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She's everything -continued....


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Ive said this many time before and it seems somewhat appropriate for this topic

I draw a fine line between friends and "others' Friends I cherish and keep close to my heart. "others" tend to change quite frequently.


Nice guys tend to lay it all out on the table. They open up thier hearts to you and tell you what they are thinking. There is no mystery. And these are the qualities that we look for in a friend.

The Bad boys only will only tell you whats for dessert and always leave you guessing. That intrigues us. It creates a fantasty of "how it could be" and leaves us wanting more.

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I guess I'm an exception. I don't like bad boys. I don't like being mistreated or disrespected. Every guy that I've ever been with (except one) treated me like a queen. I never understand why women run after these bad boys that treat them like shit and cheat on them all the time.. Intrigue or challenge is fun and games but you're the one who'll be played at the end. No thanx..

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Originally posted by scentedpink:

Ive said this many time before and it seems somewhat appropriate for this topic


Nice guys tend to lay it all out on the table. They open up thier hearts to you and tell you what they are thinking. There is no mystery. And these are the qualities that we look for in a friend.

The Bad boys only will only tell you whats for dessert and always leave you guessing. That intrigues us. It creates a fantasty of "how it could be" and leaves us wanting more.

yeah what a bunch of crap ! .. c'mon girls get it together ... you always say u want a nice guy and then u dis them and go for the dicks .. .. women cant live with them cant kill em



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Straight up....some girls i know are just stupid and go for the dicks (no pun intended). And it really pisses me off...and it is true you will end up getting played...

Thats pry why girls i don't even care about are on my jock cause they see acting like a bad boy type when I am really just not interested....whatever... cwm13.gifcwm43.gif


AIM: Carson11115

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u girls all say u want a nice guy so we treat u like a queen and u walk all over us. i know because it just happened to me . i get"i like u ,u treat me great, i know i don't have to worry about u " and then BANG! u are not my type ,u are not well the same old shit . i am a nice guy and always treat girls good

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I think it all depends on what the women are looking for at the moment. If they just got out of the nice-guy relationship I think they look for the badboys...and vice versa, its a viscious cycle most women cannot get out of...works very well for the guy with enough precision to be able to play both sides of the table and read what the girl is looking for. Bottom line you can get screwed either way, but thats the way love goes. Just my opinion...I could be wrong. cwm35.gif


Legendary pain in the ass, woman chaser & ass grabber...sleep by day and sleep with others by night.


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Originally posted by phrankadelic:

As long as we're working on opposites here...let me get this straight. So bad=good. so does that mean that no=yes?


All joking aside...it's all a game. Wouldn't you rather be the Playa than the Playee?

I read a little joke about Female vocab..

No = Maybe

Maybe = Yes

Yes = women never say Yes

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i *am* a nice guy and i *dont* get stepped on. i refuse to get stepped on. life is too short to worry about some game that some broad (or dick) is trying pull on you. i just keep on walking. if they stomp on me, theyll miss.


i love music!

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Originally posted by sirdante:

i *am* a nice guy and i *dont* get stepped on. i refuse to get stepped on. life is too short to worry about some game that some broad (or dick) is trying pull on you. i just keep on walking. if they stomp on me, theyll miss.

well put. but i wasn't saying that "ALL" nice guys get stepped on. just stating the idea that's been floating out there. I myself am a nice guy and I respect myself too much to care about someone's game. If they don't respect me, then they are not worthy of my love...muchless my time.




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