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Who's going to the Tunnel tonight?

Guest crystalmethodny

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Guest crystalmethodny

I believe my favorite female DJ Jackie Christie is spinning tonight...

Who's going?


"Can you feel it?"

"We're going to build things up slowly... are you with me? Here we go."



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Originally posted by cotoncandydream:

You I'm there. We have Jackie Christie on the main floor with Eric B from Pulse in RI he is awesome. Mark Carruci in the mezz Kleva in the Nu Room and Jellybean CD Giveaways including the New Karmadelic. cwm4.gif

cottoncandydream- check pm's


my stand on the sig controversy:


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Originally posted by ynot:

Hey... Does anybody know if the fire breather will be at Tunnel tonight? Last week when he performed with Mindie K. was probably the greatest performance I've ever seen in a nightclub.

Ynot...I don't know if the fire breather will be at Tunnel tonight....

But I could tell you, that TwiloFireDude can't make it there tonight....Got a Birthday to go to...

Hey enjoy and have fun tonight everyone!!

TwiloFireDude cwm23.gif



Working is a way for us to go through the week fast enough , so we could get to the weekend, and have the fun!!! "Not Really...I can't back that up...Work sux...let it be weekend at all the time"

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