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How do you live your life??

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are you more proactive or reactive in your relations with the opposite gender??

translation: do you chase the booty or do you let the booty chasing you??


inquiring minds wanna know...like me


sig being held for ransom by estranged ex-stalker...more at 10

so...how's your evening so far?

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I like chasing wild chickens cwm35.gif , but booty, no...never...not worth it. And I also live one day at a time. I feel as long as a can look myself in the mirror everyday and not regret what I may have done in the past regarding relations with *men* then its a good day... cwm4.gif

-Jamms "everydayisagooddayforme"


MUSIC is one thing...but soul is another... face50.gif

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I don't like to chase nor liked to be chased. It takes too much time and energy. Time and energy that can go into other things!



“Those people who are uncomfortable in themselves are disagreeable to others.” — William Hazlitt


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Originally posted by jammy:

I like chasing wild chickens

Wild chickens usually chase me down. If there's a hot girl I'll damn sure holla, otherwise they can come and talk to me. Theres enough booty for everyone to share...

You gotta live like you'll die tomorrow, cause nothin is promised. That don't mean you be scared/hesitant. I don't care when I die, so I'll wild out on some crazy shit, and if I die, so what. That's us crazy young thugs for ya. Peace.


Talkin 'bout what we gon' be when we grow up/I said what you wanna be? She said alive/It made me think for a minute then looked in her eyes/I coulda died....

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Originally posted by risa06:

ugh...my lil booty is always chasing me cwm6.gif get off!!! cwm35.gif

L cwm27.gif

I'll help get your booty off.

OH COME ON NOW! How can i pass that one up??


...and in a mystery to be

(when time from time shall set us free)

forgetting me, remember me

-e. e. cummings

AOL IM: petrol01

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hmm a wise question you ask. i usually wax on and wax off. Wax on, wax off. hmm opposite gender you seek, yet seek is to do, but try is not to do. hmm there is no try, but do, only do, do be do be do. ciao



.....its dark in here, you can feel it all around....the UNDERGROUND...

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i don't chase and i won't chase unless i've had it before and it was da bomb then maybe i might chase. i live one day at a time like lexxxi cuz i don't know if i'll be here tomorrow.


"You're only young once and if you work it right, once is enough"

"A dirty book gathers no dust"

"Often fame is a matter of dying at the right time"

"Hollywood drink-Marriage on the rocks"

"Don't look before you leap, it'll ruin the surprise"

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it will always be the same responce.... guys chase... girls get chased...

i never take anything in my life seriously... especially ass... so there you go dont sweat the ass... -wipe it ...{so it wont smell} tongue.gif



AIM: ArthurBrooklyn


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This is the one thing that once I realized it I know I had truly changed. Not too long ago the idea of "chasing a girl" or "hitting on" or "trying to get with" a girl/woman became totally wack to me. I could care less about attempting to work at or work for ANY booty. Relationships are natural and have a life of their own either they work or they don't. If they do cool if not cool.



There is no mistake so great as that of always being right. - visionsofmind

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Rah...you crack me up!!!

When you say "chase", it implies "game" to me. I hate that shit; always have, always will. If you dig someone, let them know...I mean I'm not talkin like buying t-sirts with their name on it or makin wall-paper outta their picture...BUT, if a guy can say he's interested in getting to know me, in a tone that is relaxed, warm, and friendly, then it shows he has confidence...and ask ANY woman out there - there is NOTHIN more sexy then *real* confidence (although many guys mistake arrogance for confidence, neglecting to realize that when you're arrogant you're really just insecure.) Point being, screw chasing on either end. Life is too short for games. Keep it real: if you just want ass, then let them know. If you are interested in more, then let them know. Now granted, this takes a certain amount of verbal skill and tact, but you def have the brains to be able to pull it off. cwm38.gif

...and Alex, ya know that conversation we had today? Well I guarantee you you just uped the anti. cwm32.gif


"Spontaneity is the key to spice in life"

"Music makes the world go 'round...so keep it spinnin!"

"Happiness is like a butterfly, which when pursued is just out of your grasp, but if you will sit down quietly, it will alight upon you." Walt Whitman

AIM: Jewel44317

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I've done my fair share of both, but when I finally said that I would take a break from the game I met someone...so when we both figured out that we were falling in love it was like "This cant be happening..." Well, it did and I love every second of it. If its meant to be, it will happen on its own, with no chasing involved


I have never known beauty like yours before...with eyes of the most perfect blue, and a form that speaks of poetry. And now here I hold you in my arms...

...and within that simple kiss did I know my heart. And opening my eyes, feeling the love that surged through my body, that made my heart pound and my head swim...I gave myself to you

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Originally posted by jewel44317:

Rah...you crack me up!!!

When you say "chase", it implies "game" to me. I hate that shit; always have, always will. If you dig someone, let them know...I mean I'm not talkin like buying t-sirts with their name on it or makin wall-paper outta their picture...BUT, if a guy can say he's interested in getting to know me, in a tone that is relaxed, warm, and friendly, then it shows he has confidence...and ask ANY woman out there - there is NOTHIN more sexy then *real* confidence (although many guys mistake arrogance for confidence, neglecting to realize that when you're arrogant you're really just insecure.) Point being, screw chasing on either end. Life is too short for games. Keep it real: if you just want ass, then let them know. If you are interested in more, then let them know. Now granted, this takes a certain amount of verbal skill and tact, but you def have the brains to be able to pull it off. cwm38.gif


awwww *blush*...i try i try...yeah i've just been realizing that the older i get the less effort i want to put into trying to find someone that i vibe out with like that...i just want to get kicked in the a$$, and fall down and look up and there she'll be...yeah...

and yes i am very disillusioned...but darnet its gonna happen...it happened on the wonder years, so why cant it happen to me cwm12.gif ..yeah


sig being held for ransom by estranged ex-stalker...more at 10

so...how's your evening so far?

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Originally posted by blueangel:

I don't like to chase nor liked to be chased. It takes too much time and energy. Time and energy that can go into other things!


QUESTION (not trying to be bitchy here)...if you don't like to be chased and you don't like to chase then how do you meet people???


Is it because you deem "chase" as a game???




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Originally posted by jewel44317:

...and Alex, ya know that conversation we had today? Well I guarantee you you just uped the anti. cwm32.gif

Julie remember yesterday when we talked about you being crazy? Well I guarantee you you just uped the anti. cwm32.gif



There is no mistake so great as that of always being right. - visionsofmind

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NEVER EVER chase guys.... I love it when they chase me though. I try to be as unavailable as possible. I think I'm just going through a stage though... They can't chase too much to point of where they are psycho - no thanks, losers. But a little chasing, in a subtle way or maybe sometimes not so subtle way is sooooo much fun

I make them work for it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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