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Doesnt anyone just want to...


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I feel the exact same way. I've had friends who had more than one partner. They said they're just "friends". Ya, right.

Geez, the last two relationships I've been in totally ruined me with trust.

Both ex-girlfriends cheated on me, and I tried dating after that and still no luck. Maybe we just have bad luck and pick the wrong person.

Or some women have no clue or really shitty taste in men. wink.gif

I decided I'm gonna try to stay single for awhile. Maybe one day the perfect girl will bounce right into me on the dancefloor. smile.gif


"Life moves pretty fast. You don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."


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Yo CM~

I feel ya...i would want a serious girlfriend but the problem is i can't find a girl that i like enough to stay with. Call me picky...

I get the player rap cause i go out with a chic for a while...find a reason i dont like her...or she just gets boring...then its bye bye...and I'm the asshole player...just cause i cut things off before it got to serious and then it would have been worse.

When i find a good enough girl i will stick with her....just don't know where the fuck she is hiding right now!




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I have to tell you guys! I'm looking for a really nice guy that deserves me! Most guys wanna hook up then leave. I want the whole thing. But I can't trust a soul, Someone who is a friend passed these 3 little letters to me DTA. I really like someone that I can have a great time with. Too bad when I go out all the slugs come out from under rocks and hits on me.......WHERE ARE ALL THE GOOD ONES...............signed A GOOD ONE!!!!!!


Good time had by all!!!

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Originally posted by glowgirl:

I have to tell you guys! I'm looking for a really nice guy that deserves me! Most guys wanna hook up then leave. I want the whole thing. But I can't trust a soul, Someone who is a friend passed these 3 little letters to me DTA. I really like someone that I can have a great time with. Too bad when I go out all the slugs come out from under rocks and hits on me.......WHERE ARE ALL THE GOOD ONES...............signed A GOOD ONE!!!!!!

thats the same thing i ask...are there any good men left, or are they all taken, or nonexistent???


~Music Is The Answer~

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Originally posted by glowgirl:

I have to tell you guys! I'm looking for a really nice guy that deserves me! Most guys wanna hook up then leave. I want the whole thing. But I can't trust a soul, Someone who is a friend passed these 3 little letters to me DTA. I really like someone that I can have a great time with. Too bad when I go out all the slugs come out from under rocks and hits on me.......WHERE ARE ALL THE GOOD ONES...............signed A GOOD ONE!!!!!!

I've always been told by girls that I'm one of the good ones...and they always ask how come I don't have girlfriend...my answer always is...I don't know.


"Life moves pretty fast. You don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."


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Guest crystalmethodny

I knew this would generate some output smile.gif

More opinions the better.

Personally, I'm just a romantic and love showing affection to a signficant other.


"We're going to build things up slowly... are you with me? Here we go."

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Originally posted by shadowchaser:

Originally posted by glowgirl:

I've always been told by girls that I'm one of the good ones...and they always ask how come I don't have girlfriend...my answer always is...I don't know.

Sounds like we are in the same situation bro....




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I'm with ya CM ... i'm just another hopeless romantic who can't find the right woman to love!

to me there is nothing more intense than being with one person who you truly love and just have deep feelings for and nothing better than feeling the music with them or dancing with them in that special way.

Nothing better than holding them and touching them softly and hugging and kissing that one special person in your life.

nothing better than having that one person who you can trust and totally open up to ...

where is she??? frown.gif

Lonely Rally



there is an after-life

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Once I dated a girl for a couple of months, we romanced each other, I thought it was going great...we both seemed happy...never argued and then...she broke the relationship off with me because she said I was too sweet and too good for her....

WHA WHA WHAT? confused.gif


"Life moves pretty fast. You don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."


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Guest crystalmethodny

date ONE person anymore? Everyone is always talking about players, etc...

Whatever happened to that spiritual bond, trust, friendship, and love that comes out of a relationship? That feeling of true passion?

Player this, player that... or maybe Im just getting old! wink.gif

To me, there's nothing like being on the dance floor with your other, and in essencse, only being there with them and the music. Thats a feeling I miss!

Anyone else have any clue what Im talking about?

I dont hate the player... and I think the game is just pretty bad, I mean, no steady salary wink.gif


"We're going to build things up slowly... are you with me? Here we go."

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Guest crystalmethodny

Im not a hopeless romantic though wink.gif

Just a romantic.



"We're going to build things up slowly... are you with me? Here we go."

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Guest genevieve

I'm sooo glad someone out there had the balls to bring this up. I 'm getting tired of this "sex" board's slut puppies posting the same old whorish topics just to be "cool". Yes, I am a pervert but I definitely know what true love is....... malelovies.gif I've been with my boyfriend for 6yrs. Things haven't been peaches'n'cream either. It's not easy trying to keep things as sparkly as when you first met . When you are out on the dance floor and you feel like your the only ones out there gazing into each other's eyes; there's no other feeling like it!!!!!! Sex when you don't have to worry about STD's and knowing someone will be there for you no matter what happens; good or bad. For those of you still looking for that soul mate; all I have to say is they have to be your very best friend and you can't imagine doing anything without them. Sometimes you might be so similar that you look like brother and sister like in my case (BlueAngel the exception.....hehe) Good luck........!!!!!!!!!! la.gif

[This message has been edited by genevieve (edited 09-11-2000).]

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Originally posted by genevieve:

I'm sooo glad someone out there had the balls to bring this up. I 'm getting tired of this "sex" board's slut puppies posting the same old whorish topics just to be "cool". Yes, I am a pervert but I definitely know what true love is....... malelovies.gif I've been with my boyfriend for 6yrs. Things haven't been peaches'n'cream either. It's not easy trying to keep things as sparkly as when you first met . When you are out on the dance floor and you feel like your the only ones out there gazing into each other's eyes; there's no other feeling like it!!!!!! Sex when you don't have to worry about STD's and knowing someone will be there for you no matter what happens; good or bad. For those of you still looking for that soul mate; all I have to say is they have to be your very best friend and you can't imagine doing anything without them. Sometimes you might be so similar that you look like brother and sister like in my case (BlueAngel the exception.....hehe) Good luck........!!!!!!!!!! la.gif

[This message has been edited by genevieve (edited 09-11-2000).]

I'm so, soooooooooooooo happy for you



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Originally posted by genevieve:

I'm sooo glad someone out there had the balls to bring this up. I 'm getting tired of this "sex" board's slut puppies posting the same old whorish topics just to be "cool". Yes, I am a pervert but I definitely know what true love is....... malelovies.gif I've been with my boyfriend for 6yrs. Things haven't been peaches'n'cream either. It's not easy trying to keep things as sparkly as when you first met . When you are out on the dance floor and you feel like your the only ones out there gazing into each other's eyes; there's no other feeling like it!!!!!! Sex when you don't have to worry about STD's and knowing someone will be there for you no matter what happens; good or bad. For those of you still looking for that soul mate; all I have to say is they have to be your very best friend and you can't imagine doing anything without them. Sometimes you might be so similar that you look like brother and sister like in my case (BlueAngel the exception.....hehe) Good luck........!!!!!!!!!! la.gif

wow ... another love-bird here on the sex board! i'm glad everyone's falling love except me ... blah frown.gif



there is an after-life

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I'd LOVE to date just one person. It's just that I have to feel really connected to someone and there has to be mutual trust and respect. That can be hard to find sometimes. I enjoy the search though. wink.gif


"I love the things that we should fear"

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Originally posted by jolie27:

I'd LOVE to date just one person. It's just that I have to feel really connected to someone and there has to be mutual trust and respect. That can be hard to find sometimes. I enjoy the search though. wink.gif

i'm with you ... it's so hard to find that "CONNECTION" ... where you just feel like it's right.

I feel like i'm never gonna find that trust and love from someone else ... boohoo




there is an after-life

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I think the problem with most people is, that the minute they have a problem they give up. frown.gif Some people expect perfection!

sorry to tell you there is no such thing everyone you date is going to have flaws.

the trick is to find someone who's flaws you can deal with.

I love my honey! he is the closest to perfection that i ever met! biggrin.gif

He is not a perfect man

He is the perfect man for me smile.gif

and visa versa

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Originally posted by rally2000:

I feel like i'm never gonna find that trust and love from someone else ... boohoo


Don't say that!!! It will happen when the time is right and with the right person. She could be right around the corner. You never know. smile.gif


"I love the things that we should fear"

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Originally posted by shadowchaser:

Once I dated a girl for a couple of months, we romanced each other, I thought it was going great...we both seemed happy...never argued and then...she broke the relationship off with me because she said I was too sweet and too good for her....

WHA WHA WHAT? confused.gif


I hope you don't change your manner because of this one expirience.

This girl was oviously not ready for what you were able to provide.

When the right one comes along, not only will she appreciate it

she will shower you with the sweetness you deserve in return.

All the best!!!! wink.gif

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its our scene. the whole concept of our club-culture/sub-culture spins around this formula:

good looks + good music = good vibe

while we look for this good vibe we become obsessed with shallow things: we go to the gym so that we look better when we dance and we buy new clothes so we can attract more people like us. our scene is primarily focused on these shallow things. the deeper stuff, like this monogomy issue, become secondary.

while the rest of the world settles for marriage and family, we, the party people, just live weekend-to-weekend. i know if i had married my last GF and we had a bunch of kids keeping us from ever leaving the house we could have stayed together. instead, surrounded by the shallow scene we adopted, we split up. we separated in search of more-- more lust, more pretty faces, more vibe.

you choose your own path in this life. dont choose the clubbing scene if you seek manogomy.


i love music!

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I am *def* not just all about sex - i care so much more about my boyfriend (*kisses*) than that . . . and I would *never* cheat on him, i seriously don't even think about any other guys - anytime he does something lil or sweet or unexpected, that's all i can think about all day . . . i could go out to a male strip club where the guys are physically perfect, or go somewhere that everyone's just out to hookup, and i'd still be sitting there thinking, "awww . . . that was so thoughtful of rob to do this or that, i love him."


"Player this, player that... or maybe Im just getting old!

<< Player this, player that... or maybe Im just getting old!>>

Steve - you *are* getting old!!! I've been telling you that since your bday - 25 - *Hugz* to my big bro!! lol. biggrin.gif




"And those who were seen dancing

were thought to be insane by those

who could not hear the music."





AIM: loves2cox

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