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Hey girls?! Have you ever felt . . .

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like you were going through PMS when you're really not? My hormones feel so unbalanced right now it's really killing me!!

I'm getting upset for no reasons. I just feel so sensitive about EVERYTHING.

Have you ever felt like that before and if you did then what did you take to get rid of it?

BlueAngel newburn.gifaeh.gifmecry.gifkali.gif


“Those people who are uncomfortable in themselves are disagreeable to others.” — William Hazlitt


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yeah i feel like that once inawhile...i just relax. never took med. for it. inhale exhale..there u go cwm38.gif


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BlueAngel - Yes, I have felt that way before. I have found that a HOT bath, meditation, and sleep help make me feel better. Try burning some candles, turning the ringers off on the phone, and just relaxing....

If all of this does not work, go out and kick box somebodies ass!!!

Hope you feel better.



Life can only be understood backward, but it must be lived forward.

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happens to me a lot...

I think it has to do with this birth control I'm on. Lunelle, its a monthly injection and it totally messes my hormones.

very sensitive... I cry for like no reason. major mood swings... maybe I am just physco!

my sweetie pie always hugs me and smiles... that usually makes me feel better. eat chocolate, that always makes me feel better too!

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OK baby....first and foremost relax, and try to remember that this to shall pass. Take some Advil, this will reduce any swelling (anywhere) that can cause discomfort and therefore produce a mood change, sometimes drastic. Drink Chamomile tea, is great for helping the body & mind relax...al natural.

Good luck & I LOVE YOUR SMILIES!!!!

....im not a doctor yet cwm1.gif


"Music is the wine that fills the cup of silence"

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Originally posted by blueangel:

like you were going through PMS when you're really not? My hormones feel so unbalanced right now it's really killing me!!

I'm getting upset for no reasons. I just feel so sensitive about EVERYTHING.

Have you ever felt like that before and if you did then what did you take to get rid of it?

BlueAngel newburn.gifaeh.gifmecry.gifkali.gif

I've taken St. John's wort which works great but after reading some research that was done on it it had shown that it lowered the effectiveness of birth control pills so I stopped and now I am taking Damiana Leaf (you can get it at GNC) it works great..



AIM vampienyc10

e-mail: vampie@aol.com

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Thanks guys. I just don't know what's wrong with me! I got so mad at my bf last night for some minor thing, got all bent outta shape watching Survivor, and right now as I'm reading this I got all emotional.

Maybe I'm just losing it. cwm6.gif



“Those people who are uncomfortable in themselves are disagreeable to others.” — William Hazlitt


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Originally posted by j-pup:

My mom says she felt that way nine months before I was born.


No sweetie, that's impossible cause I'm on the birth control pills. Maybe that's what's causing this. I dunno.



“Those people who are uncomfortable in themselves are disagreeable to others.” — William Hazlitt


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u are not losing it...(unless you lost it already)....im trying to make you cwm27.gif here....

here's a hug <you>...have a happy day and try and feel better

ps...oh yeah it could have to do w/ your age, your cycle, if you do drugs...so on & so on.


"Music is the wine that fills the cup of silence"

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Don't worry Casey...I get that all the time too. I just try and relax...take a nice hot bath and clear your mind. Do something that will clear your mind. I like to take walks to help me. Get a massage to relax your muscles. Don't worry...you will get through it!


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I don't get PMS anymore. LIke Nikilina, I'm on an injection, however mine is every 3 months... I don't even get my period anymore--sounds weird right? I love it, I don't even miss it.

No mood swings, no bloating, no break-outs-- Maybe you should look into it blueangel it's called Depo Provera. It works for me! cwm4.gif


"Whose Line Is It Anyway?"


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Starcapone: in-haling . .. ex-haling!!

staychase: I'm not much of a bath person, but I think I'll try it tonight cause I'll try anything at this point.

Nikilina: normally a hug from my bf would work but this one is bad that I don't even want him to touch me!

Vampie: I will try the Damiana Leaf tonight! Thanks sweetie!

bluestar: Thanks girl. I think it might be my age too. They say that women's cycle changes every 15 years or so and mine is certainly due. This really sucks!

bre: I'm planning on going to the spa with my girlfriend soon. I think I'll do the ALL DAY package!


beautious1: to tell you the truth I don't like hormone medicine. The only reason why I'm even on the pill is because I'm very irregular. If it wasn't for that I wouldn't even be on it, so Depo Provera would totally be out of the question for me. Besides from what Nikilina says . . . it would actually not be for me at all.



“Those people who are uncomfortable in themselves are disagreeable to others.” — William Hazlitt


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I know I can feel that way after a long clubbing weekend. Could your PMS be compounded by that (i.e. mild exhaustion and chemical imbalance from external sources)?

Sorry to hear you're out-of-sorts, but remember you'll feel better in time.

:hug: if you want one.



...and in a mystery to be

(when time from time shall set us free)

forgetting me, remember me

-e. e. cummings

AOL IM: petrol01

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Originally posted by emiliep:

well in that case i'll have my personal jet come pick you up and take you wherever your little heart desires! i'll just need your coordinates please.

Take me to Ibiza and just leave me there! cwm32.gif



“Those people who are uncomfortable in themselves are disagreeable to others.” — William Hazlitt


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Oh Cas!!

You poor thing! Sweetie, that's not pms or hormones...that's stress! I swear we have more and more in common all the time!

I've been getting that way ALOT lately. The worst part is, you can't seem to put your finger on the problem and you KNOW you're being crazy. That just frustrates you and compounds the problem. I was getting to the point that I would flip at Mike for NOTHING or something so minor and this is how it would progress:

-I would twig about nothing

-He would at first try to understand (impossible)

-He would give up and say "love you love you love you" and go to sleep

-I would flip around in bed huffing and puffing

-He would finally say what is it

-I couldn't think of anything to say because *I* don't even know!

-He would go back to sleep

-By this time I've completely forgotten the original problem and am now pissed that he can be so cold as to roll over and go to sleep!! (Of course I never take into the fact that he *did* try to listen but I really didn't have anything to say...I'm pissed for no reason.

I hate when I do that!!!! But, I can't help it! I think it's all from stress though, it just manifests itself in other ways and that's why it is so hard to understand why you are flipping about something that seems so minor! Because chances are it's not that thing, it's a bunch of other things.

Did that make any sense????



~*~*~Don't use time or words carelessly, neither can be retrieved.~*~*~ blossom.gif

AIM: cathyoNYC

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Originally posted by cathyo:

Oh Cas!!

You poor thing! Sweetie, that's not pms or hormones...that's stress! I swear we have more and more in common all the time!

Well you think THAT's bad . . . listen to this.

Mitchell and I are hosting dinner party next Saturday. Initially it was suppose to be for 10 people but now the list has grown to 16. NORMALLY I'm very good at preparing for parties and would handled the extra 6 with no complaints at all. But last night I chewed Mitchell out about how this party is getting so big and how I have to bend over backwards now to accommodate all those people . .. blah, blah, blah.

He apologized of course and tried to comfort me by saying there's really nothing to worry about.

Then I got mad at him so more by saying that he's purposely trying to make my issues soud minimal and therefore, making me feel like a child and HOW DARE HE!!! cwm6.gif

He was sooo confused by the end of the conversation that all he could do was apologize and I KNOW he didn't even know what he was apologizing for.

To make the matter worse . . . this dinner party . . . I'm not even the person who's cooking . . . Mitchell is!!! cwm1.gif

I'm so messed up!



“Those people who are uncomfortable in themselves are disagreeable to others.” — William Hazlitt


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Oh Cas!!

I agree with Cathyo

From reading the board/symptoms it seems that it's stress related. There are deep underlying reasons for your temporary unhappiness and deep meditation and understanding one's self is the key to unifying themself with the Creative Force thus allowing them to be more at ease at the given environment that they are in.

Any medication and weekend artificial additives should be taken into consideration. Please do things in moderation. Getting plenty of rest and isolating yourself from anything that may irritate you is probably best. Do something you enjoy and that is productive so in the end you'll feel the joy of accomplishment!

Remember the P's

Nothing is Personal:

When things go wrong it's not because you are this or that. I don't believe in Identifying' one's self by their action

Don't let things get Pervasive:

When you find yourself saying' "Oh man this day sucks my car doesn't start and now this. What is can go wrong" Stop yourself and be objective 'bout what is pissing you off and fix that one and the other one by one.

Remember nothing is Permanent:

If something isn't goin' your way remember that this too shall pass. Remember a moment in your life that when all seemed so bad and that the world would end. Well it didn't did it?!

Just try to look at the bright side and ask yourself "What is the one thing that is not making me happy at this moment that I can change"

Then if there is something you can't change Just ask yourself "IF I can change it what would I do?"

I know things will go on the upswing for you soon. It's in your Sagitarius scope. Take care -art.

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Originally posted by blueangel:

Then I got mad at him so more by saying that he's purposely trying to make my issues soud minimal and therefore, making me feel like a child and HOW DARE HE!!! cwm6.gif

He was sooo confused by the end of the conversation that all he could do was apologize and I KNOW he didn't even know what he was apologizing for.

LOL! I soooo know what you're talking about!! Hey maybe it is the age thing too, I just started getting this crazy within the past few months!!

As far as the confusing part...we should get Mitchell and Mike together one night and maybe the 2 of them together can figure out how a woman thinks....yeah right!! Poor guys! Women are so complex and analytical and men don't read into anything! That's not an insult guys...I wish I could be a little less complex sometimes! Mike gets just as confused and then when I try to explain my thinking to him he just gets this blank look on his face and says "how did you get *that* from *this*??"

I really can't give advice since I'm dealing with the same thing from time to time. All I can say is, remember that whatever it is will eventually subside and you'll look back, like I am now, and and say "whaaa??"

Chin up! It'll get better...and no...you're not crazy cwm38.gif



~*~*~Don't use time or words carelessly, neither can be retrieved.~*~*~ blossom.gif

AIM: cathyoNYC

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Originally posted by cathyo:

LOL! I soooo know what you're talking about!! Hey maybe it is the age thing too, I just started getting this crazy within the past few months!!

As far as the confusing part...we should get Mitchell and Mike together one night and maybe the 2 of them together can figure out how a woman thinks....yeah right!! Poor guys! Women are so complex and analytical and men don't read into anything! .....

I guess I can only speak for myslef. I don't see myself as a guy or a girl, meaning in terms of thinking and emotion. I have an absolute void into this matter.

There are very distinquished differences between man and women in terms of emotion and thought. But I must admit it seems quite ridiculous when relationship get complicated when it doesn't need to. Women tend to complex themselves for the sake of it (but not all girls).

I once dated a girl that had emotional swings and she'd make it out that I don't understand her. And that I never would when all along I did and still do. She always felt betrayed when I did understand her. It seems like a powerful delusion when a women doesn't want to be understood just to get attention from her b/f. I know that sounds really fucked up, but there are girls that would just repeatedly say "You don't understand or You won't understand" That will always be true for her and her b/f because it's what she wants and that crazy undying thirst for attention is the cause of it all. Once understood there is no more mystery there is no more compassion so she may think.

a healthy relationship doesn't have to go there. I know I might have traversed this thread beyond itself but maybe my past experience would shed some light for some.

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Originally posted by cathyo:

LOL! I soooo know what you're talking about!! Hey maybe it is the age thing too, I just started getting this crazy within the past few months!!

As far as the confusing part...we should get Mitchell and Mike together one night and maybe the 2 of them together can figure out how a woman thinks....yeah right!! Poor guys! Women are so complex and analytical and men don't read into anything! .....

I guess I can only speak for myslef. I don't see myself as a guy or a girl, meaning in terms of thinking and emotion. I have an absolute void into this matter.

There are very distinquished differences between man and women in terms of emotion and thought. But I must admit it seems quite ridiculous when relationship get complicated when it doesn't need to. Women tend to complex themselves for the sake of it (but not all girls).

I once dated a girl that had emotional swings and she'd make it out that I don't understand her. And that I never would when all along I did and still do. She always felt betrayed when I did understand her. It seems like a powerful delusion when a women doesn't want to be understood just to get attention from her b/f. I know that sounds really fucked up, but there are girls that would just repeatedly say "You don't understand or You won't understand" That will always be true for her and her b/f because it's what she wants and that crazy undying thirst for attention is the cause of it all. Once understood there is no more mystery there is no more compassion so she may think.

a healthy relationship doesn't have to go there. I know I might have traversed this thread beyond itself but maybe my past experience would shed some light for some.

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