the odds are they wont take you..tell'em you're a racist or somethin

LOL, LOL, LOL!! cwm2.gif I just coughed up water out of my nose!!!!



People come into your life for reasons not yet known, keep your mind, heart and soul open.

AIM: Xxlea77

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Originally posted by blueangel:

Oh really?? Hmmmm . . .how about telling them that you're really stressed out from work and wouldn't even be able to concentrate on this case or any case for that matter . . . acting really strung out.


That could possibly work but I think they would require a doctor's note supporting and proving this. Im sure theres a way around it just need to really think one up.

And Nick...sorry about the jury duty. Its really not that bad if you get stuck going. Just bring a prono in and read that all day...lol




tigger10.gif ~~~~~yup yup~~~~~

"AllEged bOyfRiend sTEalEr" lol butflanim_e0.gif

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I feel your pain...

I went last november in NJ...and can you believe I was picked for 2 cases!! But I said..no way in HELL I am being on a jury...and I got out of both of them smile.gif

well judge...i was a victim of theft...and yes judge.,.I was in a car accident wink.gif


" I give in to sin ..Because you have to make this life liveable "-DM


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I got called for jury duty too.

Just when you go and when they ask you questions and everything, don't answer, have ONE word answers, don't make sense when you answer, don't even VOULONTEER answers, don't listen to them and all that crap....

put your feet up, read a magazine, bring a playboy or a book with you... chew gum and look retarted.

That's what I did and I never got any letters or got picked for a case EVER AGAIN! LOL



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Guest danwang

I think what I'm about to say is the same in all of NYC's boroughs... if not, then someone let us know...

Once you do it, you don't have to worry about it for 4 years. I think you can only postpone a certain number of times - there will come a point when you must show up. So unless you have something else going on, I'd recommend that you get it out of the way.

I did jury duty a few weeks ago, and luckily, I was not picked to any case, or even a panel.

Since you'll spend most of the time waiting around, it does help to bring stuff to keep you occupied like a laptop, Walkman, book, video game, or mag (porno or otherwise smile.gif )


We're alive, take a breath

We're alive, take a deep breath

[This message has been edited by danwang (edited 04-23-2001).]

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FYI...I just got a second letter over the weekend summoning me for jury duty and threw it right in the garbage...the jury duty letters aren't certified so they can't prove that you received them so just get rid of them and say you never got it in the mail...end of story...p.s. I got this idea from a good lawyer who said he did it so I think its legit

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Am I the only geek thats wants jury duty? I got it in the mail, but they didn't need me...so now I gotta wait a few more years. frown.gif

Chances are they'd send me home anyway based on what my family does for a living. My mom, sister, and father were all excused previously for that exact reason.

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Originally posted by blackhaus1:

And what would that be?

law enforcement...federal level in particular.

For some reason, lawyers don't like that. I guess they feel we've been predisposed to certain things.

You guys think regular jury duty is bad? My boyfriend's dad is now in a Federal Grand Jury. What a pain in the arse that is! That means it's a whole year every week.

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Originally posted by h2baplaya:

FYI...I just got a second letter over the weekend summoning me for jury duty and threw it right in the garbage...the jury duty letters aren't certified so they can't prove that you received them so just get rid of them and say you never got it in the mail...end of story...p.s. I got this idea from a good lawyer who said he did it so I think its legit

I think we have a winner....as long as I dont get locked up or something...my choir boy as wouldnt make it in the big house...lol


"Out of the smog, into the fog, he walks in, hes ready for victory, he walks again by night, ruthlessly, meeting with the unknown-Jeru the Damaga


Matches-02.gifStIcKs coming soon to a party or club near you!!!

We'll spit fire on you

AOLIMER: glowsticks8

EMAIL: nickantivachis@netzero.net

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OK..let me give you a word of advice..

DO IT NOW! I was summons for Grnad Jury Duty last summer and I wanted to put it off so badly. But if your a student, this is the best time to do it. Your job HAS TO PAY YOU if there is more than 10 employess at your office. PLus you get paid for Jury duty.

I know it sucks...but it actually wasnt so bad once I was there. You really learn alot about our judicial system and how FUCKED UP IT IS!!!!!!

Do it now and get it over with!!!!

Just my .02!

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haha glowstix, just be yourself man, like at the meetup, i saw u when u were piss drunk, singin to yourself in the corner there, i was laughin my ass off, so do this: drink your ass off, go there and just do what u do, no way in hell theyre gona pick u!



.....its dark in here, you can feel it all around....the UNDERGROUND...

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Guest danwang

Hey, if you get picked, maybe you'll be doing the next OJ Simpson-type of trial! smile.gif


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We're alive, take a deep breath

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lol..I went a few months ago and got thrown off on the LAST day of the trial for get this:

"Innapropriate interaction with a police officer"

lol...not what u think, a cop friend of mine was working and came by to take me to lunch and the DA saw us together..they called him in for questioning and asked what the nature of our relationship was...

He still wont tell me what his answer was!

lol, its actually really interesting....and u feel very important sitting up in the jury box...go!



xoxo "Drugs may be the wrong path...but at least its a scenic route!" xoxo


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Originally posted by perfecto25:

haha glowstix, just be yourself man, like at the meetup, i saw u when u were piss drunk, singin to yourself in the corner there, i was laughin my ass off, so do this: drink your ass off, go there and just do what u do, no way in hell theyre gona pick u!

thanxs for reminding me....put another good idea...putting a star by ur name


"Out of the smog, into the fog, he walks in, hes ready for victory, he walks again by night, ruthlessly, meeting with the unknown-Jeru the Damaga


Matches-02.gifStIcKs coming soon to a party or club near you!!!

We'll spit fire on you

AOLIMER: glowsticks8

EMAIL: nickantivachis@netzero.net

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