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alright so your waiting for the right guy to cum along. well my first was great, he was experienced. lucky me, he was also one of those guys that can keep on going. unlucky me the second guy wasn't and i couldn't understand what was wrong. then my friend told me some guys can keep on going some can't. i guess you'll have to wait and see how your first will be.

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It was 2 weeks after my 16th b-day i believe, he was 15 and it was with my first "real" boyfriend, so of course I was "in love". But it went to fast, we were both virgins, didn't know what we were doin, and i can't remember if it hurt. That was 8 years ago. i think it hurt a little, but playing around before hand helped out a little.

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wow - okay, so the little slut brandie comes out and fesses up . . . rolleyes.gif

i was very young when i first had sex . . . you girls know how it is, alllways with the older guys . . . i was good-looking and looked and acted a lot more mature than i actually was . . .

i remember it . . . it was nothing special to me, i was little, and had no clue . . . didn't feel like anything so great, anything so bad . . . def. no mind-shattering orgasms there. rolleyes.gif

it was with a boyfriend . . . no i def. wasn't in love, i had no clue what love was then . . . i'm still learning what it is now, through experience. smile.gif

wait until the right guy comes along, seriously . . . if there was a way that i could take back all the times i had meaningless sex, i would do it in a second. I mean, absolutely, it was fun, and coming from a pleasureful point of view, i'd never give it back . . . but if there was a way that i could be a virgin again so i could actually give alllll of myself to my sweetie, then i would. Because now i feel as though i've made a mistake . . . and though he and i are waiting to have sex, i feel like i've done something wrong. i'm sorry, who doesn't love sex? It's pure pleasure. And I used to be unable to control myself . . .

if i had waited for my bf now - i'd probably be more content with myself now than i am. i don't know i guess those *tingles* and *butterflies* have gotten the best of me. biggrin.gif




"And those who were seen dancing

were thought to be insane by those

who could not hear the music."


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Yeah I definately agree with u guys. I was 16 when I lost my virginity with my bf. I'm 18 not and still with him =) He's 21 now and was experience b4 I met him. I'm just glad that he was my first cause I feel so pure to him.

To all of u guys complaining about not having "sex" for 30hrs.. 11 dayz.. etc. Well I haven't had sex for a long time since my bf was sent to Korea (he's in the US Military) for a YEAR~! Well ofcourse he came back to the states 2 times. In March and in June for a little bit. Well he'll be back on August 17th cause the YEAR is finally over~! But he'll be stationed in Washington DC and I'll be here in NY for another yr and a half smile.gif Haha at least he's in the states now right? ahh~ long distance relationship is real real hard but if there's love.... everything is alright =)

Now how many of u guys can wait for a guy/gal for a yr? When u're young.. (I'm 18)

It's real hard frown.gif


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Oh the first time was OkAy... it hurt, but he was so gentle with me that I felt fine. It was just "okay" b/c I didn't really love him. It just "happened". Believe it or not I made love with him on our first date. I knew of him b/c my friend hooked us up.. and b4 we met we talked on the phone for hours.. and hours... and when we met he stayed over at my house that night. I don't think that was a "good" idea... but hey~ I'm with him now for 2 yrs...

I would deifnately wait until the right person comes along.. any1 can f*ck.. but not every1 can WAIT. U'll be glad u waited when u meet the person u really like.


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I remember my first time like it was yesterday...wait..err...haha. Ok, it was a couple years ago. She was my first and we were together for a looooong time. We talked about and the consensus was to wait. Well we held out till we reached 21. We were each other's first. We were messing around and it just kinda happened...It was definitely a passionate moment. I don't think neither one of us regret it...perhaps because we were truely in love. I took it real slow with her cause neither one of us was experienced. It was great though. Wonder if I'll ever have sex again, AYE frown.gif

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my girlfriend and i were both virgins when we first did it (4 yrs ago) after we were together for two years. The funny thing was that while we were doing *it*, she wasnt feeling all to comfortable which made me feel extremely guilty. So we held off for another two years before we decided to give it a second try. I guess it takes time since she no longer complains smile.gif


"If you have one foot in tomorrow and one foot in yesterday, you're bound to find yourself pissing on today."

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Guest crystalmethodny


My first... it was something good, thats for sure...

I was 16, barely, when I had started smooching with a vivrant red headed cheerleader that was ironically, the Dean's daughter. Such dangerous time... I loved living life on the edge wink.gif

We saw each other on the side, no one knew, for months. One time it finally happened it was sooo good for some reason, some mystery about it. Both being virgins... the 1st time experiencing that sensual pleasure. She ended up moving not too long after and I lost touch.

A shame, I still think about her to this day. smile.gif



"We're going to build things up slowly... are you with me? Here we go."

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Guest genevieve

I think I was 14 or 15. I was a tom boy, surfer chic that had a crush on this georgous catholic school surfer boy. We were best friends even though I had wished for more. Eventually we talked and decided I wanted to let him take my virginity since I was comfortable with him. I snuck out of the house real late one night. It was on the beach in a life guard stand. All I remember was how painful and unpleasent it was. He was hung like a horse for only being 16!!!! There was blood everywhere!!!! I was glad to get the worst part of it over!! My first real boyfriend; who I'm still with now (6 years) decided upon himself to make me wait 4 or 5 months till we first had sex. Believe me I was begging him for it!!!! It worked like a charm!!!

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