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Human Paploma Virus - what should I do


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Does anyone know anybody who has this? Appearantly it's pretty common.

Oh, BTW, It's genetal worts. NOT herpes, there is a diffrence.

I hear that it's hard to tell if you have it and you are a guy. (Vinager seems to be one good way)

Just thought I'd bring it up, cause I just found out my girlfirend has it, and I am trying to figure out if I should break up with her or not. We have been having unprotected sex for a while now, but so far I show no signs of hving it, and I DO NOT WANT TO GET IT! I have never said "I love you", but we have been together for like 9 months on and off... (mostly on)


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I know there is no cure, and appearantly they can't even do a blood test to see if i have it. I have no visible signs, and I am going to get some vinager (i hear that works) but beyond that I am totally screwed in limbo, no clue if I have it or not... and a Dr. won't help.. all they can do is treat one if I get one)

This is not cool

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Bro, I agree with the previous post. Go to your doc ASAP!! Did she have it before or after you started dating her? Why? because she should of told ya from the beginning. If she just found out, then that means she's been cheating or?? If so, get out!! I would understand if it was before you began dating her. We all make mistakes, but after the dating....that's fucked!!

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oh one more thing..why would you brake up w/ her? If you don't have it (big question mark)and you use protection you'll be OK. And another thing...how do you know that you weren't the one who gave it to her? You can't see it...only the doctor

But on the other hand if she knew that she has it she should've told you about it be4 you took that condom off...just MO

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Here's the thing.

You can have it and not know it for months or years before you get an outbreak of it. I haven't ever had anything like that on me, and she started to notice it on her months ago, but didn't know what it was, and just went to get checked recently when she found out she had it. The also looked on here cervix and said she didn't have any there, so I dunno if that means she hasn't had it for long or she's just lucky.

and like I said, seeing a DR will do me no good... unless I have something to show them, which I don't.

And I still dunno what to do about seeing her.

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I dunno if I gave it to her or not... and appearantly you can have it as a man and never even get any bumps or worts.

As 4 breaking up with her, I know if we are now using condoms I should be ok, but I am still scared shitless.... i mean, my balls still touch her and what not... and what about oral sex? I like going down on a woman, but i am kinda afraid of that also...

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if you don't see anything that doesn't mean that doctor can't see it...he can. Go to the doctor and he'll answer ALL your questions. And tell her (well may be her doc. already did) that it is very important that she will do everything that the doctor tell her cause HPV can lead to cervical cancer (I used to work for GYN doctors that is how I know about it)

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I/We know that. I have worked in the medical profession for quite some time, and so I/we have done a lot of research... she is ok, getting it laseres off, and her pap was clear. So they will just check her pap again ever so often and she will keep an eye out for anymore....

appearantly you can give it without even having anything showning, thats whats fucked up.

And like I said, I am getting vinager to see if i have anything that can't be seen.... I have no insurance right now, so the dr is out of the question unless I need him to do something if i find anything.

still.... whatta u think I should do about her? anyone wanna chime in?

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OK im getting really personal, I had gone to the DR and was told I had and abnormal test and I needed to get a biopsy done to see what was wrong I thought it was cervical cancer or an STD, the only wasy you can get it if you have sex and either you or her has an outbreak. if she has the warts she needs to get them removed right away, they may or may not come out again. You cannot do anything for yourself but PROTECT yourself, or wait to see if there is an outbreak then go to the DR. I would sit her down and ask her if she knew she had it? And If she did then I would break up with her, cause she's screwing with your life. Ask her if she cheated on you and maybe caught them from someone else. Ask her if she had a pap and if she didn't she needs to go and get one now, but I think she did that already. I went through 3 months of torture to find out my estrogen levels were low and that is what caused the abnormality. Be safe, wrap it up, and if you need to ask questions go ahead it's ok........email me if you want some more info. here is a website for the both of you ....http://onhealth.webmd.com/lifestyle/columnist/item,903.asp....good luck....sugar4@earthlink.net


Good time had by all!!!

[This message has been edited by glowgirl (edited 09-18-2000).]

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yeah, she has an appointmen tt o get it removed in a few weeks. I doubt she cheated on me, and who knows who gave it to her. Like I said b4 I may have it, I may not, its just that theres so little info about it. I wish they could do a blood test at least and see if I have it, but theres no such thing. And as 4 what to do about it, I don't see myself marrying her, so I am just not sure about risking my getting it by staying with her, though at the same time, I may already have it and just not know it.

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Dude, you need to get your viruses straight. HPV does not produce visible

lesions usually. However, genital herpes

produces lesions and typically occurs

in outbreaks when the person is under stress.

Herpes is treatable with oral medication,

whereas, the other has to be frozen off.

In women, HPV typically leads to cervical

cancer (thus, the reason for yearly pap smears in a sexually active woman cwm37.gif , especially if she has been with multiple men) Go to a doctor and figure it

out!! cwm14.gif


Just friendly advice from your neighborhood doc... cwm12.gifcwm20.gifcwm30.gif

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HPV is tricky because it's hard to say who had it first. As you know it does not always produce visable symptoms so you may have it but not know. Maybe you gave it to her. If she means a lot to you then support each other through this. If not, then move on but have safe sex because you are most likely infected with the visus. It can take a few months to a few years to produce actual warts or you may never get them but you can still transmit to someone else.

Also, condoms do not always protect you. Warts can be anywhere in the genital region.

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