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Twilo's Rules In Effect

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I personally have had no problem, at Twilo anyway. I think it depends on the individual bouncer-of course you'll have some assholes, and you'll have some that are cool. Also, remember the pressure from the mayor on club management. Don't get me wrong, it's no reason to act unprofessional, but the situation is what it is, unfortunately.

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Right on Mugwump. Truer words could not have been spoken. While I have not been searched too thouroughly the few times I've been to Twilo...I agree with the obvious money making machine that club is.




~* conformity = disloyalty*~


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Originally posted by deanna11:

i'm still pretty pissed, but i am holding out some hope and trust that amends will be made

Were you wearing gray running pants on wed? I saw when the bouncer came over to you (if it was you). It was my bf first time at Twilo and he asked me why is he bothering her. I told him, "cuz they can!"



People come into your life for reasons not yet known, keep your mind, heart and soul open.

AIM: Xxlea77

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Can anyone here actually list 3 real names of security or bouncers? Some are nice, some are dirty, some are fair, some are just out right misinformed. I've been goin' to Twilo for some time. Yes security is tough and all is not what it seems. Just do you best to have fun and try not to let the unfairness of it all get to you. Don't take it personally. If any of you had had the experience I've had I'm sure you'd be bashing Twilo and it's staff. But I only say. Oh well. And move on with hope that some day we will all hear the music of laughter, the symphony of joy. Feel the radiance of a youthful smile. Ok I'm blabbering. I'll quite while I'm ahead. Oh wait, I've never been ahead...it's a continous struggle of humiliation. Ah yes...it's joy and misery.

Actually the first few months of goin' to Twilo was wonderful. But I did witness very unkind and unfair things happen to other people. Didn't realize it would happen to me until recently. But like I said..we just move on...let it...and let it be....and try to look at the bright side of things...

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Originally posted by kitty19:

haha, blend in on the dance floor my ass! if you can't smell/pick out these undercovers, then you got your head up your ass.

im guessing there are plenty with their heads up their asses, because people always think im a cop. must be my cleancut appearance, or my boyish good looks. el oh el


don't act too cool because you might get shot...

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off topic, but since you mentioned it...

i see blind loyalty being a huge problem surrounding EVERY shit that goes on this board. have a fucking brain. use your own tongue when speaking (or fingers when typing) please.




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Originally posted by missincognito:

This Twilo thing has me a little unnerved. I must admit this past weekend at PVD I saw too many people pulled, for no apparant reason.

Exactly girl....and did u know 2 of those many was yours truly and glowsticks....what did they find nothing....why?...because we had nothing....WHy they pulled us over....dunno....must me those darn visors and fucking ufos!~



Ravers don't stumble

and fall....


we TRIP and ROLL..

AIM: XxFUEL1xX bongsmi.gif

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Originally posted by deanna11:

no, they don't even out. i've been at Twilo sober much more than i've ever gone fucked up. but even if i were fucked up most of the time, technically they're still in the wrong

Right. And we should believe that because...

a. you NEVER post anything relating to jars, pills, etc

b. you're a crackhead

c. you NEVER post anything relating to jars, pills, etc

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Originally posted by xtraspecial:

Right. And we should believe that because...

a. you NEVER post anything relating to jars, pills, etc

b. you're a crackhead

c. you NEVER post anything relating to jars, pills, etc

No you should believe it cause if you KNOW her or ANYTHING about her then you know she's telling the truth.

If D was kicked out for having drugs on her then she would just come on the board and make some silly post with 101 different profanity in there.

But for her to post with ANY serious tone means a different story.



“Remember that happiness is a way of travel, not a destination.” - Roy Goodman


[This message has been edited by blueangel (edited 04-23-2001).]

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Originally posted by wizard:

here is my question: How many times have any of you people, gone into a club, used illicit, illegal substances, and not been ejected for it?

do any or all those occasions even it out, for the time that you did nothing wrong and got ejected?

im just playing devils advocate here, not siding with y'all getting thrown out, that wasn't cool.

Steve, I don't disagree with the random searches. I think they NEED to do that to protect themselves from the government. I even understand that there will ALWAYS be misunderstanding in clubs. I mean when you have 3,000+ clubbers in a tight venue with music blasting for 8+ hours . . . you're gonna have security guys who are fraustrated, tired, and annoyed with EVERYTHING.

HOWEVER, my point was when they pull these kids to the back and find nothing on them then are they not suppose to allow them to come back? Why do they get 86'ed?

And I'm not talking about just D11 incident over not knowing what a yellow jacket is either. I'm talking about clean kids with NOTHING on them gettting 86'ed. There's no argument there. There's no flip side to that either.

It's just plainly wrong. Whether the bouncers are being dicks and doing that on their own or there being some under the cover reason for all that . . . I don't know and frankly at this point, I'm too weary to care.

All I'm saying is that I understand when I walk into that club, I may be subjected to searches but if I'm clean then there's no reason why I should be 86'ed.



“Remember that happiness is a way of travel, not a destination.” - Roy Goodman


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Originally posted by xtraspecial:

Right. And we should believe that because...

a. you NEVER post anything relating to jars, pills, etc

b. you're a crackhead

c. you NEVER post anything relating to jars, pills, etc

you know, i really don't give a fuck if you believe me because i don't even know you. "xtraspecial" is just a name on a message board. as is "deanna11". i don't consider my person to be deanna11. the people who do know me, the people i party with and who see me at Twilo all the time, know who and how i really am

there are people who go on a message board, claim to be clean, and drop three pills every weekend. there are also some who write about doing drugs and refrain. you can hardly take someone's word as true without knowing them

so if you'll excuse me now, i'm too fucked up to continute typingaeal;jr dani ealjrsenf asnrea naive dumbshit



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cnyc should make reading a FAQ a prequisite to obtaining an account. the first q&a would be "who is d11". saves us from witnessing a d11 & newbie tissy-fit every 2 days.

oh wait, i get my kicks from seeing that.




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Originally posted by spoonyd:

Frank, if you honestly think this, even for a second, then I'd have to say that after all this time you don't know a thing about me.

oh relax spoony, just bustin' yur chops geez. . .

simmer down now. . .just simma down. . .

we'll kiss and make up thursday. . .since it's the new trend lately. . .


we all exhale. . .


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I don't want to mention names or anything... I'm pretty close with a few of the bouncers at Twilo... However, the last time I was there... I was sitting down when my friend came up to me and asks me for money to buy a drink... as I was handing him money, I noticed one of the bouncers that I was "friends" with, giving me the evil eye... I couldn't believe it! I know that he's not usually like that... My theory is this... it's the mayor giving TB shit, it's TB giving the head bouncer shit... and it's the head bouncer giving the guys below him A LOT of shit... i HATE that head bouncer... he's SUCH an a-hole... You don't know how many times that guy's said "don't worry about it" when I've asked him a valid question. WTH type of answer is that? He just LOVES bossing people around... now THAT guy's on a power trip... i feel that everyone else is just following orders...


The Wheels on the BUS go Round and Round...

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let me put my two cents in...

i agree that they have to search in order to keep their business healty and alive...

however...there is search and search...


i'm pretty new in this scene...(not from this country, and haven't been here long)...

so basically i look pretty harmless and naive...

well my first time out at twilo with my friends who are regulars, i got searched...

normal right...but still the bouncer didn't have to be an asshole about it...

we coming early to avoid the line...(11:30)...not many people...everything is calm...i go through the metal detector and set it off...i told him right away i have metallic objects in my pockets and take them out...he looks at me with this i don't give a shit mutherf'er...spread 'em...so he strip searchs me...fine...gets to my left pants pocket... feels something...my eye drops...so tells me to take 'em out...i do...understood he thinks it could be acid(or whatever)...tells me "put some in your eye"...i do...he laughs looks at me and says "put more in"... i do...he laughs again, and says "do it"...i do again...after that i look at him and start to wonder if HE's not on drugs...he finally lets me go...i now look as if i've been crying my ass off for the last hour...as i pass him another bouncer who works with him taps me on the shoulder looking all apologetic for the bullshit treatment and says..."sorry sometime people put drugs in vials"...i just say "ok"...

now was that necessary?...yeah it's necessary for him to search me and check what i have on me...

but it's not necessary for him to use me to get his laughs... cwm43.gif


there's nothing like a piece of real french bread...

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