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* * * 1st post TIESTO REVIEW!!! * * *

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I must say, for a non-Tiesto fan, his music at Gatecrasher was really really good!

The transition between Scott Bond and Tiesto was a bit sketchy, and Tiesto's first half hour or so was what I expected...happy happy trance trance.

However, as the clock ticked past 3:30, Tiesto began picking some very good tracks...

Which transitioned into deeper darker tracks. There was one song that definitely had the pulse of techno...

All in all, I am glad I went and stuck it out until 5:30...

My only complaint was how pact it was. Last Gatecrasher there was much more room to dance...the heat and cramped quarters was definitely a bit fustrating.

However, the spectacular light show saved the moment. I loved it when the lasers would bounce off at all angles and create spiderwebs all over the place.

Did anyone see the guy stringing with a sparkler? That was cool...

Gatecrasher definitely lived up to its reputation...I'm actually looking forward to downloading the live set if available...


And it was good seeing everybody who made it to the meetup...esp. Exodust wink.gif




[This message has been edited by furnace (edited 03-04-2001).]

[This message has been edited by furnace (edited 03-04-2001).]

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well to me it sucked because the line was around the block at 2 a.m. and i knew LL closes at 5, so why wait 30 minutes or more & pay $25 knowing it was gonna end at 5 a.m.. we ended up at veruka, some guy threw up while i was talking to him , so we got out the cell phone and drunk dialed our friends back home. woke two people up, one was way cool & happy to hear from us, all the other one could say was "you've got issues, you've got issues" whatever dude! you don't understand new york!

furnace if you call me right now you'll kick me offline so give me a shout.

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I must say, for a Tiesto fan, his music was really good. smile.gif

If you've heard his live sets, there was a big, big resemblance to that tonight.

He had the crowd pumping with pretty much everything he dropped. It was a bit of a detour from the hard electric house I'm used to hearing, so that was fun. The light shows were spectacular-- there was one area you could stand where the laser from across the stage would wrap you in a trippy cloud pattern (Huh? I was sober.)

I would have loved to stay later, but a really bad headache crept up on me. Last time I brought aspirin into a club it got taxed. Duh!

Gotta agree about the crowds.. but if you were creative about where you danced, you could get away with it.

Anyway, cheers, and I was glad to see some familiar faces at the meet-up. If some of you don't remember me, I was wearing a black button-down shirt with gray pants (boring, I know.)



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Guest danwang

With all due respect to those who didn't like it. Easily makes my top 10 club nights ever, probably top 5. I have very rarely seen a crowd so into it like things were here.

However, I agree that it was a bit too packed especially for the amount of ventilation (or lack thereof). I missed that drafty area that Twilo has. On this night, I learned that flyers make good fans. smile.gif

Tiesto went on until 6 am. The climax (based on crowd response) was the probably the guitar part of "Seven Cities" (darn can't think of the artist's name right now). He did, as you might expect, "Silence" for an encore, and people were singing along to it.

Johnny Vicious was in the house, and was actually spinning mostly CD's afterwards. Things started out with a Tiesto mix CD, and I wonder if any of the subsequent tunes used were JV's. I left around 6:30 and there was still a pretty good crowd on the floor, even though the rest of the place (catwalks included) had emptied out. Did anyone still to the end? WHen did it end?

I thought the two DJ's who were on before Tiesto were very good. Scott Bond (or whoever it was that went on before Tiesto) showed that he knows how the use the power of the Pioneer mixer they had there, with its delaying (don't you remember all the stuttering beats?), flanging, and filtering (and probably more) effects. I thought his crowd control was amazing. He stuck around and gave JV a little demonstration on how to use those effects.

How did the meetups go? I stopped by the fishtank room briefly, but it sucked that the music couldn't be heard from there, and at that time, I didn't know when Tiesto would be coming on, and I didn't want to miss it.

[This message has been edited by danwang (edited 03-04-2001).]

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Just got back from my home away from home....first of all, GAtecrashe was unbelievable. I have never seen LL that packed. And the crowd was sooo into the music and the vibe.

Tiesto was unbelievable and got me dancing at like 4 am when I was done with the bar. He just rocked it until 6 am when he went off. then they threw on a cd. AT 6:20 or so I went into the booth and what did I see???????

Mr. Johnny Viscious himself spinning. He went on last minute and blew the roof off the place until 7am when they turned the lights on. How fuckin' cool is that? Not only did we see gatecrasher...but an impromptu performance by Johnny!!!!!!! WOW!!!!

to everyone I saw tonight....what up!!!!! to those who were there till the end..Connie, Nick, mr. Exit2heaven....you guys got some serious spirit.

Later ya'll



And Everything Will Flow....Flow....Flow....


"The Futures So Bright.......I Gotta Wear Shades"

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Definitely a QUALITY night. Really packed, but if you stuck around and just absorbed the muzic, it was well worth the hour long line. I did stop by at the fish tank meet-up exactly at 2 after the coat check... my first meet up and met three people... (I was the one with the Bright Red Shirt that said Switzerland.) Didn't have to rely on SF either for an post dance session either


"I would believe only in a god who could dance."

"Without music, life would be a mistake."


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WOW. That is definetely the best trance night out i've ever experienced. Tiesto was incredible, just what I expected from him. "Silence" was definetely the high point of the night.

I saw a few guys stringing with sticks and sparklers. It was pretty cool except for the fact that people were getting sprayed with fireworks. Not very considerate. LL could have used a few more bouncers tonight, it was really chaotic getting around.

Sorry to say this but the party almost ended at 3:25am. I was dancing on the main floor and this black guy dropped to the ground out of nowhere. He was out cold. A few people carried him off the floor. Its people like that which can ruin a perfect night. I'm glad they didnt shut it down.

I got in at 12:00 and there was a 10 minute line. Admission was $25 on the list, no problems there. The lighting effects blew my mind away. Those lasers are crazy, they spent a lot of time decorating the place.

The crowd seemed a little older then I had predicted. I guess there were a lot of people who are regulars on Saturdays that just showed up. I want to see the video tape that the effects "kid" took from the DJ booth. All in all I give Gatecrasher/Tiesto at LL a 9/10. Could have been better if less people showed up. Way too crowded, the main floor was just about as bad as PVD at Twilo.

Off to bed. See ya --Yarin

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Originally posted by deanna11:

time to write a paper. i'm never going out again

Of course NOT, that is until the next big event... cwm27.gifcwm13.gifcwm27.gifcwm2.gif


Forget the dreams... what you need is a good nightmare to bring you back to reality...


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Originally posted by teklord310:

I was dancing on the main floor and this black guy dropped to the ground out of nowhere. He was out cold. A few people carried him off the floor. Its people like that which can ruin a perfect night. I'm glad they didnt shut it down.

See ya --Yarin

He collapsed right behind me. He had been bumping into everone for a while, then he scattered around holding his head and then went splat. I never thought they would stop the party for that though... they did sweep 'im under the rug like I thought they would. Hope he's alright. cwm34.gif

What bothered me was that they only have two people working each post. Two on the coat check and two on the bar. C'mon!

They got caught with their pants down not expecting such a big turn out. I really liked the fact that they let people dance on the stage. Usually they don't allow that and I guess they let all that space go to waste. Not this time. Dj should stay on that booth and the people on the stage.


"I would believe only in a god who could dance."

"Without music, life would be a mistake."


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The music was off the hook, Tiesto was great - but I got there at 1 and had to wait on line for an hour to get in and then the coat check line was ridiculous!!!

There werer way too many people there last night; but I found some space on the stage to dance - the crowd was great - Everyone was into - that was great vibe!!! I left at 6 when tiesto was finishing up - I didn't want to get caught on the coat check line again!!

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all i gotta say is WOW. had a great time, and that i have NEVER seen LL like that. GREAT vibe, great tracks, great times. wanna thank dennis for the ride there (well...to jesse's) and thanks for the hospitality Jesse! wink.gif that was the shit!


Had a great time!


-----"Embracing the goddess energy within yourselves will bring all of you to a new understanding, and value of life. A vision, that inspires you to live, and love, on planet earth. Like a priceless jewel, buried in dark layers of soil and stone.... earth radiates her brilliant beauty into the caverns of space and time. Perhaps you are aware of those who watch over your home. And experience in this place to visit, and play with reality. You are becoming aware of yourself...as a Game master..........


AIM: fantom0680

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Originally posted by bang_66_:

He collapsed right behind me. He had been bumping into everone for a while, then he scattered around holding his head and then went splat. I never thought they would stop the party for that though... they did sweep 'im under the rug like I thought they would. Hope he's alright. cwm34.gif

What bothered me was that they only have two people working each post. Two on the coat check and two on the bar. C'mon!

They got caught with their pants down not expecting such a big turn out. I really liked the fact that they let people dance on the stage. Usually they don't allow that and I guess they let all that space go to waste. Not this time. Dj should stay on that booth and the people on the stage.

Yeah that was really weird. My friends and I were the ones who carried him out. when we got him out to the cooler air he came to and just got up and left. He had an attitude about it and said that he was "fucking around and just testing us." Ungrateful asshole.

Aside from that the night was absolutely awesome-- The music was great except for about a half hour block before Tiesto (anyone else think that Dido bit was a weird/out of place??) anyways, I hope everyone had as good a night as I did.

peace all


"Crippled but free, I was blind all the time I was learning to see" -Dead

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Originally posted by msoprano13:

vicious finished the night out, thats intense.

my thoughts exactly...

i would have lost it


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Originally posted by msoprano13:

vicious finished the night out, thats intense.

Bro..he was insane!!!! I was in the booth when he threw on his Dido-Here with me remix.....The place was JUMPIN!!!!! that combined with the lasers and Gatecrashers super Lazer...WOW!!!!!!! It was one of those experoences you wont forget for a while.

I guess ya had t be there....it was uunreal.



And Everything Will Flow....Flow....Flow....


"The Futures So Bright.......I Gotta Wear Shades"

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Overlooking the crowdedness and heat, the GC party kicked ass. The guy before Tiesto (Scott Bond, I take it) blew the roof of the place. Tiesto came on and played some emotional, though familiar, tracks. Regardless, I was impressed. The music had me on a happy, energetic high all night long. As for the lasers...UNBELIEVEABLE! Anyone else think they were gonna get sucked in to trance heaven by that green, cyclone-like smoke wave?

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Ohhhhh man what a night.....Andy u said it right bro it was intense...when they dropped that dido track i lost my mind...all in all it was a great night, never ever seen the limelight like that..def reminded me of a PvD night at twilo...other than the overcrowdedness and heat was an incredible evening....to all that i saw and chilled with much love to all of you...had a blast..Peace



Do you Fuck as well as you Dance???

AOLIMER: glowsticks8

EMAIL: nantivachis@netzero.com

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what track is the DIDO track, im not sure if i have it


TWILO'S WACK !!!! Sorry guys it is

"dont be affraid to walk out on anything in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat coming from around the corner" Robert Deniro


Email: msoprano13@yahoo.com


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Tiesto delivered much more than I expected.

I was much confused when he started playing some harder progressive house, but it worked.

Even though he was somewhat cheesey, the happy hard trance was a nice departure from the progressive house that I hear and love so much nowadays.

I think the stars of the shows are those lasers. During Silence we were dancing on the catwalk opposite the DJ booth (behind the stage) and the green laser was aimed right at us. Amazing. I was totally engulfed by the laser (and I wasnt even messed up) But that thing in Twilo and OMFG....

Kim & Melissa -- great hanging out with you. We'll have to hit Twilo next time for some REAL beats...

Didnt know that was JV spinning after Tiesto....cool.

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Tiesto was all that I had "expected" him to be . . . happy trance music . . . however, he didn't blow me away as Guy and Scott did. Guy was absolutely f**ckin' off the hook . . . way more than one of my favorite DJs, PVD! (don't jump me all at once please) Come on . . . you guys have to admit Guy and Scott blew Tiesto away. Well, in my ears they did. IMO.

I had the BEST weekend at Limelight!! It was amazing!!



“Life is like music, it must be composed by ear, feeling, and instinct, not by rule.” - Samuel Butler


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Got to Limelight @ midnight and was shocked by the line. An hour long line for Limelight? After miserable coat check, my girls and I spent an hour being molested in the hiphop room. Look for another thread about this, but chorus like "Rub on your titties if you like hiphop" is why I don't anymore. Swung by the meetup at 2, said hello to some folks, but the whole silence of the place had me yearning for the main event and I was off.

We were dancing in the main room from about 2-4:30 and it was great. Who was spinning before Tiesto? My 3 hiphop loving girl friends are shall we say, converted? My friend called yesterday asking for CD references! LOL As for Tiesto, not a big fan to begin with and still am not impressed. Nice as it was to see so many people show up for him, I did not like the vibe at all. Guys at Limelight tend to be more aggressive than the other clubs I frequent. I mean, it was good in that people were there for the music and to dance/have a good time, but people weren't friendly. I really miss the first 2 Gatecrasher parties.

Oh yeah, the lasers were awesome. Gatecrasher really nows how to work with space. That alone made the night totally worth it, but better than DT/CC@Twilo, no way.

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