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Hey anybody watch Sopranos last night>>?

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i thought the first episode was pretty good but the second one was a little slow. im just happy that the damn show started already. been waiting so long for it. next weeks episode looks liek it is gonna be really good.



A ho don't make a housewife.

pimp by blood not by relation.


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There's actually another thread going around. I thought it was pretty blahzay until the last 10 minutes of the second hour. That was a pretty damn good scene with Carmela going off and speaking for everyone at the end.


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AOL: Highmay9

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Originally posted by highmay:

There's actually another thread going around. I thought it was pretty blahzay until the last 10 minutes of the second hour. That was a pretty damn good scene with Carmela going off and speaking for everyone at the end.

Thanks for pointing that out I didn't see it. biggrin.gif

I guess I look forward to more of the killings and what not.. sorry but I happen to like the violence. lol


AIM vampienyc10

e-mail: vampie@aol.com

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I thought it was pretty good. They are into some new trippy-camera work. Similar to the season finale a few months ago and last night, when Tony loses conciousness in front of the fridge (and they use everything in rewind -mode and then replay). I don't know if I like it when they do that, b/c I don't think it's appropriate to the theme of the show. I don't know. I thought it was good otherwise though. I am a huge fan. I love James Gandolfini.

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The scene with Tony's mother wasn't computerized. They filmed those scenes a long time ago (way before she died) That's the reason for the scene being very short and sweet (Tony basically asking about the plane ticket-scandal) b/c they knew she was old and probably going to die soon, so they filmed a sort of generic scene in case she happened to die.

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Originally posted by sarahb:

The scene with Tony's mother wasn't computerized. They filmed those scenes a long time ago (way before she died) That's the reason for the scene being very short and sweet (Tony basically asking about the plane ticket-scandal) b/c they knew she was old and probably going to die soon, so they filmed a sort of generic scene in case she happened to die.

No IT WAS computerized...... and the woman died from cancer not old age.....


AIM vampienyc10

e-mail: vampie@aol.com

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they took bits and pieces of her talking over the last 2 seasons and put her head on someoen elses body using computers. you could tell cause her head and body really didn't match. yeah i liek the violence also andmore scenes at bada bings.



A ho don't make a housewife.

pimp by blood not by relation.


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Yo -- over the weekend James Gandolfini was at Rutgers! He was filming a commercial for RU Football (which is pathetic but that's besides the point) in the Red Lion Cafe downstairs in the min student center across the street from my dorm.


- meli -



AIM: MeliChaCha

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yeah i thought there would be a shit load too .. i think the first episode was pretty good and teh second kinda dragged ... i'm glad the mother is gone .. i couldnbt stand her .,. u knwo she is dead in real life and for the episode last night she was computer generated .. ? freaky right ... anyways i'm gald to have the spranos back in my life !


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Guest dabiatchka

Originally posted by wombat:

Did you see Pussy in the mirror for about 1 frame when all the guys were in the hallway bullshittn'n? cwm31.gif

Oh shit yeah I thought I was seeing things. I think he's gonna haunt Tony... probably gonna need more therapy.

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I would've ahd a better time jerking off. The only good part was when Christopher was all cracked-out on the couch and Carmella's dad who never talks blew up!! That Pussy thing was so quick that if you missed it you were SOL. They should've done better; the had enough time to work on a better script.


There are 2 types of people in this world...those who love you, and those who are jealous.

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Originally posted by sarahb:

I thought it was pretty good. They are into some new trippy-camera work. Similar to the season finale a few months ago and last night, when Tony loses conciousness in front of the fridge (and they use everything in rewind -mode and then replay). I don't know if I like it when they do that, b/c I don't think it's appropriate to the theme of the show. I don't know. I thought it was good otherwise though. I am a huge fan. I love James Gandolfini.

ha ha, i thought my tv was all fucked up for a second......


jumpdei.gif Boink like a bunny with spring fever!!!


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Originally posted by sarahb:

The scene with Tony's mother wasn't computerized. They filmed those scenes a long time ago (way before she died) That's the reason for the scene being very short and sweet (Tony basically asking about the plane ticket-scandal) b/c they knew she was old and probably going to die soon, so they filmed a sort of generic scene in case she happened to die.

yeah, it was done with computers...i saw this thing on tv this am about how they did it and it was taken from a bunch of old scenes she was in...they also used a body double and a lot of computer work to come up with that scene. i must be the only person in the universe that didn't know she died over the summer.....


jumpdei.gif Boink like a bunny with spring fever!!!


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How about that funky spyhunter/police everybreath u take mix. i thought that was right on.


Computer games dont affect kids. I mean if computer games affected us as kids we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching pills, and listening to repetitive music.

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I dunno about seeing Pussy in the mirror...but I was also a little disappointed with the season premier...after where they left us last year, you would kind of expect to have a real action packed premier...i guess they were just setting us up for things to come in this season...the part where Carmella speaks for everyone was great!!! and Janice telling the russian chick to get out of the house!!! I cannot stand her Janice, she is such a caniving (spelling?) bitch!!! As far as having the scenes with the mother, I def thought that was a little cheezy, it wasn't done very good, they could have worked her death into the episode without having to see her.



The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

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Originally posted by wombat:

Did you see Pussy in the mirror for about 1 frame when all the guys were in the hallway bullshittn'n? cwm31.gif

THAT WAS TWEAKED - while the cousin was talking about 'survivor'

i thought that last night was good, real good. carmela was right on - AND throwing back drinks like a champ, too.

QUESTION - did you see the scene when they were ripping rails before the funeral. are they actualy snorting anything, and if they are - is it coke?

might as well catch a buzz while working, no?



you can judge the quality and content of one's character by the way they treat someone that can do nothing for them...

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my review:

all in all, the season premiere wasn't that great. there were only few good parts, like seeing pussy in the mirror, & when chris was coked up rambling on & on was classic... & damn, his gf is hot!

that digital scene of tony's mom sucked ...her hairstyle was different everytime the camera went back on her.

who the fuck was that old guy that came down the stairs & went back up again towards the end of the show? did anyone else see that?

meadow is lookin better now that she lost some weight, her & her roommate look good enough to get the sausage. & how funny was it when the feds refer to tony's kids as "baby-bing" & "princess-bing".

paulie is my favorite character, i hope they showcase him alot more this season. he's the funniest one..

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Originally posted by bigmario99:

who the fuck was that old guy that came down the stairs & went back up again towards the end of the show? did anyone else see that?

OK...one more time...that was Johnny Boy Soprano, Tony Soprano's father. Him and Big Pussy made an appearance to artistically show that they were paying their respects to Tony's mother.

There's going to be a lot more action coming in the next couple of weeks. I can feel it. Peace.


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AOL: Highmay9

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