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question for older posters here

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Originally posted by blueangel:

DAMN! Just missed it by a year!! Ahhh well . . . bingo anyone? cwm1.gif

Listen . . . now that I know you're 19 . . . I'm going to attribute these lines of question and your frame of thought on the fact that you're young. I was too once and thought the same exact thing! It's youth . . .you just don't know any better. However, come back to this board in another 5 years and let's see if you singing the same tune.


Well said.....I agree completely. I was just as ignorant and vocal at that age. But I learned and got wiser with age. Will he????

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Originally posted by andwhysee:

in a recent thread i was surprise to find many of you are over 25 yrs of age. i was just wondering if you keep on partying mainly because you didn't partied enough when you were younger or because you are weird.

wink.gif STFU, kid. wipe the snots off your nose and go ask your mom for your allowance and a ride to the next rave. BTW, your dirt weed connection just got busted by the principal. wink.gif

seriously, andwhysee, get over it. if you think ppl at 30 are old, then why dont you *try* to keep up with them at *anything*. i mean partying, participating in sports, conversing, staying up late, working, fucking, eating, drinking, or *anything*. your comment exhibits your naivete, punk.

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Originally posted by andwhysee:


im 19 and frankly i get turned off when i see old people especially those in late 20s or even 30s. im sorry but you guys just kill the vibe. whats wrong with how i honestly feel? im sure most clubbers my age agree with me they just don't come here and post about it. i also have a question for those over 28, how often do you party with people who are about 10 yrs older and if you did how would you feel about it?

28 ain't but a thang either.

Everyone complains that as people get older they become more narrow minded. I think here we have a perfect example of how anyone can be narrow minded at ANY age. Case in point.

Exactly how do people over 28 KILL the vibe? Do you have special age goggles that tell you everyone's age. Maybe it was a 22 year old that just looked really old.

One of my best friends in the world is 12 years older than me. She is a lot of fun and STILL goes to raves in LA. She does not look her age at all. In fact, every time I went to a rave or party with her, she gets picked up on by guys in their early 20's.

It's not about age, it's about attitude and being young at heart.

Why do you think it's such an awful thing for someone over 25, or 28, or 50 for that matter to want to continue to go out and have fun?

BTW: Ask any of the younger people on this board that I've partied with... Tyco, Trippintrance64, Scottyskribs, Clubmouse, Jewel, the list goes on... if I kill the vibe. Not that I have to prove anything to you, but if you have this HONEST feeling, maybe you should examine why/where that feeling is coming from.

And as other people said, if you can't handle having older people around, go somewhere where you are the oldest one around (do they have kiddyland in NYC?).





email: ibhugh@yahoo.com

aolim: hugesk8r


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Originally posted by andwhysee:

im sorry but you guys just kill the vibe. whats wrong with how i honestly feel?

look, heres another thoughtless, immature, know-it-all who thinks that "honesty" excuses his insensitivity, lack of class and poor judgement. if your gonna insult someone, pls do it straight up rather than veil it with this vile excuse.


i love music!

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Originally posted by quanto_magnus:

28 ain't but a thang either.

Everyone complains that as people get older they become more narrow minded. I think here we have a perfect example of how anyone can be narrow minded at ANY age. Case in point.

Exactly how do people over 28 KILL the vibe? Do you have special age goggles that tell you everyone's age. Maybe it was a 22 year old that just looked really old.

One of my best friends in the world is 12 years older than me. She is a lot of fun and STILL goes to raves in LA. She does not look her age at all. In fact, every time I went to a rave or party with her, she gets picked up on by guys in their early 20's.

It's not about age, it's about attitude and being young at heart.

Why do you think it's such an awful thing for someone over 25, or 28, or 50 for that matter to want to continue to go out and have fun?

BTW: Ask any of the younger people on this board that I've partied with... Tyco, Trippintrance64, Scottyskribs, Clubmouse, Jewel, the list goes on... if I kill the vibe. Not that I have to prove anything to you, but if you have this HONEST feeling, maybe you should examine why/where that feeling is coming from.

And as other people said, if you can't handle having older people around, go somewhere where you are the oldest one around (do they have kiddyland in NYC?).


I could not have said it better myself, Hugh... Another reason your "old butt" is missed, you are so profound. smile.gif


Life can only be understood backward, but it must be lived forward.

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Like Casey said, there is no use in arguing really...many of us thought the same way back then. It seems foolish to us now, only because we are wiser. I'll tell you now, there are MANY things that I thought made sense and we're good ideas when I was 19 that just make me laugh now.

andwhysee will feel the same way as he matures. He is still very young and probably has a lot of theories that in retrospect, 5 yrs down the road, will seem as absurd to him as this age thing seems to us.

BTW, I am 29 (most people I meet guess I'm early 20's) and as I said in the original post that started this drama...I wouldn't want to be a day younger. I'm really not just saying that, it's funny because I was talking to my best friend about this a few months ago and we were actually shocked that we both felt that way. I always expected to be so upset about getting older but I actually like the place I am at now more than any other time. I'm sure there are plenty of people who would love to go back to their highschool or college days, but not me! I wouldn't EVER trade the knowledge I have now to be a teenager again.

Sorry about all that, I got way off topic! Honestly, I feel that I am more responsible now than I was when I was younger and I would venture to say that that statement goes across the board. Yes, I do think that older clubbers are more responsible, therefore contributing to the vibe, not killing it. What kills it is seeing kids lying all over the place because they went way over their limit. I am not saying *all* the younger clubbers are like that (or that all of the older ones are not!) I am simply stating that there are many benefits to age and really, not many drawbacks.

What specifically do the "older" people do that bothers you?



"A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to it's old dimensions."

~*~*~Don't use time or words carelessly, neither can be retrieved.~*~*~ blossom.gif

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Originally posted by quanto_magnus:

28 ain't but a thang either.

Everyone complains that as people get older they become more narrow minded. I think here we have a perfect example of how anyone can be narrow minded at ANY age. Case in point.

Exactly how do people over 28 KILL the vibe? Do you have special age goggles that tell you everyone's age. Maybe it was a 22 year old that just looked really old.

One of my best friends in the world is 12 years older than me. She is a lot of fun and STILL goes to raves in LA. She does not look her age at all. In fact, every time I went to a rave or party with her, she gets picked up on by guys in their early 20's.

It's not about age, it's about attitude and being young at heart.

Why do you think it's such an awful thing for someone over 25, or 28, or 50 for that matter to want to continue to go out and have fun?

BTW: Ask any of the younger people on this board that I've partied with... Tyco, Trippintrance64, Scottyskribs, Clubmouse, Jewel, the list goes on... if I kill the vibe. Not that I have to prove anything to you, but if you have this HONEST feeling, maybe you should examine why/where that feeling is coming from.

And as other people said, if you can't handle having older people around, go somewhere where you are the oldest one around (do they have kiddyland in NYC?).



That's enough complaining!

Now finish your oatmeal and put your teeth back in your mouth! It's almost craft time.

j/k... cwm32.gifcwm38.gif



"A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to it's old dimensions."

~*~*~Don't use time or words carelessly, neither can be retrieved.~*~*~ blossom.gif

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Originally posted by andwhysee:


im 19 and frankly i get turned off when i see old people especially those in late 20s or even 30s. im sorry but you guys just kill the vibe. whats wrong with how i honestly feel? im sure most clubbers my age agree with me they just don't come here and post about it. i also have a question for those over 28, how often do you party with people who are about 10 yrs older and if you did how would you feel about it?

i have friends who range from two years younger to ten years older than i am, and i've partied with them all. we have fun because we enjoy the same things, we enjoy each other, and most of all, we enjoy having fun. that, as you know but just may not realize you know, is what it's really all about.


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Originally posted by petrol:

Hi Jewel!

This is an amusing thread, but only if you've passed the magic age when you dont feel like enjoying life anymore.

I'm one of the older people in this crowd. I partied in the Chicago scene when i was 17 to 23, usually 3-4 nights a week on my own dime. I went out then for the music and dancing and i still go out for the music and dancing.

The point that people seem to be making is that things that you enjoy in life don't change as you get older, unless you're so weak-willed that you buy into the notion that you must conform to other people's expectations of how you should behave.

So, i think you need to take a closer look at what you're suggesting and redetermine if that's really what you believe. Do you believe *you* should behave according to others' impressions of how you should behave. Or, do you think you should live your own life, enjoy your own interests, according to what *you* enjoy?

I chose the latter.

What's up, Petrol. Hun- you took me way outta context.... I'm 25 (ie: "old" to andwhysee.) I was LMAO b/c of all the awesome responses by the "elders" on the board... I know you don't know me very well, so I guess that's why you mistook my response. Either way, I have NO INTENTIONS of "conforming to other ppl's expectations" on when I should stop loving or going clubbin. I just always find humor in these kinda threads... ppl with opinions like andwhysee's genuinely amuse me. -----------> see my other post on this thread from "Officer Jewelz"...... thank Gawd I checked back on this thread so I could clarify. WHEW!!

Cya Friday at LL?



P.S. As I said in a conversation with Bassboy not too long ago: "Dancing to club music is the only thing I love as much as sex, and I'll be damned if "old" age is gonna stop me from either one of them!!"


"Spontaneity is the key to spice in life"

"Music makes the world go 'round...so keep it spinnin!"

AIM: Jewel44317

[This message has been edited by jewel44317 (edited 02-27-2001).]

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OK ENOUGH!!! to everyone: y'all are trippin. only in america is >25 considered old. go to europe, asia and latin america. kids there party until past 30 for many reasons. they live at home with the folks until 25. things are way more BETTER paced. they really get to enjoy their youth, and i do mean "youth". in asia and israel, for example, people don't start really partying until college. then they have mandatory 2 yrs. military service. so we're talking 24-26 when they really get a chance to cut loose. go to Ibiza, Goa, etc. NOT MANY 19 YEAR OLDS.

in america, we're pressured to grow up too quickly. at 18 the parents kick u out of the house. all the kids start smoking crack at age 12, get abortions at age 13, and they're in rehab by age 18. by 25 they're fat, burned out, don't give a fuck about how they look, and complain "i'm old, i'm old". Nah nigga, you just FEEL old cuz you couldn't pace yourself! you played yourself out!

SO BE PROUD, PARTY PEOPLE! you're mentally, physically, sexually active at your prime.

and to andwhysee: listen kid, and i'm going to be real. i was just like you at 19. everyone older than you is as jealous as fuck. of course being 19 is better, what do you think? so take this as a message: enjoy your youth as much as possible. because when you hit 25, BELIEVE ME, you will be in our exact position, wanting to party as much as in your teens, IF YOU MAKE IT THAT FAR. and "society", incl. 19 yr olds, will be telling you that you are old. but u won't FEEL or ACT old, no way! cuz you're not! that's just puritanical America telling you to settle down at an unnatural age.


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Originally posted by andwhysee:


im 19 and frankly i get turned off when i see old people especially those in late 20s or even 30s.

so stick to the teen parties

you're prob the same kid that bitches when he can't get into a 21+ party ... chances are u dont know shit about the music u listen to , do dont know shit about the club scene ... if u knew what it was like when myself and everyone else older than me started to party, you would need to ask, why the still party ... u should ask them why it sucks now .. but sadly the answer to why is sucks would mostly likey be because lil snotty wanna be cluuber kids come out and say and do dumb shit .. i think a lil shit with a crappy attitude is what ruins the vibe ... wtf do u even know about vibe ... this thread is beat ,.. i say let it die out ...


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Originally posted by back2ny:

i was just like you at 19. everyone older than you is as jealous as fuck. of course being 19 is better, what do you think?

Did you mean that's what *he* thinks or is that how you feel it actually is??

Just wanted to clarify so it's not taken the wrong way.




"A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to it's old dimensions."

~*~*~Don't use time or words carelessly, neither can be retrieved.~*~*~ blossom.gif

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Originally posted by back2ny:

and to andwhysee: listen kid, and i'm going to be real. i was just like you at 19. everyone older than you is as jealous as fuck. of course being 19 is better

Please don't go telling him that, it's not true for everyone. This is from an earlier post of mine on this thread...

Originally posted by cathyo:BTW, I am 29 (most people I meet guess I'm early 20's) and as I said in the original post that started this drama...I wouldn't want to be a day younger. I'm really not just saying that, it's funny because I was talking to my best friend about this a few months ago and we were actually shocked that we both felt that way. I always expected to be so upset about getting older but I actually like the place I am at now more than any other time. I'm sure there are plenty of people who would love to go back to their highschool or college days, but not me! I wouldn't EVER trade the knowledge I have now to be a teenager again.

Thank you cwm1.gif



"A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to it's old dimensions."

~*~*~Don't use time or words carelessly, neither can be retrieved.~*~*~ blossom.gif

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Originally posted by andwhysee:


im 19 and frankly i get turned off when i see old people especially those in late 20s or even 30s. im sorry but you guys just kill the vibe. whats wrong with how i honestly feel? im sure most clubbers my age agree with me they just don't come here and post about it. i also have a question for those over 28, how often do you party with people who are about 10 yrs older and if you did how would you feel about it?

what is wrong with how you honestly feel is that it proves you to be a shallow, immature, naive dumbfuck. i think it also says that you're insecure with how to handle yourself around other people, and at least with people your own age you can have a false sense of social equality

if i had to party with only 19-year olds, that would be one dead as hell, lameass vibe


"real fucking high"

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Wow.. All I gotta say is that clubs are for everyone.. "Older" ppl, as you referred to them, have as much right to be there as anyone else. And it sure doesn't mean that they are losers or wierdos AT ALL. Whatever reason they have for being at a club, it's their business and I don't see how you are bothered when you see someone who's 25? 30? 35? If they are having fun and not being a dick to you, there's no reason for you to worry about them being there.

Personally, I usually see a very strong connection between age and maturity (in most cases, not all of course). Overall, from what I noticed, younger clubbers seem to have more nasty attitude, more bullshit when they go partying.. The so-called "older" crowd is definitely there because they WANNA be there, not because it's a COOL thing to do.. I've hung out with a few ppl from the board who are older than me (I'm 22) and trust me, it's NOT about the age at all.. Some of them would outdance all the younger kids any day, without any drugs and they tend to complain less about stupid shit..

[This message has been edited by mysteriousss (edited 02-27-2001).]

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Originally posted by mysteriousss:

Personally, I usually see a very strong connection between age and maturity (in most cases, not all of course). Overall, from what I noticed, younger clubbers seem to have more nasty attitude, more bullshit when they go partying.. The so-called "older" crowd is definitely there because they WANNA be there, not because it's a COOL thing to do.. I've hung out with a few ppl from the board who are older than me (I'm 22) and trust me, it's NOT about the age at all.. Some of them would outdance all the younger kids any day, without any drugs and they tend to complain less about stupid shit..

yeah! what she said!!!! tongue.gif



"A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to it's old dimensions."

~*~*~Don't use time or words carelessly, neither can be retrieved.~*~*~ blossom.gif

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I agree! cwm17.gif

I love being a big kid! And i have more fun partying now than i did when i was 19.

I do recall lots of bitching!!!! I guess trying to impress people on how little the club scene impressed me. DUMB ASS!!!!


shit is lots more fun when you go with the flow! OVER 24 is grrrrrreeeaatt cwm27.gif


I want the real thing

NOT tokens.

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